Flying Viruses don’t exist. Virus theology is one of the great examples of $cientism.
Quackery, deceit, lies, lack of proofs, no common sense, saturates the modern religion of flying viruses and viral transmission.
Too many sceptics of the Corona fascism accept the ‘normative’ (normie) view that flying viruses exist. This belief is from indoctrination. You have been told your entire life by the ‘The Science’ that flying ‘germs’ relabelled ‘viruses’ have been ‘discovered’ and ‘confirmed’ to exist. Further you have brainwashed that there is a monomorphic relationship between a single ‘virus’ and a single ‘disease’. No evidence for monomorphism of a ‘virus’ exists. This post will summarise why viruses do not exist. Once you free your mind from this non-science, you are better able to defend yourself from medical totalitarianism, health fascism, from criminal quacks and from the state and its partners in the criminal industry of pharmaceuticals profiteering from ignorance and blind, stupid belief.
What is a virus?
There are some 200 definitions of a ‘virus’. No single definition is agreed upon, but a common interpretation is an ‘intracellular parasite’. This word salad means nothing. 100 trillion bacteria inhabit each person’s body. The ‘intracellular parasite’ would reference a bacterium which causes cell decay or tissue inflammation. But no such bacteria exist in situ in our bodies. Bacteria are the ‘garbage collectors’ within our complex body and immune systems. They arrive to clean up detritus and decayed cell matter and tissue. They don’t cause the same.
Stating that ‘Corona 19’ ‘genomic’ material is found in your system, is as irrelevant and ignorant as apocryphally stating that your DNA is 98% similar to that of a banana. Truncated ‘strands’ or ‘isolated material’ being ‘similar’ does not mean you are a banana (though many normies are indeed vegetables). Genomic strand correspondence does not mean you are ill or will die.
The etymology of the word virus is from Latin, meaning ‘poison’ or a toxic sap or substance. For 2000 years until the ‘modern’ 20th century, this definition was accepted as factual, meaning that a virus was related to toxic materials and influences. It was not created from abiogenesis (another non-science), nor manufactured from genomic material in our bodies. A virus for 2000 years referenced poisons imbibed and ingested which changed our bodily tissues and cells, fomenting a reaction, labelled a disease.
Modern myths
The modern concept of a virus can be dated back to the 17th century. Pasteur in the 19th century is usually credited with the ‘theory of germs’ forwarded in two phases in the 1860s and 1880s but there are many theories and ideas, akin to Pasteur’s germ theory which long pre-date the mid-19th century. Koch the German competitor to Pasteur, is celebrated for his ‘postulates’ on disease creation which his own experiments on ‘germs’ failed to satisfy. Between Pasteur and Koch, the state with its medical and scientific ‘societies’ declared that ‘germs’, renamed ‘viruses’ were the cause of disease. Every disease was associated with a single ‘virus’. The cure was a drug or vaccine. Profits, power and control over populations was the real objective.
As with Saint Jenner the criminal fraud, Pasteur was a quack and Koch created and issued a ‘vaccine’ for tuberculosis which killed thousands of Germans. Their theories still remain unproven and experimentally unsupported. They do generate billions in profits each year for the drug industry to ‘keep us safe’ from the flying viruses. Obviously, your pet will die from the flying rabies unless you ‘inoculate’ it every year for £200 a shot. You don’t want to be an evil and negligent pet owner and endanger your children by exposing them to rabies right? Alternative theories including Pasteur’s contemporary Bechamp’s terrain theory, explain much better how disease forms in our bodies and those of our pets.
