Saint Jenner the Quack. Dr Charles Creighton, 'Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History' (1889)
$cientism. Saint Jenner’s fraud and the creation of the quackcine industry in England is the foundation of the criminal government-Pharma drug cartel, which is running and ruining, much of our world
A great book
This work was penned by a true medical professional in 1889, who devoted years to investigate and demolish the ‘vaccine’ myth around Saint Jenner and his corrupt coterie of quacks and charlatans. If you want a verified analysis of the quackery of the industry called ‘vaccines’, Dr Creighton’s book is a must read. It can be located on and provides a masterclass in analysis. It is technical enough to be informative, but not arcane or obscure. The case against the quack Jenner can hardly be better expressed. Keep in mind that there were no medical associations, credentials, exams, or standards in 1790. As Jenner did, you could buy your medical ‘certificate’ for £15, hang a sign outside your house saying, ‘Doctor’s office’ and you are in business. There is no evidence that Jenner practiced any variety of real medicine, or ‘science’ nor is there any evidence that he knew anything about epidemiology, immune systems or disease.
A real Doctor
Unlike Sir Edward Jenner the Saint who ‘discovered’ ‘vaccinations’ and saved the world from the 0.4% death rate smallpox ‘virus’ (which does not exist), Dr. Creighton was a real doctor, credentialed, certified, confirmed, and not a 19th century quack. Amongst his many accomplishments was writing the entries on Jenner, vaccination, and smallpox for Encyclopaedia Brittanica for its 8th and 9th editions where he deconstructs and demolishes the entire quackcination industry and Saint Jenner. His monographs were replaced in the 10th edition, no doubt at the violent and well-monied requests of the quackcine industry.
Unlike Jenner, Creighton actually practiced medicine, understood the body, performed valid scientific experiments, kept detailed notes and observations and was a professional medical man in every way. In the late 19th century, he was rather famous in England known as a doctor of intelligence, moral standing and professionalism. None of these attributes would attach themselves to the devious if not criminal Jenner.
The Quackcine industry
Dr Creighton’s analysis into the early 19th century’s creation of the ‘vaccine’ industry left him in no doubt about its immorality, mendacity, and proclivity to injure, kill and use force to implement its revenue streams of yearly injections, paid by the UK government. The lack of ‘science’ around the quackcine ‘discovery’ and attendant usage is simply astounding.
Saint Jenner and Secular connections
Jenner came from an upper middle-class family with connections (similar story one sees with that notable quack Darwin). Through family connections, Jenner was best friends with those in the Royal Society, including its President ‘Dr’ Banks and stayed for 2 years with one of its leading members, another rather infamous quack, ‘Dr’ John Hunter, boarding with another Royal Society member E. Home. Thus, through the Royal Society of his chums, would his future credentials as a ‘scientist’ be obtained.
Royal Society of Friends and Saint Jenner the Naturalist
In the endless plagiarised and soporific accounts of Saint Jenner, he is depicted not only as one of history’s greatest ‘scientists’ but also as nature-boy. Saint Francis and Saint Cuthbert had nothing on Saint Jenner and his ‘interests’ in and ‘studies’ of ‘nature’, or so the devotional gospel maintains. For example, for over 20 years, from the mid-1770s to the mid-1790s, the quack Jenner studied the hedgehog, but admittedly with no insights and no results. Yet we are to be amazed and cry forth with admiration at such a preoccupation. He was pushed in these studies by his Royal Society friend, ‘Dr’ Hunter. Of particular interest to these quacks was the hibernation habits of the hedgehog. Jenner knew nothing about hedgehogs and why a country quack was wasting time on them is never explained by the endless apologia.
But Saint Jenner also communed with small birds. Jenner’s membership in the Royal Society was secured in 1788 when he wrote a paper about the habits of the noble cuckoo, a grey bird which is similar to a finch. Thanks to his friend ‘Dr’ Hunter, his work on this bird which was apparently of such vital ‘scientific interest’, was issued in 1788 in the ‘science journal’ of the day, Philosophical Transactions. This insipid paper granted Jenner access to the Royal Society as one of its members, giving Jenner the false moniker of ‘scientist’. If you read the work today it is a ridiculous nonsense, full of junk science, and easily disproven (as Creighton relates) by any person remotely knowledgeable about the grand cuckoo. Jenner makes allegations about the grey bird which are false (example pushing other birds out of their nests to murder them), amongst other claims. Jenner knew nothing about birds. Only someone with connections would be elevated to the Royal Society with such an absurd unscientific ‘paper’. Today one imagines Jenner’s puerile pile would fail as a secondary school assignment.
