Scientism has a long history
'The Enlightenment' to Corona and Climate Thingy. A straight line.
Scientism is the use of technology and ‘science’, much of it apocryphal and fraudulent to completely manage humans across all the functions of social and civilised life. Scientism echoes Mussolini’s rule that nothing lies outside the state. In this regard Scientism and totalitarian-technologism has nothing to do with the artificial divides of political ideology, the ‘left vs right’ chimera, the various ‘parties’ who offer uni-party nostrums, nor between Communism and Capitalism in their pure states. The Corona fascism and the ‘Great Reset’, to ‘Build Back Better’, makes all of this rather obvious. All parties, all ideologues, from across the entire spectrum of human political-sociological beliefs, were mostly united in their support, much of it continuing, for complete civilisational lockdown, imprisonment, camps for the supposed ill or unstabbed, endless programmes of stabbinations with poisons from a criminal industry, face nappies, distancing and endless societal destruction and dystopia. The Rona technocratic-Scientism was fully supported across the entire array of political beliefs.
An elaboration of ‘The Science’ issues from the Communist Henri Saint-Simon, who in the 18th century proposed that ‘men of science’ (women were excluded), should rule the world. Simon’s belief was that the ‘men of science’ using the ‘scientific method’, models, experiments and factual inductive and deductive reasoning could predict the future, whilst resolving current issues afflicting society. He was an early proponent of ‘scientist’ as the uber-intelligent, objective, truth teller, dedicated to honest inquiry and ‘progress’. How his Communist beliefs would support such a fantastical implementation of ‘The Science’ and remain uncorrupted by political and social theology, nor how it would acquire the wealth and leisure to pursue these noble goals, is never explained by Simon. But Simon was late in his assessment.
The philosophy of machines and mechanics is found in Francis Bacon, Descartes and Isaac Newton. In their theologies, gone is the intricate God-created handiwork of human nature and composition. God was simply a clock maker who made his machines and walked away. Mechanical physics was the new ‘natural law’, supplanting God-created natural law rights, with robotic processes. The ‘Enlightenment’ and its endless propaganda of ‘progress’ initiated the move away from human-centricity to machine automation, proposing through Darwin and others that humans are not unique, but merely hairless apes and worse than a cancer for Gaia. The Free Masons and others took up this battle cry, forming associations and closed groups dedicated to the eradication of Christianity, and the imposition of ‘reason’ as the only governing force in human affairs. The French Revolution, a colossal disaster in every sense, was a volcanic eruption of atheist-‘rationalist’ theology against the medieval-early modern Christian world. Its vast destructive effects echoed in the philosophies found in Marx, Lenin, Stalin and even the National Socialists of Germany. The state and its experts would be uber-alles. There was no room for the spiritual, immaterial or faithful.
Supporters of Scientism show no allegiance to a single flag of socio-theological belief. Capitalists like William Hearst (media), Henry Ford, the Rockefeller family, Bill Gates, members of the World Economic Forum, members of the Trilateral Commission including the Clintons and Al Gore, captains in Finance, Energy and Transportation and a plethora of billionaires at Davos, the Club of Rome, or Bilderberg meetings, ostensibly ‘free market’ in their views, are in fact, apostles of Scientism, as espoused by the various powerful groups they support and participate in. All of the aforementioned entities demand a ‘Scientocracy’ or rule by an elite using technology to control the vast human mass. The non-science of Corona was an attempt or pilot project at just such a construct.
At the supposed other end of the philosophical line, we have Communist China which has erected a social-credit-system based on resource consumption, socially accepted views mapped to behaviour and compliance to state wishes. A high score permits some mobility, travel, and access to good education and jobs. A low score constrains the individual, reduces opportunities, and demands more state surveillance of that person’s daily activities. The CCP is just slightly ahead of Western countries in the usage of technology to impose totalitarian governance, much of it based on the ‘science’ of resource usage and management. Managing ‘health’ is also a path to full societal control and is already being married to ‘climate change’ and other apocryphal ‘concerns’ over Gaia or the planet. The end goal is resource control and reduction of activity. Controlling energy and resources has always been a key platform plank for Scientism, espoused as long ago as 1932 in the USA, and developed as programme blueprint in 1934 by Technology Inc who was the first to come up with a social credit system based on energy consumption and resource usage, along with compliance to ‘expert’ demands and ‘new’ social norms and expectations.
Critics of scientism also come from across the vast spectrum of political ideology. They range from beliefs around the communal to the individual, from Mary Shelley and John Maynard Keynes to F. A. Hayek, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, J. F. Kennedy and physicist Michael Polanyi. Free market enthusiasts mingle with Communists such as HG Wells in their warnings against the technology-totalitarian ‘expert-led’ state. Huxley and Orwell, along with many others wrote that technology would be used to dehumanise, manage, and eliminate human individuality and then eventually, homo sapiens itself. The World Economic Forum openly discusses ending the human species and replacing it with transhumanist cyborgs, collectively managed by implanted chips connected to high-speed networks and ‘smart cities’, where every movement and thought is tracked, traced and analysed. You will own nothing, and you will rent or service the usage of everything and your life will be determined by a social credit score and your compliance. Private property and private associations outside the control of the technocratic elite will not be permitted.
This looming catastrophe was on full display during the Corona Fascism, itself a pilot project for more and similar endeavours, many of them undoubtedly to mix health or ‘virus’ scamdemics, with the howling against plant-food and ‘climate change’. The technocratic elite found in the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, the Club of Rome and other billionaire gatherings, operate as a shadow government, using their power and leverage to impose their Scientism views on unsuspecting and largely oblivious citizens. Countries and their laws matter little. Various UN declarations have destroyed border control and reach into cities regardless of national laws, in areas such as ‘sustainable development’ or ‘asylum rights’. International fora and their endless array of agreements have destroyed the nation state. A small group of uber billionaires and their closed ‘Masonic lodges’ or similar, control much of the media, trade and finance in the world.
As the Americans are wont to say, a ‘New World Order’ premised on Scientism and Scientocracy, is upon the globe. This is a spiritual and religious battle as much as a material and physical confrontation. Unless people engage in faith, spiritual exercises, and gain strength from prayer and the immaterial it is difficult to see how a Scientocratic enslavement can be avoided. It has long been in the planning, at least a hundred years, and can date its antecedents back to the Free Masons, and their still very active lodges and groups dedicated to the destruction of Christianity and freedom.
Corona should have shaken many of the slumbering awake. But as we all know, memories are short, the full-throated roar of terror, based on a fraudulent panic and the end of the world propaganda and the relentless programming by the state and those in power, usher in more demands for governments, ‘The Science’. ‘the experts’, and the UN to ‘do something’. Such whimpers and cries for help will be heard again in the not-so-distant future.