The religion of Virology
Astrology is more useful and contains more science than modern virology. The following recapitulates the arcane inanity of modern ‘medical science’ around how a ‘virus spreads’:
1. A chicken has a ‘genomic’ sequence labelled a ‘virus’, which if transferred to humans is somehow toxic (humans and chickens have cohabited for millennia, so pace the religion of ‘evolution’ shouldn’t you be immune to chicken DNA material since you are the ‘fittest’?);
2. The clucking creature is petted by your son, or eaten in a ‘wet market’ in Wuhan (the science is ‘certain’ that any contact can result in a transfer), this kicks off the catastrophe;
3. The ‘virus’ leaves the tissue of the chicken through touching, or is present in the tissue through ingestion and enters the body of the new host;
4. This ‘virus’ then finds its way into the respiratory tract and ‘attacks’ your respiratory system, cells, membranes and tissues, causing ‘bird flu’;
5. The ‘bird flu’ and its toxic genomic material ‘spreads’ through ‘recombinant DNA copying’ (more word salads), issuing viral matter into your organs, destroying cells and functionality, it is carnage worthy of a war (imagine a sword wielding viral-DNA chain slaughtering the innocent cells of your body);
6. ‘Influenza’ or cold symptoms include fever, shallow breathing, chest pain, sweating and debilitating muscular weakness;
7. If old, frail, obese, or suffering from pre-conditions (or all the aforementioned) you die;
8. Before you die, the ‘bird flu virus’ lodged into your mucous membranes and nasal cavities, is ejected in ‘water molecules’, which are airborne and float and fly (sometimes for miles, pace the ‘science’)
9. The toxic viral-DNA protected by water sacs, with a distinct ‘genomic’ footprint, will float and fly into a recipient’s eyes, nose, mouth;
10. The water-protected ‘viral DNA matter’ will also be transferred to surfaces and will await a person to touch the surface, collect the viral DNA onto their fingers, they will then rub their face and then somehow the viral matter now released from its water-sac, will ambulate into the nose, eyes, mouth or ears of the recipient host;
11. The new host will then succumb to the toxic viral-DNA admixture which enters the respiratory tract and causes ‘flu symptoms’;
12. The process then repeats until there is an epidemic and the entire globe needs to be shut down, locked down, diapered down and stabbed down.
The above nonsense and stupidity are declared to be ‘science’. For Corona 19 the bat-pangolin ‘virus’ provenance was Wuhan China, and somehow by a series of miraculous transferences, was spread across most of the globe. It is noteworthy that the death rate was the same as the ‘flu’, the symptoms the same as influenza or a bad cold, and that the death rates did not increase in ‘modern nations’ until the stabbinations appeared in December 2020. In Africa and other locales that were ‘vaccine hesitant’ the death rates were a fraction of what they were in ‘modern states’ that happily stabbed 90% of the population, most of them gullible sheeple.
When you view the concept of a ‘viral’ pandemic, it is embarrassing how ridiculous, religious, puerile and fictitious the belief system is. There is more magic and religiosity in this framework than anything seen at a Marian shrine. Not a single experiment can prove any of the above as an end-to-end process, nor even mechanically prove its constituent parts or claims.
19th and 20th century experiments, real world events
As with much in science, actual mechanical and physical experimentation disprove the flying virus ‘consensus’. Real world experiments have existed for more than 200 years and were extant before and during the quackery of Jenner, Pasteur and Koch was paraded and hailed as the ‘consensus science’. If we had proper education and a functioning information media, the quackery of the ‘virus’ religion would long ago have been foresworn and declared criminal. The following are examples of mechanical proofs against the flying virus theology.
During the 19th century, it was proven that pellagra, scurvy, yellow fever and other diseases, long held to be ‘contagious’ and caused by particle transmissions, were not contagious and unrelated to ‘germs’ or transferable agents of illness.
During the 1800s, at least 50 self-inoculation and human to human transmission experiments to transfer communicable diseases from one host to a second host all failed (Ackernecht EH. 2009. Int J Epidemial, 38-1:7-21).
1835 Clot-Bey took the blood of a buboes (plague) victim in Egypt and injected the liquid into 5 Egyptian prisoners. One became unwell likely due to his pestilential living conditions and the psychological effect of being stabbed. The others were unaffected by the supposed death sentence of buboes injection. Clot Bey injected himself 6 separate times and remained healthy (Coudray, F. 1926. Arch. Med. Et Pharm. Milit. 85-4:387).
1887, Dr Lawrence Tait after performing many surgeries and detailed experiments, declared that bacteria do not cause disease but are responsible for decomposing tissue and could not possibly attack healthy tissue, meaning that decomposition was not an indication of a germ (Tait, L. 1887. BML. 2(1386):166-70). Doctors John Lowe, Thomas Keith, and Geo Bantock confirmed Tait’s experiments and observations.
1889-1894, the ‘Russian influenza’ outbreak claimed some 1 million lives globally. Supposedly the ‘pandemic’ originated in the same month of May in Athabasca Canada, and Bukhara Turkestan. By October 1889 it was simultaneously present in Tomsk Russia and Kazan Russia, which are separated by 2,700 km. No single ‘particle’ or ‘germ’ emanating from a ‘single source’ can account for these observations. Russians named this ‘pandemic’ the Chinese-cold, believing quite rightly, that the floods of Hwang Ho river in China, killing humans and livestock, polluted the soil and mud with rotting corpses, and when the soil dried, easterly winds deposited the toxins over Russia and into Europe (Althaus J. 1892. Influenza, vol. 266). Other diseases such as dengue fever and cholera were also labelled as ‘Russian flu’ which is a common problem with ‘the science’ given how many ‘diseases’ contain overlapping symptoms.
