$cientism: The Perth Group and the HIV fraud
$500 billion market created. HIV virus cannot be proven to exist.
In the 1980s AIDS appeared and created a climate of hysteria. An HIV ‘virus’ was ‘discovered’ which accounted for the various symptoms and maladies of AIDs. There is no scientific proof that the HIV virus exists, nor that the viral-drugs used to remediate AIDS do anything but harm, injure and potentially kill.
In 2017 The Perth Group, a collection of independent scientists who have proven that the HIV virus does not exist, posted on their website a highly referenced 80-page paper which details their claims. In 2023 there is still no proof that an HIV virus has been isolated from the tissues of AIDS patients. This is after hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent investigating HIV and AIDS. An entire industry and market created by government and pharmaceuticals. HIV is just another example of $cientism, with the Perth Group and ‘deniers’ marginalised, dissenters deplatformed, and doctors who question de-registered, but massive profits and power accrued to government and their pharmaceutical allies.
The Perth Group
The Perth Group argues that the true causes of AIDS are not being adequately addressed nor honestly investigated. This means that millions of people, especially in poor countries, are being burdened with a false diagnosis of ‘HIV’ infection. As with the fake PCR tests in the Corona scamdemic there is no ‘consensus’ that HIV testing is valid. False positives are forcing people to take toxic drugs which may injure or kill them. It is ridiculous that in the poor areas of Africa, as millions are malnourished, and many starve to death, that scarce resources are being diverted into fighting an illusory ‘HIV’ epidemic.
Roots of the HIV market
The Perth Group believes that the foundation of the HIV-AIDS hysteria was in the anxiety and falsely elevated fear in the early 1980s when AIDS symptoms first appeared. As Kary Mullis and others said, there are maybe 30 ‘diseases’ or various symptoms labelled under AIDS. Early investigations revealed ‘signals’ from damaged cells which became misinterpreted as evidence of a new ‘virus’. An unvalidated test led to the mistaken belief that millions were infected by this new phantom ‘virus’. As with Corona, once the global alarm bells were rung, it became almost impossible for contrary views to be heard in the public square.
HIV virus isolation and purification
The only way to ‘identify’ a virus according to The Perth Group is to isolate and purify. As with most things ‘science’ these terms are not defined, and rarely agreed upon.
Before proceeding with the description and analysis of these experiments it is necessary to clarify the terms “virus isolation” and “virus purification”. Montagnier, Gallo and many other scientists frequently invoke these terms in support of their claim to have proven the existence and characterisation of HIV. To the non-scientist and layman, “isolation” and “purification” are the same: isolating, that is, separating an object from all other different objects, defines the process of purification. However, in virology these terms are not synonymous. When the Canadian documentarian Brent Leung asked UK retrovirologist Robin Weiss for an explanation he replied, “Isolation and purification are jargon words in virology...they mean different things to different people...they’re not very precise”. Yet isolation and purification are the basis of the peerreviewed, "clear-cut, exhaustive and unambiguous" evidence said to prove the existence of HIV and its causative role in AIDS. The fact is that in virology, while purification retains its everyday meaning, “isolation” is an expediential term virologists assign to data they claim are proof a particular virus exists.
HIV virus?
The Perth Group concludes it does not exist.
If the best randomised controlled trials to date, lasting between one and two years, show no “relationship between change in CD4 cell count or viral load and clinical events” then either (a) the RNA is not HIV RNA, that is, there is no HIV genome, and if there is no HIV genome there is no virus to cause AIDS; or, (b) the RNA is HIV RNA but HIV is not the cause of AIDS. Since to date nobody has published proof that what was assumed to be the “HIV RNA” originates from a retroviral particle, the former explanation - that there is no virus - must hold true.
What causes AIDS?
The Perth Group presents a case that the real cause of AIDS, is a prolonged breach of a chemical homeostatic process (called redox) that enables our body cells to balance energy expenditure with energy replenishment. There are oxidising substances which impact energy expenditure, and anti-oxidants which aid with energy replenishment. When cells are over-oxidised or expended, cells may be damaged. This indicates that the HIV virus theory was questionable from the start because it was already known that over-oxidation leads to the appearance of ‘opportunistic’ infections seen in AIDS. The Perth Group maintains that AIDS can be prevented and treated both by reducing exposure to oxidants, and through greater exposure to antioxidants.
Drugs and oxidants
The Perth Group believes that common powerful oxidising stimuli can induce AIDS symptoms. Oxidising stimuli can include injected and ingested recreational drugs; nitrite inhalants used for sexual enhancement; repeated infections and many of the medicines used to treat them; blood-clotting agents given to haemophiliacs, previously made from the pooled blood of thousands of donors; and semen from unprotected anal sex.
Anti-Oxidants and Cures
Antioxidants include vitamins A, C and E and are available naturally in many types of vegetables, fruits, and grains. If anyone mentions dietary solutions for immune deficiencies they are of course ridiculed. The same was true in the Corona Fascism when diet, vitamins, exercise and sunlight were denied by the ‘science’ to be of any benefit to fight the ‘pandemic’.
Drug Cartels
In other words healthy living would go a long way to curing AIDS symptoms. Not having anal sex would also be of great benefit. Not doing drugs or sticking needles into arms would go a long way to resolve AIDS. All of these ‘cures’ are anathema to big government which needs to stoke fear and loathing, by blaming a phantom scary ‘virus’, and big pharma which needs government to generate a market for its drugs. Big pharma then dispenses a large % of its profits back to government and regulators to ensure their support and to guarantee the market demand. It is the same model used by drug cartels in Mexico and Columbia.
Bottom Line
Natural medicines will cure ailments. You don’t need the stabbinations from ‘the science’ or $cientism.