Dr Eleanor McBean, ‘The Poisoned Needle’ (1957). The Stab industry is a Government-Drug Cartel and Mafia.
Excellent resource on the medical Nazism and tyranny which created the Corona scamdemic.
The Dumb Ages
This is truly the ‘Dark Ages’ or maybe the ‘Dumb Ages’. Even a common man like me, is confounded and amazed at the massive and consistent deference to authority displayed by the average person. What happened to critical thinking, energy, individual rights, autonomy, the human spirit, indeed what happened to civilisation? Crushed by Statism and the endless levels of government and agencies. Disembodied defenceless populations (outside the USA), unable to resist the state, its endless propaganda, ‘$cience’ and unable to fight back against police forces who are more akin to a form of Gestapo than a group interested in public safety and preventing crime.
Whither liberty?
The eradication of liberty and reality, a world in which a man is now a woman, proceeds at an astonishing rate. Part of this new world disorder is the almost universal belief in the magic elixirs and powers of resurrection represented by drugs and pharmaceutical interventions. We can term this $cientism, or the confluence and integration of the State, Pharma, Philosophy, fraudulent $cience and perverted Metaphysics.
Censoring truth
During the 1950s, now viewed as near-ancient history, Dr Eleanor McBean was a well-known stabbination critic, issuing truth and data from her home and practice in California USA, and outlining the evidence in books and pamphlets during the 1950s against ‘vaccination’. She of course was ignored, censored, de-registered and viciously attacked in the ‘thriving democracy’ of America. Today she would be targeted by the CIA-CDC-complex for assassination.
History and Medical lessons
‘The Poisoned Needle’ is an essential read for any who are interested in the very long fraud of ‘vaccination’ and its attendant injury and death. Dr McBean gives a history lesson, as well as a medical masterclass on epidemiology and virology (itself a non-science). Dr. McBean’s warnings are even more relevant today, in our age of the real Dark or Dumb Ages, where the sheeple, cowering, bowing and scraping under the shadows of the great gods of Moloch authority – the government, the drug industry, the medical establishment, the ‘science – will seemingly ingest any poison or cocktail proffered, resting secure in the religious belief that they are ‘saved’, ‘virtuous’ and ‘doing their duty’. What a system of brainwashing and propaganda over 200 years! One of the few areas where government excels.
Stabbination Origination
Dr McBean writes about the origins of ‘vaccination’, “This infusion of poison injected into the blood stream of the masses only served to intensify the disease in some cases, suppress the symptoms in others and create new and more serious diseases in still others…..a Frankenstein monster of immense proportions that moves relentlessly forward, grinding under foot the multitudes that throng its path.” After 3 years of Corona Medical fascism is there any better and more prescient observation than the above, written in 1957 when mandatory stabs outside of the military, still lay in the future? How many heeded Dr McBean’s warning about the criminal government-pharma complex and how it relentlessly destroys and crushes the masses and any opposition?
Dr McBean also cites what is true post the Corona mRNA stabbination debacle, the appearance of ‘mystery diseases’. What else would anyone expect, when injecting toxins into the bloodstream? “Through the lethal power of this poisoned needle, the simply zymotic (contagious) diseases of the past have been devolved into the horrors of the present – our terrifying and expanding crop of ‘killer diseases’. Many of these strange ‘mystery diseases’ that baffle the entire world, are the sordid products of vaccine poisons that disturb the chemical balance of the body and interfere with normal functioning.”
Again, how exact and prescient this woman is. Post the Corona mRNA we have Drs Baffled and Confused in conference with Nurses Tik and Tok, ruminating that the explosion in deaths and injury post the stabs is indeed a mystery which needs a Hercule Poirot to untangle. Perhaps eating too much bacon, the climate change-thingy, or maybe gardening and duvet shaking are the loci and provenance of the ‘excess’ dead and the millions of injured. Surely it cannot be the safely effective mRNA stabs?
Lethal criminality - for profit
Dr. McBean was 70 years ahead of the masses in the recognition of the criminality and lethality of the pharmaceutical-government military-industrial complex. Pharmaceutical firms own wide swathes of the political and regulatory landscape, which is now well-known and understood. All predicted by Dr. McBean. Inter-alia she plainly writes the following:
1. Germ theory upon which stabbinations are based is fraudulent (Pasteur’s original ‘discovery’ around germs and their causation of disease is indeed an example of quackery and data fraud)
2. Germs are found to develop out of decaying or injured cells and play a role to mitigate illness and handle and take away the waste and detritus caused by the disease; it therefore makes little sense to send toxins into the bloodstream to eliminate them (Antoine Beauchamp’s terrain theory of disease)
3. In 1955, way back in the mists of ancient history, already 90% of Americans suffered from some variety of mental and physical illness, much of this related to toxins in medicine, food and even water
4. From 1880 to 1950 there was an explosion in killer diseases in the USA, including an increase in cancer by 300%, heart disease by 179%, diabetes 1800%, and polio 680%
5. Cancer death rates increased from 65 persons per 100.000 population in 1900, to 135 per 100.000 in 1948
6. What causes cancer? It is blood poisoning or ‘toxemia’ which produces the local conditions that form cancerous cells and include lymphatic poisoning (which is what the stabs will cause), tobacco, mineral oil, alcohol, arsenic, spices, coal tar products, drugs, additives, even white sugar plus many other substances, which starve the body of vitamins
7. Smallpox was eradicated by sanitation improvements, not the quackcines, and epidemics were rife after 90% of the population was jagged, but when the stab rates markedly declined, so too did death from smallpox
8. In April 1954 before mass vaccinations in LA County, with a population at that time of 4 million, out of 48 ‘common diseases’ there was reported 19,997 deaths; however, post the mass vaccination of 1954, some 47,070 had died by July 1954
9. Death, blindness, illnesses, other diseases made vibrant – all these and much more were ignored or not recorded by the state and doctors (no reporting system at that time existed)
10. There is an edifying chapter on polio and its fraud (there is no polio virus) this chapter destroys the Salk and polio vaccine myth
11. Another section on rabies illuminates the fraud of the non-existent rabies virus (another quackery created by Pasteur and friends for money), in fact more people have died from the rabies shot than ever will die from a dog bite (hydrophobia is a myth)
Even back in the 1950s it was clear that vaccination was a criminal mafia ‘racket’, as Dr McBean correctly points out, “After smallpox vaccination was found to be so financially profitable for doctors and serum manufacturers, serums for other diseases were invented and enforced with the same financial increase but also with the same decrease in the elimination of the disease”.
Feudal Power
The drug industry has far more power than the medieval Catholic Church ever did, “The medical dictatorship has extended its tentacles, since that time, until it now has control over a much wider area than the church ever did…it also wields dictatorial power over the schools, colleges, charities churches, public libraries, press, radio…many industries, and businesses, even the Civil Service…” We can add, bought and paid for politicians and agencies. After 3 years of Corona Fascism who can doubt that the drug industry and its enablers ‘big government’ are not a criminal mafia with dictatorial powers?
It is a great book full of history, quotes, citations, highlighting the work of other realists and real doctors who understood the immune system and why the quackcinations derange and destroy your perfectly healthy 99.7% or more effective system of natural defence. This book puts the medical tyranny of Corona – which seems to be an inevitability when viewed in the long duration of history and the 200 years of the vaccine fraud – into perspective.