Scientism, Nominalism, Brzezinksi and the 'New World Order'
WEF, Globalism, the Davos elite, the Club of Rome, the UN/WHO, Pharma and Finance all very very busy little bees since the 1960s and 1970s. Plans on full display if anyone cares to read about them.
A scientist, my dear friends, is a man who foresees; it is because science provides the means to predict that it is useful, and the scientists are superior to all other men. —Henri de Saint-Simon1
Scientism is a useful word to describe the confluence of bastardised, corrupted and paid for processes defined as ‘scientific’ with authoritarianism, control and in the end, enslavement. The Corona scamdemic, the greatest psychological operations in world history was a pilot project in the erection of trans-national, globalist, ‘scientism’ and the creation of a new ‘religious cult’, one dedicated to a few ends, including the rapid reduction of humans from 7 billion to 1 billion or fewer, the ending of sovereignty, eugenics and ‘transhumanism’ or the creation of androgynous-easily controlled automatons and avatars, the eradication of Christianity and ‘Whiteness’, and the construction of a ‘global consciousness and governance’ as espoused in 1970 by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Polish-born security adviser in the US to various Presidents), in his remarkably prescient book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in The Technetronic Era.
Historian Richard G. Olson has defined scientism as “efforts to extend scientific ideas, methods, practices, and attitudes to matters of human social and political concern.”2 He is right. It is a broad religion subject to much corruption. Philosopher Tom Sorell and MIT physicist Ian Hutchinson offer closely related versions, but missing some essential elements with Hutchinson stating: “Science, modeled on the natural sciences, is the only source of real knowledge.”3 Scientism is thus Darwinist-Materialist, but it is broader and more far reaching, and far more anti-humanist than the above definition. Scientism is a complete religion – much like the cult of Muhammad or Submission – which seeks to control all aspects of existence including your personal life, your work, your hobbies, your clubs, your sports, your associations, your ‘news’, your education and certainly your politics.
Scientism is a logical outcome of the ending of Christianity in Europe and North America, a process which started with the ‘Enlightenment’ and picked up pace during the 19th century with the religious fervour found in the philosophical doctrines of Darwinism and Materialism including social Darwinism and eugenics; and the political religions of Marxism and Socialism. None of these are ‘scientific’ or based on fact or reason. The details of Darwinism or Socialism, are irrational and contradictory, not based on evidence but on ‘what should be’, or ‘what could have happened’. They are thus both ahistorical and without merit as philosophies of prognostication or relevancy. They are however, useful tools to use in the control of populations and associated narratives and especially to demise Christianity.
The underlying philosophical premise of ‘Scientism’ and its platforms found in Darwinism or Socialism, is ‘nominalism’, also called positivism, relativism, or humanism. This belief system, no matter its actual moniker, professes a disdain for the world of the 5 senses, believing that reality is pace Plato, perhaps unreal, and that there are no absolutes.
Nominalism is in fact, the philosophy of the dictator.
1. The doctrine holding that abstract concepts, general terms, or universals have no independent existence but exist only as names.
2. The doctrine that nothing is general but names; more specifically, the doctrine that common nouns, as man, horse, represent in their generality nothing in the real things, but are mere conveniences for speaking of many things at once, or at most necessities of human thought; individualism.
George Orwell’s famous expressions of totalitarianism focuses on the violence of nominalists as they attempt to recreate reality, with word-games, redefinitions and the rewriting of history and a complete disavowal of the reality of the world of the 5 senses. Huxley, another dystopian writer of great insight, emphasises drugs and attendant psychological techniques to induce and convince the population that there is no objective reality, and that slavery is really freedom and that communal obeisance to unaccountable authority, ennobling and the end goal of existence. Both writers are correct, and both methods are used by a Scientocracy to impose its power.
In essence nominalism promotes that since reality is open to interpretation and our very existence dependent on our own limited perspectives, that in essence all people, cultures, attitudes, beliefs and activity are nominally the same, or worthy of respect and tolerance. No cultures or civilisations are thus superior. No forms of governance are to be thought of as better than others. All history is to be reinterpreted in the light of race, purported slavery (excepting the massive enslavement of Whites from time immemorial though to the Muslim empires and Caliphs from the 7th to 19th centuries), and all ‘progress’ a collective effort, with ‘every culture’ adding its brilliance and innovative energy. There is nothing objective, specific or special about race, region, country or achievement. None of this is true of course, but nominalism does serve the purpose to enable a totalitarian governance to severe the past and reality from the present and annihilate culture, the nation and the race from the general consciousness. Nominalism divides up society, races and groups into little packages, and destroys opposition through this division and tension.
