The Mental Illness industry of Queer and Trans
Nothing to do with 'science', 'love', 'family', or 'values'. It has to do with deconstructing reality, money and $cientism.
No-Pride month drags on. Demon month is a better name. A display of perverts, drug addicts, porn addicts, child porn manufacturers and imbibers, naked men showing genitalia to children, an act which contravenes any number of laws, and endless propaganda in the classroom where ‘teachers’ subject innocent children to non-science, gender dysphoria, self-identification of gender, or in the case of a UK Catholic trust school, a teacher screaming at 2 brave girls who objected to a 13 year old’s choice that she is a cat. Yes that is how stupid ‘Western civilisation’ has become. A girl can be a cat, taught by a tax paid ‘teacher’ who should not be allowed near a school.
Nudity in 2023 Toronto Canada, no pride pervert parade. Men walking around naked shaking it in front of children. Idiot parents clapping with children beside them. Sick, stupid, demented.
Biology vs Mental Illness
The science of biology is simple: there are only 2 genders, based on x and y chromosomes, DNA, mitochondria and associated functionality and body structures. The rest are mental illnesses. Queers and Tranny’s suffer from a long list of behavioral, psychological, social, mental and even economic afflictions. Rampant drug and pornography usage is one example. Many were abused as children. Others who join may do so to ‘belong somewhere’, feel a part of a group, or crave acceptance given that in ‘normal’ society they are failures. Child abuse and child porn are legion (some 50% of child porn comes from the Queer cult). In short, there is little to be ‘proud’ about in this group and the real world attributes of this cult certainly does not justify a month long orgy of propaganda, freak shows, evil and stupid. All of it paid by and supported by big government and their big corporate partners.
No Pride reality
Gender-dysphoria and related mental illnesses were easily predicted with the cacophony of the Queer-Gay-LGBTQZ++ industry. Slippery slopes. We went in no time from ‘My name is Bob and I love my Kevin’, to a woman has a penis.
Gay marriage was never about ‘marriage’ given that most Gays don’t marry and when they do the divorce rates are the same as heterosexuals. It is about destroying the normative family, the Church, the idea of ‘normalcy’ or proper behaviour and to enshrine confusion, a temporary or even long lasting mental and psychological affliction as the new nirvana, an ideal, an idol to be worshipped and sung to. Drugs, counterculture, easy relationships and a hatred of the hetero family were applauded as canonised dogman within the Queer church.
‘They’ never wanted to be a ‘family’. It was their ‘desires’ parading as rights, that the rest of us had to tolerate. As with the Trans-illness industry, the Gay-Queer cult is a massive eco-system and this is why it is pushed, and it serves its socialist-globalist-secularist masters in deconstructing Christian virtues and civilisation based around hetero-family units and the related melange of complicated institutional structures which they want to tear down.
The Queer Industry
-Size: The LGBTQZ++ purchase power globally is estimated to be $3.7 Trillion. This market is growing at 10-15 % p.a. This market purchase power would include general purchases and not just products related to issues related to being lesbian or gay (drugs, counselling, toys, and other accessories).
-Key Players: Drug firms, activist groups, private billionaires, government
-Numbers: Some 15 million Americans or 5% of the population proclaim they are lesbian, homosexual or bi-sexual. Numbers vary by country, with 2% seemingly the overall average.
The LGBTQZ++ cult is a huge industry and eco-system. The purchasing power, support by billionaires and those who own Fake Media can buy not just never-ending propaganda, but politicians, ministers and school boards. There is no reason not to expect the Transgendered industry to follow the path of the LGBTQZ++ cult and accrete more power and influence as the numbers of transgenders continues to escalate.
What about the Nazi Brownshirts?
These industries and their components are intolerant, with many Gay groups such as BashBack or ActUp openly Fascistic, modelled on the Nazi brownshirts and publicly violent, attacking Churches and parishioners. They don’t accommodate dissent or debate. If you object to the Queer or Tranny cult you are attacked on all sides, you might lose your job, your access to institutions and friends and family support and if you are persistent with criticism on social media, you might be arrested.
These mentally ill people or ‘its’, have unlimited rights. They can abuse, assault, show their genitalia to children, groom children, indoctrinate them, play with them, go on trips with them, and viciously verbally and physically attack anyone who oppose their sickness.
Let us not forget that paedophilia is a Gay-centric disease and issue with over 50% of child porn being produced by Gays. The Catholic Church’s sexual deviancy issue is a by-product of Gay Priests assaulting young boys. It is estimated that probably half of the clergy in most Western states are Queer.
(Drag queens, June 24th 2023 show in NSW Australia, no mental illness here….)
Why the Queer-Tranny cults?
There are 3 key reasons the Queer-Tranny mental illness is being mainstreamed as ‘science’.
1-Deconstruction of Christianity and the family. Cultural Marxists and Communists have always identified the Christian Church as the key enemy. The Bible rightly condemns sexual dysfunction and immorality including men pretending to be girls. Christianity is premised on Adam coupling with Eve, a heterosexual family, faith and reason including defending normalcy and God’s biological design.