Milk-maid fantasies and ‘Science’
Based on an ancient milk-maid’s tale, Jenner, looking for income for his growing family, surmised that ‘grease’ in horse hoofs, when transmitted by a labourer to the cow, stimulated ‘small-pox in the cow’, leading to ulcerated teats, callouses, boils and pus. The material from such an eruption if put into a human would secure the person from the smallpox contagion. This was due to the milk-maid claim that workers exposed to lacerated cow teats never suffered from smallpox (itself a well-known fable and lie). That was Jenner’s ‘science’.
As Creighton details, cow ‘doctors’ knew that the ulcerated teats of a cow had nothing to do with a pox and would not prevent smallpox in humans. Milk maids, workers, farm labourers all contracted both the ‘cow pox’ and then after ‘smallpox’. By default, Jenner’s ‘observations’ were false.
Saint Jenner the cow whisperer
Creighton excoriates Jenner for not knowing anything about a pox, “Jenner was, indeed, just the loose-thinking, imaginative sort of person to deal with the matter in a merely verbal way. While his prosaic medical neighbours saw no point of contact between cowpox and smallpox...Jenner persuaded himself that the one kind of pox was somehow related to the other…and that the cases of smallpox in previously cowpoxed milkers must have been exceptions….” We have here a quack. Always the ‘exceptions’. Cowpox to start with does not exist, and Jenner never bothered to understand or prove what it might be. Jenner quite obviously knew nothing about cows or diseases. Ulcerated cow material and pus would logically and common sensibly not confer any advantage on a human unless you wanted to poison them and considered toxic injections a benefit.
One experiment is good enough
Based on one experiment using an 8-year-old boy James Phipps as his testing agent, without any consent or forewarning of dire effects, Jenner concluded that ‘lancing’ cowpus material into the deltoid prevented smallpox for life. Realising that was not a good business model, the period of immunity was quickly reduced to a few months. James Phipps was stabbed 21 times and suffered his entire life from ulcers, lacerations, physical maladies and other ailments, with Jenner calling him ‘my poor Phipps’ but never acknowledging the side effects of his first victim (he stabbed his 18-month-old youngest son who died after being injected, blamed on tuberculosis).
In 1796 Jenner sent a paper, some drawings, and related materials to his chums at the Royal Society for consideration. It was soundly rejected as quackery. This snub forced Jenner (at least in his own fervid mind), to try and prove the ‘horse grease theory’, which is an embarrassment of non-science. Dr Creighton writes, “his paper in its original form did not contain a single experiment or even a single fact to show that horse-grease ever gave rise to the pox on the teats of cows’. From 1798 onwards many of Jenner’s acolytes in the church of vaccines, implored him to ‘drop the horse grease’ illusion or the entire edifice of this inane theory would collapse.
More fraudulent data makes ‘science’
After 1796 Jenner engaged in energetic ‘updates’ to his quackery leaving out of course, those vaccinated who acquired smallpox, or who were injured. No control groups were used. No detailed data was collected. Nowhere did Jenner provide copious material demonstrating scientific veracity, nor will you find in any of his ‘papers’ ample quantities of data and related analysis. Even ‘cowpox’ the magic elixir which cures ‘smallpox’ is not identified, nor analysed. As Dr Creighton comments, “But the paper (1798 updated version of the original) might still have been made a valuable one by giving in it a precise account of the cowpox itself, which was a curious and hitherto undescribed disease. The paper contained no such precise account.” Jenner had no intimate first hand experience or knowledge of ‘cowpox’ or indeed of anything related to diseases or human immune systems.
Title’s rule
Jenner’s updated quack-paper in 1798 which minimised ‘horse-grease’ was entitled, “An inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae, a Disease discovered in some of the Western Counties especially Gloucestershire, and know by the name of Cowpox.” As Creighton states, the use of ‘variolae vaccinae’ was clever. Sounds scientific and impressive. Variolation was a common 18th century lancing technique to ward of ‘the pox’. Vaccinae comes from the Latin word for cow. So what Jenner is doing is convincing those familiar with variolation injections that the use of cowpox, which he never defines or discovers, will protect humans against smallpox – all based on a milk maid fable.
Creighton rightly accuses Jenner of not only using a fraudulent title fraught with gibberish but, ‘As one subterfuge entails many more, so Jenner’s misleading title-page led him into the suppression of material facts and the suggestion of false issues through-out his text…irrelevancy or one-sidedness in the cases of protected milkers, and a pervading sense of something improbable in expounding the properties of such a disease as cowpox under such a title as Smallpox of the Cow.”