A serious theme within the ‘New World Order’ of scientism is to destroy not only Christianity, but gender. A key objective is to create a transhuman species or avatar, controlled by injections and technology, the progeny of which is controlled by the state. Families won’t exist, and children, pace the election fraud criminal Biden and his cult, will be the responsibility of the state, a Platonic ideal which has echoed in various philosophies for 2500 years.
From this view and from the nominalist perspective it is easy to assert than a man with a penis can be a woman, since we should not infer that reproduction, breasts, the functional differences between X and Y chromosomes, the coding embedded in complex DNA, the impact of mitochondria or maternal DNA, or our skeletal structures, not to mention attitudes and dispositional differences between women and men, are actually indicative of what makes a women. If as a human male you wish to believe that you are a female, or perchance even a female cat, the evolutionists (Lamarckians, the epigeneticists), the nominalists and positivists will applaud your courage and sagacity. So too will corrupt Pharmaceutical firms and the Medical establishment who stand to make U$1 million or more in drug and therapy revenue from such a perverted and sick personality over its lifetime. The rest of us will view such a hideous object as psychopathically insane and worthy of an asylum. Transgenderism is simply a mental illness, built on profit-mongering and a culture that has shed Christianity and believes in nothing, making it prey for everything from Climate nonsense to a flu scamdemic. Transgendered mental illness is however, a central gospel tenet of Scientism to end the family, and faith.
Transgenderism is thus viewed as an example of ‘social scientism’. Obvious examples of political scientism would be the Corona Scamdemic or the Uketopian war. In the fast imploding ‘West’, we are told that the Ukraine-war is about ‘Western values’ against ‘Russian imperialism’. The exact opposite is true. The Russians are fighting against endless NATO expansion, US biolabs and money laundering, and the use of the Ukraine as the US 51rst state used to launch attacks current and future, with the obvious American intention of destroying Moscow. The Ukrainian war in the Western Fake News, is always portrayed as a ‘collective’ the ‘great and good democracies’ which don’t exist in reality, against the evil, totalitarians of Muscovy. This theme is absurd and anti-reality, but an example of Scientocratic leadership. The consensus view, or ‘New World Order’ of Western ‘democracy’, is upheld by the control of the media, technology and the single approved narrative, all of which is amply funded and remunerated to the various organs used to cajole and control the masses.
Back to Brzezinski and his ode to Globalist theology Between Two Ages: America’s Role in The Technetronic Era. In this work he predicted much of what is now occurring including inter-alia:
Corona and mRNA injections
‘Looking ahead to the end of this century, the possibility of bio-chemical mind-control and the genetic tinkering with man, including eventually the creation of beings that will function like men and reason like them as well.’
Scientism or ‘technetronic’ Globalist governance
‘The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.’
Scientism or ‘technetronic’ control, tracking and tracing, used during Corona
‘In the technetronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.’
Billionaire elites and Global-Scientism governance
‘Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites (whose) ties cut across national boundaries . . . It is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook . . . The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty . . . More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken.’
Communalism is best suited for Scientism as the underlying social organisational theory
‘Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision.’
The plans are in the open. Few discuss them, fewer acknowledge them. Corona did not happen out of nowhere. It was carefully planned within the G20. What do you think the endless international fora, conferences, meeetings and jet setting is really about? Our ‘leaders’ spend more time in their ‘leadership’ conferences than in running their own states. Corona was an international pilot project. The Climate fascism will pick up where the bio-lab-virus left off. Indeed Corona or a virus outbreak will likely be merged with Climate (the ‘changing seasons’ engendered an outbreak of the insert_here_bio_lab_created_plague). From 1971 when the World Economic Forum was started until today, the plans for the ‘New World Order’ and its new religion of Scientism has been on very public display.
1. “Un savant, mes amis, est un homme qui prévoit; c’est par la raison que la science donne le moyen de prédire qu’elle est utile, et que les savants sont supérieurs à tous les autres hommes.” Translated into English by Valence Ionescu in The Political Thought of Saint-Simon. Oxford University Press, 1976. Page 76.
2. Olson, Richard G. Science and Scientism in Nineteenth Century Europe. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2008.
3. Sorell, Tom. Scientism: Philosophy and the Infatuation with Science. New York: Routledge, 1991. Hutchinson, Ian. Monopolizing Knowledge: A Scientist Refutes Religion-Denying, Reason-Destroying Scientism. Belmont, MA: Fias Publishing, 2011.