For Marxists and Globalists a gender confused society would obviously mean an end to families, the severing of the link with Adam and Eve and hence the Bible, and the promotion that biological sexuality and reality is subjective and is a continuum of choice. The ‘state’ would take care of children - a remark often made by criminals such as Clinton or Biden. The entire ethos of Christianity is being deracinated, cut off at the roots, with the heteronormal family raised by a mother and father under a full throated pagan attack.
2-Transhumanism and the ’Evolution’ or the ‘evolving’ of the human into a sexless automaton or cyborg. In this world people are bred, there is no need for a family, children, love or heteronormity. This is always sold as ‘science’ or ‘progress’. It is neither. The WEF, UN and the Davos ruling elite constantly push this theme.
3-Money and power. Most people do not understand that the criminal Pharmaceutical industry owns entire governments and governing institutions. The Queer-Tranny cult is big business for pharma and by extension their partners in government. Given that most governments are anti-Christian, pagan and saturated with secular evil, it is not a surprise that the ‘corporatism’ or alliance of big business and big government is firmly invested in ending the normal family, profting from endless drug revenues and creating a society of atomised avatars, which are much easier to control and confuse.
Tranny Profits - the ‘$cience’ follows the money
Pharmaceutical and Drug firms can earn over U$1million per ‘transitioned’ and confused person, over their lifetime, or roughly U$10.000 per annum. This largesse is from mentally ill people who disavow the science of biology to ‘migrate’ to their ‘real body’. Every single ‘professional’ doctor, nurse, counsellor and related ilk, within the socialised or partly ‘market-based’ health systems also profit. There are various drugs involved in this mental illness along with pre-and-post-operational counselling. In short, trans-gendered mental illness and convincing people that chromosomes do not exist is a massive industry, an industry managed by the U$800 billion revenue behemoth monstrosity and criminal enterprise called Pharmaceuticals. This is why there is a ‘spike’ in trans-activism within schools and the fake-news media. It is about the market and expanding it.
This mentally ill industry is bought and paid for by Pharma who use marketing, school boards, activist teachers and ‘experts’ within Fake Media to promulgate the anti-science tragedy of gender dysphoria. Endless rivers of fake science, fake studies and fake polls massage and prepare the population convincing them that Trans-ill ‘transitioners’ are normal, huge in number, and of especial worth and esteem. None of that is true but now the Police can arrest you for the mere ‘thought’ of offending one of these mentally incompetent chromosome-deniers, who believe that being born with a penis actually means they have a vagina. Only a sick and effete society would condone such ideas and use the modern Gestapo to jail those who object.
The Trans Industry
-Estimated US only market size: U$ 10 billion p.a. (drugs + accessories + counselling and other areas), or about $10.000 to $20.000 per transgender.
-Key Players: All big Pharma, J&J, Soros and other private investors, governments
-Numbers: US has 1.5 million or so Transgenders, about 0.7% of the population, growing at 20-30% p.a.
The Transgender – mental illness transition movement is a big market and will continue to grow and develop. Research supports the same.
-Michael Biggs describes ‘The Gender Industrial Complex’ as receiving lucrative sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies and medical providers (Biggs, 2018b).
-Bilek (2018), points out that three American billionaires have bankrolled the transgender movement on a global scale. The Open Society Foundations (OSF), funded by George Soros, probably has spent more than $20 million in the past 10 years on trans issues to promote the transgender movement. Stryker’s Arcus Foundation and Pritzker’s TAWANI Foundation are also big financiers (Open Society Foundations 2020; Bilek, 2018; Biggs, 2018b).
The Bottom line - normalisation of pedophilia
Biology, DNA, mitochondria, body structure and chromosomes leave no doubt that there are 2 sexual genders as given by the science of reproduction.
However, given the power of corporatism or the alliance of big government with big business and pharma, both of these mentally ill markets will continue to grow and will be used as tools to destroy the family, the Church, real faith and heterodoxy, not to mention culture and history.
An easy prediction is that paedophilia will be normalised and accepted, as will man-boy marriages and eventually incest. The slope is very slippery. From Queer marriage to man-boy relationships is a direct line. The cult of science or Scientism will pour billions into fake studies, fake data and fake declarations on why genders don’t exist and why child abuse is actually healthy and ‘progressive’. It is just a matter of time as society and civilisation implodes. Reality is not only optional, but for many it simply does not exist. When your society does not know what a woman is, it is pretty close to ending.
They are ready to attack other religions after the Christians. I am sorry, I cannot subscribe because I use all my money for taking care of the 55 children of a poor Buddhist monastic school in Nepal, where I live.
If I think that those maniac could come near my children I get crazy! 🤬
I agree with all your reasoning, yet I think an additional reason for this flourishing perversion is the effect of xenoestrogens.
That is, various toxins and in particular those with a hormonal effect have been causing genital abnormalities for probably a few decades and the perpetrators are fully aware of it with ready plans. Add indoor lifestyle, disempowerment and so on and we have a population subset ripe for exploitation with a created identity.
Weave this problem through all the factors you've detailed and it's amplified effectively enough to self perpetuate.