Criminal $cientism. From the Moon Hoax to the Corona Caliphate.
Randy Walsh’s book, ‘The Apollo Moon Missions, Hiding a Hoax in Plain Sight’ is a great compendium of questions for 'the Science' to answer.
The Corona Scamdemic, has likely awoken maybe 30% of the population to the disinformation and anti-Science which pervades our existence. Disinformation is now found in all ‘news’ outlets with the major propaganda (aka news) organisations owned by a select few corporations, with many inter-relationships and cross-ownerships between these corporations. Anti-Science is now $cience, the manifestation of which was clearly seen during the Corona scamdemic, in which a real death rate of 0.3%, the same as the flu, was turned into the greatest plague in history, far worse than the Black Death, with the concomitant religious-cry of the Corona faithful, that the diapers, lockdowns, and Stabbinations which macht-frei (they didn’t, you were still locked down), were the only ‘scientific’ responses to this deadly plague. The Black Death of 1347-1350 lasted barely 2.5 years. The Corona four years later, still rolls forward. It is a travesty that people are so stupid. It certainly calls into question the religion of Evolution and Darwinism which proposes never-ending progress and magical mutations of improvement. Look around you, do you see ‘the fittest’?
It is obvious that most people are not deep thinkers nor indeed very smart about the world around them. Everyone does need a religion however and the Corona-Caliphate filled that hole. Regardless of money, job titles, status, letters after their name, or posturing, most people are not critical thinkers, with no more than 10-20% being categorised as such. This leaves an awful mass of humanity to be ‘religiously’ indoctrinated, manipulated, stampeded, penned, ‘inoculated’ and potentially culled, or least ‘managed’ for their own best interests of course, including for ‘health and safety’ or to ‘save something or someone’. Medical Nazism in the guise of ‘health and safety’, the surest path along with ‘climate’ or ‘save Gaia’, to install an Orwellian-Huxleyian future.
Once you recognise the role the US government has played in the Corona-scam, you begin to wonder about much of what it is you think you know. The US government illegally, (against its own laws and international agreements) has set up 40 odd bio-labs in the Uketopia its 51rst state, and 300 or more world-wide. They are not making aspirin. They are engaged in biological products for war. Yet nary a peep of analysis from the Fake News and Faker $cience. Money laundering from the Uke-topia to the Biden crime family and other US political crime syndicates is well known. The Uketopian 51rst state is one of the most corrupt and criminal on planet earth. The war on Russia, on-going since the time of Yushchenko (2005-10), using Ukrainian men and women as the proxy army, an obvious fact. Yet few dare to question the narrative on the Uketopian conflict, with the Russians, viscerally attacked by the never-ending expansion of the US (called NATO), as the villains of the theatre, with the increasingly totalitarian US Federal Government, an entity so corrupt and rotten it would embarrass a writer of fiction, the protagonists saving ‘democracy’, ‘values’ and especially queer-Tranny ‘rights’. The hill in Keeeev is the last defence of ‘civilisation’ as defined by the criminal-cabal of the US and its globalist funded elite.
Corona was one of the greatest lies, scandals, and totalitarian impositions in history. In my opinion, this fascism was a US Federal Government-CIA-DoD led initiative. The use of media has many correlations with the moon hoax. The CIA and DoD were all over NASA during the 1960s and 70s. If the US government was able to use the 4 or 5 corporations who control the Fake News and the images on the idiot box worldwide, to establish the Corona-Caliphate, could they not have done the same to manipulate the masses on a moon ‘landing’? Indeed, wouldn’t the moon landing hoax be a template for the Corona Caliphate? How difficult would it be to fake the moon landings? You have the launch, the rockets and capsules are jettisoned a few minutes later into the south Pacific after the ‘world’ has ‘seen’ the lift off. You fake the communications on the travel to the lunar surface. You skip over as quickly as possible the landing, take some 20-25 photos of the surface and some black and white grainy videos. The return trip is largely ignored and you have the theatre of splash down, with a C-5 military plane dropping the 3 parachuted tin can away from view and miles from the waiting navy ships. You hire the trusted voice of Cronkite to narrate the live movie. How hard would it be to do this?
Randy Walsh is a pilot and former moon-landing-believer. Like many he drank the kool-aid that a corrupt, decrepit, disorganised and wasteful NASA had the brains and the planning skills to build massive rockets and land men on a radiation-rich, inhospitable globe 240.000 miles away. His 2018, two volume work ‘The Apollo Moon Missions’ make very interesting reading and compiles a lot of the observations from those who do not subscribe to the moon hoax narrative. The US government, which killed JFK, Robert Kennedy, MLK, and has waged endless war since World War II, is quite capable of anything and everything. It is a diseased and sick entity, evil, probably satanic and quite demented. It is not what people want to believe it is. It is almost inevitable it faked the moon landings.
Walsh’s insights include:
§ Apollo 11 is used a template of analysis and it is clear that it is a movie and a faked mission
§ The US had no capability in the 1960s to go beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
§ The US was far behind the Russians (and still is) in rocket technology
§ NASA knew by 1965 that it did not have the technology to exit LEO and therefore resolved to fake the landing
§ Many people at the time of Apollo 11, expressed doubt about the landings, with some 25% or more Americans sceptical that such a landing took place
§ The US does not have the capability today to go to the International Space Station (250 miles from the Earth) yet chatters it will ‘return to the moon’, in 2025. How can they leave LEO without a rocket program? Are they again planning to use CGI or movie-effects to fake another ‘landing’?
