Tesla and his critique of Relativity. A genius engineer, versus the maths-philosopher Einstotle....
If you claim Einstein was a scientist, where are his inventions? Where is his 'Tesla output' and practical, material creations?
“ (space-time) is still self-contradictory. Every action is accompanied by an equivalent reaction….curved spaces must react on the bodies (planets)….the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible.” (Tesla, 75th birthday, 1931, written statement)
Tesla and Einstein
For some reason there is widespread acceptance, even amongst ‘sceptics’, of the anti-reality position that space-time are merged into a 4th dimension. Tesla one of the 20th century’s most prolific engineers, knew that Relativity, including the 4th dimension of ‘space-time’, was a fraud. He also propsed a sensible ‘dynamic gravity’ theorem that the relativists did not accept.
Tesla is mostly forgotten and rarely taught. Here we have a man who more than any other single person, helped form our modern world. The magic of electrical power - imagine a world without it! So here in magnificent mediocrity I sit surrounded by the Catholic Croatian Tesla’s brain:
Not far away from us is the ‘national grid’, a series of towers and high pylons, with twin stranded megavolt cables, carrying ~11.000 volts, deployed into a local transformer which limits the voltage to 240v to safely enter and use in the house,
AC or Alternating Current powered appliances,
fluorescent electric light,
water heated AC induction motor,
internet connection, satellite connection
It was Tesla who created the entire framework of AC power, including generation, motors, coils, capacitators, transformers and fluorescent lighting. Edison had promoted Direct Current which had a 21-mile distribution limitation, essentially building entire power plants to service small areas, flowing into incandescent lights. This was impracticable and uneconomic. He rejected working with Tesla, hiring and firing the workaholic Croation, with disputes over money and engineering. The Edison-Tesla conflict and saga fills an entire book and is not the focus on this short post.
But who is the great Messiah and Saint of ‘The Science’? Is it the man who allows us to partake of the modern electrified world? Is it the engineer or the practical man who uncovered and unleashed electrical power and energy, without which we would still be in the early modern era of development? Is it the dirty, soiled, wild haired mechanic with tool in one hand, and a design in the other?
No! It is the philosopher-apostle who ‘saved the phenomena’ of Copernicanism and heliocentricity. Einstotle, or Einstein merged with Aristotle of course. The wizard who created the alchemy of Relativity, and its bizarre anti-reality world, eaten whole by most of the population and ‘science’, imbibed, ingested as manna from above, a life-sustaining food of divine providence.
Relativity has always been junk philosophy parading as ‘science’. We don’t need Relativity to explain anything in the cosmos. In fact, the abstruse incoherence of merged space-time as just one example amongst many, which obstructs real scientific understanding. Tesla expressed this quite well.
There is no past?
Consider the relativist claim that we can move backward and forward in time. This means that the entire universe of molecules must be rearranged. If there is no past, present or future, as roared by Einstotle and his friends, it is a very short walk to claim that the testicle is really the ovary.
You know there is a past, present and future, because once you were a baby, now you are not, and soon enough in the future you will be dead. The average person walking down your street, knows and understands this. They also comprehend that there is no vacuum in space, and space is full of material, with the aether proved and measurable. They can simply look up, point to and see ‘space’ (or the aether), to know it exists. Space, pace Newton, is the cosmological absolute frame of reference. Tesla understood this. Einstotle did not.
Because we have cosmological space, we have an absolute reference point pace Lorentz, Maxwell, Mach, Kant, Newton, Descartes and Aquinas. This by itself disproves all of Relativity. Absolutes reference frames always exist, ‘Relativity’ does not. You can argue over what ‘space’ or the ‘aether’ might be.
Is the aether just space itself? Is the aether the medium of materiality within space? Is the aether mostly Plancktons? Is the aether only the material within the medium we call ‘space’, defined by waves, or fields, as well as Plancktons?
Fair enough to dispute this, but the people walking down my street will point to the heavens and say, ‘aye governor, space exists, parse the word salads any way you like guv’.
Whatever the etymological details, both space and the aether are quite ponderable and measurable. This was known to Einstein throughout his career, confirmed in 1925 by the Michelson-Gale experiment which measured a displaced aether. It is also well known that Relativity’s maths makes little sense and that the entire concept of ‘time’ and ‘clocks’ is a magician’s chimera. Back to Mr. Tesla the practical engineer.
Tesla the doer, Einstotle the theorist
Without going into the quite fascinating life-story of the peripatetic Croatian, who died in poverty, we can zoom in on the inventor’s disdain for the nonsense that is the basis of Relativity. Tesla represents the carpenter’s view of the world.
This is a man who acquired callouses on the skin and sweat on the brow, the engineer who worked for days non-stop to meet mechanical deadlines, the mechanic who could fix Edison’s failing engines during a night of labour, the bankrupt who dug holes to stay alive, the man with a near-perfect memory who could arrange complex engineering designs in his head as Mozart did with compositions.
