$cience and the HIV 'virus' - another scam to create a U$ 500 billion industry?
AIDS is not spread by the mythical HIV virus.
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV virus is quite likely another hoax.  It is quite certainly a multi-billion-dollar market, a market so vast it is almost as well-oiled with money as ‘cancer research’ another corrupt and fraudulent industry. As with the Corona nonsense, the real origins, symptoms, and treatments were and are still hidden and anyone who uncovers the truth about HIV and AIDS is silenced.  HIV as a falsified pandemic, creating an industry generating billions in funding and is quite similar in mendacity, fraud and corruption to the smallpox quackcines hoax of the 19th century.
The scam
HIV drugs comprise a massive $500 billion industry. Â No one knows what causes AIDS and those who do research and have ideas and endeavour to discover the origins and treatments for AIDS, are censored. Â In other words, the reigning paradigm of false science and endless drugs is just another mafia racket.
The Fake Virus and real racism
In the 1980s AIDS was marketed as a NEW sexually transmitted disease which was passed in viral form, from monkeys to humans through sexual intercourse in Africa, then spread further by Gay sex. This is about as degenerate a ‘racist’ slur as one can make up – Black men raping monkeys.  Then magically, the ‘virus’ infected gay Black lovers apparently in Africa, jumped over to America and spread further from there.  The Gay community in America and elsewhere was accused of generating a ‘pandemic’.Â
The HIV fairy-tale is a ridiculous, irrational, anti-scientific, bigoted and racist story. It is almost as bad as the fiction from the quack Jenner, that horse pus in the hooves of a horse would be transferred and infect a cow, causing its teats to become infected with ‘cow smallpox’, and that the pus and fluid from these ulcerated teats when injected into your shoulder would prevent ‘human smallpox’.
In fact, AIDS was likely a byproduct of various stabbinations in Africa and elsewhere which degenerated the immune system as all the ‘vaccines’ surely do; combined with drugs, poor sanitation, illicit sexual habits, complicated by normal infectious diseases.Â
Evidence is pretty overwhelming that the HIV virus itself is a hoax. In fact, the HIV virus has never been identified and it has precious little to do with Africa or monkeys.
["HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? A Stephen Allen film.]
Who gets HIV-AIDS?
AIDS is confined mainly to drug users and gay and bisexual men in specific urban neighbourhoods in most countries. It is not found in the normal heterosexual population who are not ingesting drugs into the bloodstream or who do not have sex with bisexual men. AIDS appears to be an affliction of poor health habits, sexual profligacy, drugs and insanitary living.  No one knows what really causes AIDS. It is quite likely as Nobel prizing winning chemist Kary Mullis concluded, that AIDS is a label covering many different diseases and symptoms.
No control group experimentation
As with Corona or Smallpox no control group experimentation has been done – a sure signal of fraud. The HIV ‘correlation argument’ has never been proven using controlled studies for the three major risk groups: transfusion recipients, hemophiliacs, and drug abusers. None.Â
The Magic Virus and a new industry
US biomedical researcher Robert Gallo found immediate stardom when in 1984 he claimed to have identified a deadly virus, new to humanity, as the cause of AIDS. I assume that he was amply rewarded for his ‘heroic science’. It was a magical apparition.  The microbe Gallo said he had found became known as HIV. Gallo purportedly said he ‘was forced to find something’ by government and pharma.  The factcheckers will declare that statement to be false. There is no evidence however of an HIV virus causing AIDS.
The Cure
A failed cancer drug called AZT, was pulled off the shelf by American government researchers because of an apparent anti-HIV effect, forced on sufferers, killing and injuring thousands. It was administered in high doses not just to people with AIDS but to gay men, haemophiliacs and others thought to be HIV-infected, earning hundreds of millions of pounds for the US drug company Burroughs Wellcome and its British parent, the Wellcome Foundation (later taken over by Glaxo). American and British government institutions promoted it vigorously as the ‘gold standard’ of AIDs treatment. Doctors who publicly objected were de-registered, de-licensed and silenced. Sounds familiar to me.Â
After 40 years of research and endless money ‘the science’ has failed to bring either a vaccine or cure for the purported ‘HIV’ infection. Taken over long periods, the drugs themselves can kill, contributing significantly to the 800 or so deaths reported annually of ‘people living with HIV’ in the UK.
HIV and the AIDS ‘pandemic’ is a U$ 500 billion or so market size.  Since the 1980s, hundreds of billions have been poured into AIDS research and treatment through the US National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the then leadership of ‘Dr’ Anthony Fauci. Well-funded NGOs and activist groups have been formed to access the money. AIDS has been the 2nd largest target of ‘medical’ funds in US history, just behind cancer and for more of the 80s and 90s ahead of cancer funding.
Kary Mullis and evidence
Kary Mullis a Nobel prize wining chemist, who invented the PCR test, originally developed the technology to combat the AIDS epidemic by copying and analysing infected DNA. Mullis stated that AIDS is caused by a constellation of issues and some 30 diseases are relabelled AIDS (minute 17).
For the record in his own words, the PCR test has nothing to do with testing for a Corona-virus. The Corona scamdemic was in large part a fake test-demic.
Mullis was murdered (my opinion) in August 2019 just before the Corona scam was unleashed. Mullis along with many other scientists have testified that there is no body of scientific evidence demonstrating the validity of the ‘deadly new virus’ idea.  This fact is still true today, despite hundreds of thousands of papers having been published over the years predicated on the HIV belief system.
Henry Bauer, a retired professor of science studies who has drawn on numerous sources in documenting The Case Against HIV, says: ‘Anyone open to looking at the actual data . . . can find an enormous amount of evidence that the diagnosis of HIV as cause of AIDS is simply wrong.’
Scientist and immunologist Peter Duesberg in ‘Inventing the AIDS Virus’ asks some questions which have never been answered:
If HIV causes AIDS, why have thousands of AIDS victims never had HIV?
Why have hundreds of thousands who have had HIV - for many years - remained perfectly healthy?
Why does the discoverer of the HIV virus (Gallo) now claim it cannot be the sole cause of AIDS?
Why has more than ten years of AIDS research - costing tens of billions of dollars - failed to show how (or even if) HIV causes AIDS or attacks the immune system?
The British Medical Journal confirms that HIV does not cause AIDs.
Books you shouldn’t read
Many failures and lies of HIV and AIDS are documented by Robert Kennedy Jr in his best-selling 2021 book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Other good works include:
·       Joan Shenton, 'Positively False; Exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS'
·       Neville Hodgkinson, 'AIDS: The failure of contemporary science'
·       Peter Duesberg, 'Inventing the AIDS Virus'
·       Peter Duesberg (editor), 'AIDS; Virus or drug induced?'
·       Peter Duesberg, 'Infectious AIDS: Have we been misled?'
·       Robert Root-Bernstein, 'Rethinking AIDS; The tragic cost of premature consensus'
·       Jad Adams, 'AIDS; The HIV myth'
·       Jon Rappoport, 'AIDS Inc.; Scandal of the century'
As with the smallpox stabbination scam, the HIV virus myth provided the elite, government and pharma with a template to impose a ‘cure’ on unsuspecting innocents, creating a massive US$ 500 billion market. It was in some ways a test pilot for the Corona fascism.Â