Scientific Fraud has increase more than 25 times in the past decade.
Rampant, rife, ridiculous and deleterious. 'The Science' is becoming a laughingstock.
A real pandemic
There is a pandemic of fraud within Science.
Historically fraud has always existed within ‘Science’. With modern funding, political objectives, modern tools and mediums, the pace of fraud has simply accelerated at an astonishing pace. Historically you can go through any of the icons within Science and be astonished at the mendacity, data fraud, opacity and even violence of the actors.
Einstein for example, was an exemplar at not attributing any of his ideas to others, even though almost all of his ‘discoveries’, no matter how inaccurate and wrong they might have been, were based on the efforts of others. Posts on this substack give very specific examples of this. Einstein of course is not alone in such behaviour and they are just a small sample of the massive fraud plaguing ‘The Science’.
When philosophy, ‘models’ and manufactured ‘data’, replace mechanical-physical experimentation, and when we mix in politics, state funding, state directives, private money, awards, titles and job security, we should expect nothing less than outlandish fraud.
Follow the money and the power to find ‘The Science’. $cience is simply an agglomeration of industries by domain. ‘Independent Science’ does not exist.
The Retractions
I was perusing the literature on ‘scientific retractions’. The vast majority of retractions were due to deliberate fraud. From 2008-2018, fraud increased by 10 times. It has probably quintupled since 2018.
In one peer reviewed paper, we see that the data fraud is simply an eternal tsunamai which shows no signs of a diminution in intensity, power or destruction.
The number of research articles retracted in 2023 hit an all-time high, with over 10,000 papers pulled for fraudulent practices. The fraud ranges from images recycled from previous papers to entirely fabricated datasets. The sham papers aren’t only annoying, they’re harmful to scientific fields and in some cases even dangerous. [Frank, Heather. “Artificial research. A recent surge of academic fraud spells trouble for scientific integrity.” World 38(24):65-66, p.65;., 10 February 2024.]
The above article cited assistant-Professor Lonni Besançon at Linköping University who has refocused his career to identify fraudulent research papers ( Besançon is one of ‘the sleuths’ spending an inordinate amount of time collating and and confirming data fraud in ‘Science’. Thousands of such people will be needed across every domain to stop the deluge of scientific fraud. They are treated of course as pariahs and are usually censored, as are most ‘whistle blowers’.
A Pandemic of Fraud
The entire world of ‘science’ across every domain is mired in fraud and deceit.
2018 study: Number of articles retracted due to fraud, or honest mistakes, has increased by a factor of 10 times since 2008. “…released to the public as a searchable database, is now the largest and most comprehensive of its kind. It includes more than 18,000 retracted papers and conference abstracts dating back to the 1970s (and even one paper from 1756 involving Benjamin Franklin)
December 2023 Nature: More than 10,000 papers were retracted in 2023 -- a new record. “Among large research-producing nations, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia and China have the highest retraction rates over the past two decades, a Nature analysis has found.” ‘Paper mills’ setup by individuals, institutions, private concerns were blamed.
May 2024, Wall Street Journal: Flood of Fake Science forces Wiley Science publishing to close 19 journals and threatens $ 30 billion academic (or quackademic?) publishing industry (also on Jo Nova’s site). “In the past two years, Wiley has retracted more than 11,300 papers that appeared compromised, according to a spokesperson, and closed four journals. It isn’t alone: At least two other publishers have retracted hundreds of suspect papers each.”
The Rubbish
It is quite likely that 50% of all published scientific material is rubbish.
Lancet 2015: Maybe 50% of scientific literature is simply untrue and Semafor 2023: 33% of all scientific papers might be fraudulent.
Peer Review?
Nature 2016: More than 70% of researchers cannot replicate colleagues work.
2005, Standford researcher, John Ioannidis: "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False," citing conflicts of interest as one factor driving the generation of false positives.
Corona as an example
$cience is an industry. I have listed elsewhere on this substack the frauds in biomedical, cancer, evolution, engineering, pyschology and cosmology. The Corona plan/scam-demic was one of the greatest forms of imposed Nazism-Totalitarianism in history.
Corona 2020 was a demarcation point in the human story, where an elitist-globalist coup was transacted using ‘Science’ as a cover. This brazen fraud is still believed in by the vast majority of brain-washed ‘citizens’ too enthralled with entertainment, their own little worlds, and their ‘pink pony’ view of life and society. It is too much for the average person to accept or deal with.
The ‘scientific’ fraud perpetrated by the CIA-DoD-Pharma-Government military complex was simply breathtaking.
Corona mRNA fraud
Denis Rancourt’s epistemiological study of mRNA ‘vaccines’ death total (17 million globally)
BMJ and the Pfizer study fraud(s)
Pfizer admits to mRNA clinical trial fraud in a US Federal court
CDC admits to hiding data about mRNA injury
October 2022, Pfizer admits no testing for stopping transmission
Feb 2024, ModeRNA admits mRNA shots are toxic (versus the false ‘safe and effective’ trials)
WHO Covid Vaccine study was a fraud
Neil and Engler: SARS II was not novel nor a threat
None of those involved in the Corona Fascism have paid a price. Quite the opposite. Those involved received money, awards, knighthoods, celebrations and fake news accolades. Those destroyed by the pandemic and the poisoned mRNA concoctions received no sympathy or grace, but only violence, opprobrium, coercion and censorship. So it goes with your ‘thriving democracy’ in the ‘Age of $cience’.
Bottom Line
We know that entire industries are full of fraud but that this fraud is rarely discussed. These industries include virology, pharmaceuticals, climate, evolution, psychology, biotechnology, physics and cosmology. If we were to use a precise definition of fraud to include unsupported and uncorroborated conclusions which do not have mechanical-experimental proof which is replicable, entire industries (and philosophies) would disappear overnight.
‘Follow the Science’ is a Goebbelesque lie. ‘What is Science?’ is a better question to ask. Follow reality is a better mantra.
One of the most absurd notions that gets endlessly repeated and, even more absurdly, sometimes believed, is that scientists are somehow beyond mere mortal concerns like money or food or shelter and are therefore incorruptible, blameless and holy. Combined with the modern fetishism of Science Is Reality and commodification of research, it's something of a shock that any research is accurate and objective.
Scientific fraud has a lot to answer for. It underpinned the entire CONVID SCAMDEMIC.
Viroliegists operate much like central bankers in their creation of 'money': they conjure viruses out of thin air, backed by nothing more than fancy terminology to provide the smoke-and-mirrors cover for the rawest of frauds.
The viroliegists' contagion myth is the biological equivalent of fractional reserve lending - imaginary numbers, or ‘viruses,‘ multiplying through the system, based on a big, fat nothing.
Thanks to massive injections of truth endowments into the market from the Baileys, Christine, Andy, Tom, Mike Stone, and others, the whole 'viral' Ponzi house of cards is starting to wobble, prior to collapse.