1891, Professor Clinical Surgery James White executed experiments and surgeries where he noticed that if the dead tissue was cleansed from a wound or infection, ‘germs’ would enter the area without consequence and did not cause disease (White J.W. 1891. Ann. Surgery. 13(1):1-30).
1899, Dr Robert Ormiston illustrated how bacteria functioned as ‘saprophytes’ or scavengers rather than pathogens. They return dead or dying tissue back to their original source, which allows our bodies to reuse or dispose the elements (Ormiston R. 1889. Am. J. Dent Sci. 23(2):49-64).
1899, Dr. George Wilson exhibited that pathogenic ‘germs’ are only found in ‘necrosed’ or dead tissue. Rather than being a cause of the disease, the ‘germs’ were an end product (Wilson, G. 1899. BMJ. 2(2014):347-8).
1914, Dr Walther Kruse conducted two experiments exposing 48 healthy male volunteers to nasal secretions obtained from ‘cases’ of a normal flu or cold, using a saline filter. About 1/3 became ill with ‘flu symptoms’. Doctors Foster and Dodd were able to replicate these experimental results. This means that influenza is not caused by a ‘bacillus’, so they surmised that something very small or a ‘virus’ must have slipped through the filter to make people ill (Kruse W. 1914. Much. Med. Wschr. 61:1547). What cause the cold symptoms was later revealed to be a chemical irritant and powder used in in the injections, which causes an immediate reaction including coughing and sneezing (Mudd S. 1923. J Bacterial. 8(5):459-81).
1918-1921, the ‘Spanish flu’ epidemic was a curious case of multi-causation attributed, inaccurately and incredibly to a single ‘pathogen’. Many causal factors created this ‘epidemic’ in which 40 million died including inter-alia: the vaccine/drugs themselves (some people took 5 or more injections); masking (Fauci’s own study confirms that the diapers were a significant factor in death); electrification or electro-magnetic radiation poisoning; mustard or poisoned gas from the war; claims that German naval ships released poisoned gas clouds along the North American and European coasts; and aspirin over-dosing. Not a single shred of proof has identified or isolated a singular ‘pathogen’ which initiated this pandemic. It was a combination of factors made far worse by the ‘cure’ and prescribed policies and reactions of governments (vaccines, face diapers and lockdowns, this might sound familiar given that the Spanish flu was the template for the Corona fascism).
1918-1921, the US navy performed countless experiments trying to understand the ‘Spanish flu’ and its supposed contagious properties. In a variety of experiments using control groups, the US navy failed to prove that sick personnel could transmit the ‘flu’ to healthy personnel. Using a melange of isolated locations, and direct transference techniques including sneezing, coughing and injecting material into the air and into the bodies of healthy men, only 2 of 162 healthy men became ill. No causative agent was found (Roytas, Can you catch a cold, 2024, p. 169)
1919-1921 experiments imitating that of the US navy could also find no transferring agent or ‘germ’ to induce cold or flu symptoms. Doctors and researchers who failed to find the causative ‘germ’ include Michelli, Sata, Schofield, Lister, Taylor, Wahl, White, Lyall, Bloomfield and Schmidt. Hundreds of healthy men were exposed to the ill and sick with influenza and cold; and also directly injected with mucous and blood secretions from the ill, yet they did not become sick (Roytas, p. 171-175).
1921, Dr Hugh Cabot testified that during World War I, bacteria (or ‘germs’), were already present in all wounds before treatment and had no impact on the health or death of the injured. What saved the injured was not removing the ‘germs’ but the ‘de-vitalised tissue’ (Cabot H. 1921. Can Med Assoc J. 11(9):610-14).
1920 to 1932, human transmission experiments were continued with no success. Doctors Anna Williams, Mary Nevin and Caroline Guery could not infect any of 45 healthy patients with bodily secretions of cold and flu patients (Williams A et al 1921. J Immunol. 6(1):5-24). Dozens of similar experiments performed during the 20s and early 30s replicated these results.
Common Cold Research Unit in the UK, from 1946 to 1989 could not prove the transmissibility of colds, or influenza. The CCRU’s purported mission statement was to cure the common cold. It failed. As with the fraudulent waste of funds in cancer research, the CCRU achieved nothing, except to confirm that over 40 years it could not identify or prove the supposedly ‘hundreds’ of cold and ‘corona viruses’. It was closed given these results and the impact it would have on the entire medical philosophy of the ‘modern world’. The CCRU was also famous for its fraudulent advertising, positioning itself as a paid vacation destination. Only those inclined to hypochondria or too poor to afford a trip would have attended. Once you are ‘institutionalised’ you are more inclined to believe you will be ‘ill’ surrounded by ‘doctors’, complex machines and subjected to injections of potions you know nothing about it. It is called the ‘nocebo’ effect. You think you will be ill; therefore, you shall be.