Further, Jenner to fend off criticism that those inoculated with cowpox still suffered smallpox, invented in this paper the idea of ‘spurious’ versus ‘spontaneous’ cowpox. The former is ‘false’ cowpox and cannot be used in a vaccine. The latter is the ‘right’ cowpox and will confer immunity. Of course, the quack never proves that either exists, or how anyone can tell ‘real’ from ‘false’ cowpox. Yet the cry would redound throughout the entire 19th century, when someone was ill, injured or dead post smallpox stabbination, the howl of ‘spurious cowpox’ would identify the culprit. It was a marketing feat that has been copied throughout the ages since and saw its mythology displayed ad-infinitum during the recent Corona fascism.
In plain terms Jenner made up his data and invented an idiotic assertion that cows suffered from smallpox, derived from horse hoof pus, which when transferred to humans conferred immunity against ‘smallpox’, a disease it should be stated that looks like many others including chicken pox and syphilis and is spread of course by poor sanitation, filth and squalid living conditions. Yet in 1798, after Jenner’s fraudulent updates and fake data insertions to his original confusion, the Royal Society, a body composed largely of Jenner’s contacts and friends, supposedly a sober membership of earnest ‘truth seekers’ accepted the quackery and began the promotion of the quackcine industry.
I am the Science says Jenner
Dr Creighton relates that when Jenner was asked for proof of his miracle cure and related evidence by a well-known Germany doctor (Dr Ingen-housz in 1798), he replied that he was a member of the Royal Society and an expert in all matters of contagion (in actual fact he knew nothing about the pox or immune system). Thus the ‘Royal Society’ and its progeny of sundry government funded patronage organisations in the early 19th century, including academies for medicine, epidemiology, vaccines and other bodies, would loom large in the 19th century public mind as ‘science’ and veracity. The bromides, fake data, nostrums and demands, repeated during the Corona Fascism of 2020-2023, where the peasants and critics were urged to ‘follow the one and the only ‘science’, has a long history of use and abuse, the foundations of which were built by Saint Jenner.
Ignore the dead and injured
Even by 1798, based on real world evidence it was clear that Jenner’s theory was dead. Doctors in his own locale had proven his theory false when many of their patients became injured or sick with smallpox post the ‘Jenner method’ of inoculation. He wrote to a doctor (Beddoes in Bristol) who had sent him proof of injury using Jenner’s own methods: “I have neither the leisure nor the inclination at the present moment to enter into an examination of their arguments, much less shall I attempt to refute the opinions…greatest part of his (Jenner’s) time in making experiments for the complete investigation of a confessedly complex subject…supposed authority of a few solitary instances…” So here we have Jenner pre-empting the ‘modern science’ of ‘Warming’ and Corona, saying basically, that any objections are from the fringe based on a few cases and he the giant of ‘science’ doing his ‘experiments’ is omnipotent and worthy. No details of these ‘experiments’ by Jenner cited in his letter to Beddoes exist. Nothing.
Dr Beddoes wrote a letter to a doctor colleague in Berlin (Hufeland) in 1798, disparaging Jenner’s work, with criticism that is still valid today: “His idea of the origin of the virus appears to be quite unproved…Moreover the cowpox matter produces foul ulcers, and in that respect is a worse disease than the mildly inoculated smallpox.” The cure is worse than the disease. No proof of a cowpox virus, nor a smallpox virus has been offered since 1798 to the present day. Nothing.
The quack and his excuses
Dozens if not hundreds of critics, most with some familiarity with reality, medicine, cows and the pox, had attacked Jenner in 1798 and thereafter. In public he was hectored, bullied and called what he was – a quack. But he and ‘the science’, now earning very good income from the stabs after the 1802 £3 million investment (in today’s money) by the British government, used the same excuses to wave away the dead and injured post stabs, or the raging smallpox epidemics which occurred within the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated. Excuses included: ‘spurious cowpox’, ‘wrong method of injection’, ‘uncertified vaccinator’, ‘the body could not take it’, ‘they died of a pre-existing condition’, ‘it would have been worse without the stabbination…’ All these would find remarkably similar echoes during the Corona Fascism.
A key mantra to support stabbination was propagated as early as July 1800, issued by 36 of the leading ‘physicians’ in England namely, “those persons who have had the cowpox are perfectly secure from the infection of the smallpox. We also declare that the inoculated cowpox is a much milder and safer disease than the inoculated smallpox”. Of course no studies or proofs were given to support such announcements. As Dr Creighton outlines, smallpox epidemics occurred in fairly regular cycles, so the Jennerians could use data post inoculations, in a ‘quiet time’ between smallpox cycles to ‘prove’ that the stabs worked. However, when the smallpox epidemics returned, the excuses listed above would be used.
