Space probes and the lack of mobility evidence.
You would think that with the innumerable probes, and related photos and videos we would have some convincing evidence of movement. You might also believe in the moon landings.
Surely the innumerable space probes prove the Earth’s motion and rotation! You would think so, but that is not the case. This is a large problem for ‘The Science’.
In 1995 the European Space Agency launched the SOHO or the Solar and Heliospheric Operations space probe. SOHO studies and photographs the relationship between the Sun and Earth. SOHO was designed to help answer:
The structure and dynamics of the solar interior
Why does the solar corona exist and how is it heated to the extremely high temperature of about 1 000 000°C?
Where is the solar wind produced and how is it accelerated
The origins and trajectories of comets (some 5000 discovered)
SOHO moves around the Sun in step with the Earth, by slowly orbiting around the First Lagrangian Point (L1), where the combined gravity of the Earth and Sun keep SOHO in an orbit locked to the Earth-Sun line. The L1 point is approximately 1.5 million kilometres away from Earth (about four times the distance of the Moon), in the direction of the Sun.
SOHO has an uninterrupted view of the Sun.
SOHO transmits a continuous 200 kbit/s data stream of photographs and other measurements via the NASA Deep Space Network of ground stations. Probably the key objective of SOHO's utility is to predict coronal mass ejection (CME) arrival times at Earth. This is to protect electrical grids and satellites. CMEs directed toward the Earth may also produce geomagnetic storms, which in turn produce geomagnetically induced currents, in the most extreme cases creating black-outs or disruptions.
In the heliocentric system, SOHO is stationary, and the Earth is rotating underneath it. In the geocentric or geo-helio-centric system, the Earth is stationery, and SOHO is being carried by the universe, through the aether, which rotates around a fixed Earth. All 3 models are scientifically valid supported by modern day postulates and assumptions.
As with the balancing forces for a geostationary satellite, SOHO is placed in an altitude (some 22.000 miles high), so that the balance of gravity and inertial forces between the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the stars are such that it can remain in the same relative position in space.
From time to time the SOHO will take snapshots and pictures of the Earth. These do not show the Earth rotating within a 24-hour period. It should be fairly straightforward to refocus some of SOHO’s observations on Earth.
(SOHO snapshot of the Sun, from Dec 21 2024, 1 am)
No movement
When you view the images provided by SOHO and NASA you will see that these photos do not prove that the Earth is rotating, nor moving. Indeed in this NASA animation of the rotating Earth, no visible motion is detected whatsoever (video). The best that could be offered, is that if some movement is noticeable (as with the geostationary satellite), there might be some relative rotation between the SOHO satellite and the Earth.
There is no evidence, not even in NASA’s timed imagery, that the Earth has rotated. It might be that the SOHO satellite is the only object moving and not the Earth. Given that no motion of the Earth is at all visible from their images, this seems more likely.
Beyond the lack of rotational evidence, what is even more disturbing for the Copernicans, is that no Earthly motion through space or the ether is given by the SOHO images, calling into question, yet again, the supposed mobility of the Earth, along with its lack of observable rotation. Both of these conclusions are never to be found in the endless apologia of ‘proofs’ of heliocentricity, which happily list SOHO as concrete proof of heliocentricity!
The film agency?
NASA is in many ways more of a film agency that a space agency. NASA possesses a huge budget and closely works with film studios. NASA is famous for digital enhancement of their images. Why would anyone believe that any image coming out of NASA is verified reality?
(the above might be apocryphal, but so many images from NASA have been clearly ‘debunked’ as fraudulent, that the agency’s reputation has receded to a very low level)
All hail.
Next post: Why planetary retrograde motions give ‘The Science’ of heliocentricity more headaches than answers. Before that, the moon landing and questions that remain unanswered.
Eye opening stuff Doctor F. I just had no idea about this. Before reading your posts, as you know, I was skeptical about the truth claims of "science" now I am downright heretical. I used to think it was so called human science or social science that was making claims it could not prove. After reading your posts I think most of science is speculation pretending to be truth. If no static point can be defined how can we even talk about rotation? Can we observe Jupiter rotating? Can we observe its moons rotating? At least if we can do that we can see we have seen something we call a planet rotating. I mean on its own axis. It seems to me observing rotation about the sun must be far more difficult even if it does exist. Links to Nasa phony pictures would be great. Looking forward to your take on the moon landings. I am beginning to doubt them. Interesting to see what you have to say about them. Thanks again for all your hard work on this. It boggles my mind how much you know on all this and all the detail. Other areas I would love you to cover are "radio waves" what are they and how do they work? Also TV, what is it and how does it work? Also the computer chip? I have tried to find out and failed. Seems to me these technologies are far too advanced to have appeared so early and the text book explanations are just hopeless. How, for example, were TV images broadcast from the moon?
You caption your first image as one of the Earth (the blue ball), but the link you provide says it is an image of the Sun? Please can you clarify. Thank you.