§ The heavy lift Saturn V rocket which was used in the Apollo missions had no chance of exiting LEO or going to the moon
§ Many scientists and their work are cited in the analysis of the Saturn V rocket systems and the F-1 engines which were the core of these systems, and they simply did not have the power or range to fly to the moon and back
§ NASA today cannot fly past LEO and does not have anything comparable to the Saturn V systems which were the most powerful rockets ever built and discontinued in 1973
§ NASA discontinued the space-shuttle program in 2011 and has not created a replacement program for rocket systems and related technology since 2011
§ The lack of testing of the rockets and related equipment in real flight and real inter-stellar conditions makes it impossible that all the ‘technology’ would function perfectly
§ Various reports by NASA Quality Assurance during the 1960s (Baron’s report for example) paint a sordid picture of disorganisation, poor quality, a lack of testing, incompetence and gross mis-management
§ The computer and navigation equipment had no memory, no RAM or ROM and could never have processed even a tithe of the information needed to journey to the moon and back
§ The onboard computer and navigation systems were essentially inoperable and probably no more than a façade to give the appearance of automation
§ The lunar modules never possessed the autonomous computing capabilities to execute the complex tasks associated with a 500.000-mile journey or moon landing, or return, you need autonomous computerisation to make such a trip even remotely feasible
§ Van Allen radiation belts, galactic cosmic rays, solar particle events, and coronal mass ejections makes inter-stellar space travel for humans nigh impossible, with some 30 events occurring per day, any one of them would vaporise a thinly protected module
§ NASA has never provided Apollo-mission radiation detail or readings from the Van Allen radiation belts or from the moon’s surface, in fact no telemetry from any of the flights has been offered with all the data now ‘lost’ (i.e. destroyed or more likely, they of course never existed, given that the Apollo flights never ventured above 200 miles)
§ NASA ‘lost’ all 14.000 canisters of tape-telemetry information related to the Apollo program and flights
§ NASA has ‘lost’ all of the hardware, software and communication designs
§ The intensity of radiation on the moon is 1000x time that of what we experience on earth and the inter-stellar radiation through the Van Allen belts and the related cosmic and solar irruptions would be many times greater than that of the moon
§ The shielding needed to attenuate radiation levels during a trip to the moon was not present in the capsule design, with a thin membrane of aluminium based protection being vastly insufficient to protect from the excessive levels of radiation
§ The thin 1.5-inch thick aluminium capsule was necessary, to minimise the weight of transport, and reduce the amount of rocket thrust and fuel consumption, there is thus the impossibility of managing the conflicting requirements of protection, tonnage and rocket and fuel capacities
§ The temperature variation within space and on the moon would destroy equipment, a camera (emulsion-based technology) and render survival impossible (-250 F to 250 F on the moon’s surface, 5000 F on re-entry, wild fluctuations on the voyage to and from the lunar surface)
§ The inability of the Lunar Module to land on the moon’s surface, its ridiculous ‘straight down’ flight which would have destroyed it, and the fact that Armstrong only flew a simulated replica for 2 hours before hand, yet on the moon the complexity of command module-lunar module detachment, its descent and then the ascent and re-engagement with the command module miles about the moon’s surface is somehow perfectly conducted the first time
§ A long list of NASA and Apollo failures are given, yet we are to believe that starting with Apollo 8, manned missions to the moon were flawlessly executed, with nary an accident, a death, a sickness, or mishap, Apollo 13 theatre notwithstanding
§ It is pretty obvious that the Russians found the aborted Apollo 13 capsule in the Bay of Biscay after an issue with its launch, and we should note that there were no astronauts aboard the command module, none were recovered (or no information about such a recovery), probably indicating that none of the Apollo flights were manned
§ The Russians by 1965 knew that a lunar landing was impossible and discontinued their quest for the same, they also faked, or lied about a supposed ‘manned’ lunar orbit and return with a cosmonaut, a tortoise, some snakes and other animals, who were quite likely fried and vaporised and probably did not even get much beyond 500 miles
§ The re-entry would have destroyed the flimsy Apollo module and vaporised anyone inside, travelling at 24000 mph with an outside temperature of 5000 F
§ Commercial flights over the splash-down areas reported seeing a large military plane (C-5) dropping the parachute-enabled module into the sea from some 30.000 feet or less
§ Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey came out in 1968, and Hollywood had the studios, the experience and even set-reuse at hand to apply to a moon hoax
If the US landed on the moon 6 times in 4 years, why no return? If it was that easy, surely there would be ‘buses’ to the moon by now? Trips for lovers, romantics? The getaway vacation for a week or two? Given that the astronauts were never ill, radiated or displayed any physical discomfort surely this ‘proves’ that like Hans Solo or Captain Kirk we can all zoom and zip around inter-stellar space, anywhere at mach 10 with nary a complaint or cold, all powered by magic fuel with endless magic food, and huge spaces and areas to walk around, engage in philosophical hand-waving and change clothes which the astronauts apparently did with regularity, in their car size environment?
Today software systems routinely backup their code 3 times or more, financial institutions have long had all their data saved on tape for 7-10 years, yet we are to believe that the most important voyage in history, and all the original designs, information, telemetry and metrics have been ‘lost’ by NASA a government institution. Yet the moon-believers in the same breath, excuse this monumental display of fraud or stupidity, and vigorously declare that the creature called government, or its misshaped offspring such as NASA, are the ‘$cience’ and ‘know the facts’ and they ‘can do anything’. How does that reality square the circle? Organisations and institutions so incompetent that they lose everything to do with the greatest voyage in history yet the true-believers demand that you trust them because they ‘are the religion of the $cience’. Mind boggling.
The reality is that the US Government, its bought and paid for media and $cience, just assumes that the average person is a moron. And they are not wrong. The moon hoax to the Corona Caliphate was a small step for the US Government, and a giant leap for despotism.