Yet despite the growing and glowing propaganda in favour of Jenner, by 1808 even in the Jenner-stabbed populations, it was clear that the cowpus elixir was a failure to stop smallpox. Smallpox epidemics in stabbed locales still raged. As Dr Creighton lists, many of the ardently Jenner-religious saw their family members die or become severely injured after stabbination, or die of smallpox after being ‘inoculated’. There was a real crisis of faith in the religion of stabbination during 1808. But the usual excuses cited above were ushered into new ‘treatises’ replete with data propaganda, which steadied the ‘vaccine’ enterprise and its church, restoring calm and reconfirming divine approval. Saint Jenner was particularly vicious in his denunciation of ‘opponents’ usually intoning ‘spurious cowpox’ to explain away failures, death and injury, with nasty ad-hominins thrown in to ‘debunk’ his opponents. Epidemics or unfortunate deaths were now ‘scientifically’ attributed to the above list of excuses, now supported by ‘data’ or propaganda posing as facts.
Friends and benefits
As Dr Creighton confirms, for many reasons then as now, the public was willing to believe the ‘experts’. This was especially true after 1802, when Jenner was gifted with £3 million in today’s currency. A ‘Committee’ was formed in 1802 to investigate Jenner’s demand, laid before Parliament, that he be compensated for his work. The Committee was to investigate all aspects of the Jenner fantasy. Happily, for Jenner the president of this committee was a friend, Admiral Berkely an MP for Gloucestershire, and naval patronage appointment, who was also a neighbour of Jenner’s. This committee knew nothing of husbandry, epidemiology, diseases, the immune system, the details of the Jenner cocktails, nor of medicine in general. They asked for submissions from ‘experts’ including Jenner’s Royal Society friends who were monotonous in their approval of Jenner’s method. Even the great Christian Wilberforce, the man who campaigned to end slavery but knew nothing about medical matters, handsomely endorsed Jenner. The Committee approved the £3 million largesse to Jenner and an industry was born.
The public, the broadsheets, the circulars and the chattering classes were much impressed by this supposed confirmation of ‘science’ and Jenner’s vaccination method. This submission to authority and its propaganda proved extremely useful when the 1804-05 smallpox epidemic raged in the country, especially amongst the quacked. To recompense the failure of the Jennerian religion, in 1807 Parliament issued a further £6 million in today’s money for the manufacture and distribution of Jenner’s cocktails, and starting in 1821, £10 million a year which was followed by a virulent epidemic of smallpox in 1824. But no worries. Even by 1808, the quackcine revenue stream was big business for the ‘medical profession’ and the propaganda as to its safety and effectiveness was omni-present.
Jenner the quack
Dr Creighton concludes his magnificent work by commenting, “The task which I set before me when I began this book was to explain to myself how the medical profession in various countries could have come to fall under the enchantment of an illusion. I believe they were misled most of all by the name of ‘smallpox of the cow’, under which the new protective was first brought to their notice. For that grand initial error, blameworthy in its inception and still more so in the furtive manner of its publication, the sole responsibility rests with Jenner”. I think they were misled by money, revenue streams and power.
Jenner was a quack and was no more a doctor than I am. Blood-letting was a ‘science’ for 200 years. Jennerian religious inoculations are now the same age as blood-letting and are just as ludicrous as a ‘science’. Jenner’s ideas were neither novel nor based on evidence or ‘science’. He was the worst embodiment of the 19th century quack – devious, a liar, intolerant, lazy, disorganised, unscientific, a bully, greedy and immoral – but importantly like Darwin he was connected, an able propagandist and capable to forward enough fake data to lay claim to a remedy which is worse than the disease, and somehow to become very wealthy in the process.
Sheeple waking up to $cientism?
Maybe post the Corona fascism and the spectacular failure of the mRNA stabbinations, including millions of dead and injured, people will lose their worship of authority and ‘science’ and reject the idea that putting toxins into your bloodstream will protect you from a disease. Autism, cancers, encephaly and other neurological issues might be a clue as the stabbination program has climbed from 2 stabs in 1970, to over 20 today.
Saint Jenner’s fraud and the creation of the quackcine industry in England is the foundation of the quite massive, U$ 100 billion ‘vaccine’ revenue market and the creation of the criminal government-Pharma drug cartel which is running and ruining, much of our world today. Will the sheeple wake up?