2023 US CDC FOI request that the CDC provide proof that cold and flu ‘viruses’ exist. The CDC prevaricated for 7 months, than refused to grant the information. Surely if ‘the science’ was ‘settled’ on ‘viral transmission’ the proofs would be easy to provide and right at hand!
There are over 1000 experiments from the 19th and 20th centuries which can find no proof of the monomorphic ‘germ’ which causes a specific disease. There are over 2000 global-FOI requests, asking every government and every health agency across the world to provide proof of the ‘virus’ SARS-II, isolated in reality, confirming that it is transferred through the air, or through fomites and that this singular ‘virus’ will generate SARS II. Not a single government or agency anywhere in the world can produce real-world proof that a SARS II ‘virus’ exists.
What causes illness?
The common colds, flus and other ‘diseases’ many of which have overlapping if not exactly similar symptoms are not caused by flying DNA which cannot survive outside a host. As reflected in the work of Galen and Greek physicians and accepted until the ‘modern’ 20th century, humans have known for thousands of years that the following will cause a ‘disease’:
1. Cold dry weather, followed by moist or wet weather, which is what occurs during Autumn or early winter, brings the onset of ‘flu season’ (a question for normies should be, where does the ‘flu virus’ hide for 9 months and why would ‘asymptomatic’ DNA strands lie dormant and suddenly spring to action at the same time every year?)
2. Meteorological changes in temperature, barometric pressures and atmospheric changes.
3. Cold weather (below zero C) and sudden changes from warm or moderate temperatures to very cold temperatures.
4. Cold temperatures mixed with rain, wind and damp wet conditions. Any of these will generate ‘mediators’ called histamines or bradykinins in our bodies inflaming our mucus membranes, which promote flu symptoms.
5. Toxins of all types – drugs, alcohol, poor diets, contaminated water and food, pesticides and insectides (polio was caused by arsenic and lead poisoning along with DDT spraying for example).
6. Pollution and the emission of toxic waste into water, the air and lower atmosphere, which then are recycled through precipitation back to Earth polluting our water, land and by extension food. An example is the emission of tonnes of microplastics which litter our land covering almost every square foot. Microplastics are entering our body every day and such substances will destroy your immune system.
Toxins, including the quackcines, chemtrails, and processed foods, along with the weather, will engender a change in the form and function of pleomorphic (many forms) of bacteria in our bodies. Our 100 trillion bacteria exist in our bodies and are for the most part, benign in a regulated and normalised human system and environment. If this stasis is changed, the body is impacted and toxins or change in meteorology will induce a reaction.
It also should be noted that when we are sick, our bacteria are cleaning up the noxious poisons which are ejected through our pores in the form of sweating or pushing out of the body through vomiting and diarrhoea. Being ‘sick’ in many cases is simply your body healing itself. Fasting provides the same natural curative.
This is also true of many childhood ‘diseases’ where before the age of 5, your immune system is developing and measles, mumps and other ‘diseases’ are not life threatening but simply a natural development of a baby as its body undergoes natural maturation. Such common sense has long been lost by ‘the science’. Now we stab innocent children between 20 and 70 times and then claim that the massive increase in childhood autism, cancer, encephala, leukemia and learning disabilities is just ‘bad luck’ or caused by ‘genes’ or ‘climate change’. So much $cience.
Bottom Line
No proof exists that viruses are real, or that monomorphic ‘particles’ can be transferred from animals to humans; and then from humans to other human hosts. Virology is one of the greatest examples of $cientism and outlandish scientific fraud. It is a cult and belief system not a mechanically proven fact. When you free your mind from the chains of medical ‘science’ and its propaganda, you will understand what causes disease and what is meant by healthy living. Much of ‘modern medicine’ is simply a drug cartel to make us sick, generate profits and keep us enthralled and enslaved to ‘experts’ who are no better than the 19th century quacks of historical lore such as Jenner, Pasteur and Koch.
Nota bene
If you are interested in the history of the ‘germ’ fraud and of ‘vaccines’ this site has many articles on Saint Jenner, Pasteur and the non-scientific claims that vaccines arrest or destroy ‘viral material’ including the fictitious and entirely made up ‘smallpox virus’.
Posts related to this topic:
Eleanor McBean, ‘The Poisoned Needle’
Forgotten history and the Spanish flu
S. Humphries and R. Bistryanuk, Dissolving Illusions
great post i am with you 100%%%%% ---------- that they is no proof of a virus ----------