Excellent information. Thanks. I have long thought the biological origin for oil in the earth's mantle was nonsense and the clincher has been the ludicrous circumlocutions concerning the Titan. They are forced to admit that those "hydrocarbons'' ( whatever they might be) are not of biological origin and so have to try to say they are somehow different from the stuff we have on the earth. Nonsense

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Thanks David, very good point about Titan. I had forgotten about that. NASA can't explain it. https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Cassini-Huygens/Titan_s_surface_organics_surpass_oil_reserves_on_Earth

The abiotic theory suggests that hydrocarbon production exists all over the universe. Titan proves that (will add the link into the article as another proof), thanks for pointing that one out. Cheers

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