Tesla knew that the Earth was a giant conductor of electro-magnetic energy, an energy which can be harnessed without ‘wires’, and that gravity was dynamic, as are all forms of waves. Einstotle denied both.
We can juxtapose such a man against that of the thin armed, feminine maths-philosopher polishing seeing-stones and brewing mathematical alchemy with his baby-smooth-skin, his carefully crafted tautological and ‘imponderable’ calculus that no one did, or does understand. Never tired, never exhausted from digging holes or building a machine to prove his theories, never worrying about wiring a transformer, never concerned about voltage power, coils, current cycles, or building a receiver to capture and harness lightning. Einstotle was the pretty little darling in the comfortable study, warm, venerated and lost in philosophy and maths, with his soup served on cold days by an adoring knave.
Einstotle was not an engineer and not a scientist.
Whose opinion would I trust more, the doer or the confused philosopher?
Tesla and Gravity
Tesla believed in the aether. He wrote:
“I have worked out a dynamic theory of gravity in all details and hope to give this to the world soon (it is never given, he dies beforehand). It explains the causes of this force and the motions of the heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space.
According to Relativists space has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies… (this) would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for them and its assumptions dispenses with space time curvature. all literature on this subject is futile and destined for oblivion.” (Lomas, p. 253)
Tesla had disproved the curvature of space. Telsa’s dynamic theory of gravity was never published. When he died all of his papers, files and artefacts, including his designs on directed energy, gravity and anti-gravity machines were taken by the US government. They were used in US programs including DARPA, HAARP, directed energy programs and ‘flying saucers’ or machines with vertical landing and take off capabilities (the Canadian military, with US money, had built a ‘spaceship’ by the late 1940s, as part of their ‘Avro arrow’ program).
All of Tesla’s documents were impounded by the FBI and were classified as state secrets. What have they hidden from us? What are they using today?
Current thinking about gravity is that when a heavy object (a planet) is moving, it will emit gravitational (as well as electromagnetic waves pace Velikovsky), at a speed of light (entirely disputed what that actual speed might be). These waves of gravity are similar to other wave types (sound, heat, x-rays, light, energy). Tesla understood that gravity was dynamic, based on electro-magnetic radiation, embedded as a part of the aether. The electro-magentic energy of this planet, combined with gravity can go a long way to explaining how and why ‘gravity’ operates.
In the 1980s there was a study done of energy loss in a neutron star pulsar, oddly named PSR 1913+ 16. It was recorded that gravity waves exist. Einstotle never accepted the wave theory of gravity, nor of emitted planetary electro-magnetic energy. In GTR, gravity comes from an unknown source, flowing through a theoretical-geometrical 4th dimensional model, and does not explain why your apple rests undisturbed on your desk.
Ohm’s law and engineering
In the modern inverted and perverted world, we extol and worship abstract philosophies as truths and ‘science’. Better to exult in engineering and practical, mechanical inventions and efforts. It is a fallacy that ‘science’ creates anything of real value. Engineers and inventors create, not maths equations. Tesla understood Ohm’s ‘Law’ about voltage and current. He applied that insight into building AC systems. Ohm’s Law did not build AC distribution systems. Tesla did. Edison refused to comprehend Ohm’s ‘Law’ and could not countenance abandoning DC. Without Tesla, Ohm’s ‘Law’ would be unproven and forgotten.
Tesla invested everything he had into his inventions. He was a genius engineer and a failed, pathetic, businessman. He went bankrupt more than once and died in poverty. At times he sold his patents for a pittance to stay alive. Yet his inventions span the globe and have allowed the ‘modern world’ to flourish.
Bottom Line
Tesla knew that Relativity was a false god and a fraud. He understood waves and forces better than any man in the 20th century. He proposed a dynamic theory of gravity, within the observable reality of a 3 dimensional Euclidean universe. This is certainly more coherent than what Relativity proposes. He disdained the contrived mathematical sophistry of Einstein and his cult.
So who then is the real scientist? Tesla, the fascinating, practical, grease covered, tired, inventor and engineer? Or the well fed, pot bellied, pipe smoking philosopher, warm by his fire, surrounded by abstract 3 dimensional tensors no one understands, smiling to himself lost in his circular maths?
All hail.
Reading, Sources
Nikola Tesla, Colorado Spring notes, 1899-1900.
Nikola Tesla, Experiments with Alternating Currents, 1979, Omni publishing.
B. Bowers, P. Peregrinus, A History of Electric Light and Power, 1982.
I. Hunt, W. Draper, Lightning in his Hand, 1977.
R. Lomas, lecturer, The Man who invented the 20th century, 1999.
Excellent as usual. I remember coming across a youtube video of the battle between AC and DC. I believe Tesla was working with George Westinghouse on AC versus DC. Anyhow, the DC folks wanted to show the dangers of AC. So they wired an electric plate and put an elephant on it and electrocuted it. Very bizarre.
There is a joke to be discovered here, something about Einstotle building or fixing a car and how it goes afterwards. The brilliant engineer! 😂