Excellent - thanks. Quacksination reminds me of FMG or foot binding, blood letting or labotomy - all barbaric nonsense performed on the innocent and often healthy for the profit and status of evil monsters who are themselves l convinced they are not monsters protected as they are by learned by heart science from multiple choice tests. Chance would be a fine thing if any one of them had any clue what science actually was let alone had a critical view. It is not enough to treat the sick - not enough profit in just that - too rare you see. What is needed is universal quackery mandated upon all for the supposed good of all so as to create the perfect never ending status and money stream. But the really surprising part is the quiet acceptance by the victims. People standing in line for the poison while paramedics attend the dead in the line up ahead. It reminds me those honored by the group by being chosen for human sacrifice who revel in their celebrity. The vaccine disaster of 21/22 reveals much about the devil waltz of human greed and human fear. But I doubt that sufficient people will wake up long enough to notice and the whole will be forgotten until the next time. And so on and so on.
Thanks for the comment. Yes the Corona scademic was something else to witness. People in diapers begging to be jabbed with unknown toxins against an IFR of 0.3%. Complete brainwashing and lack of critical thinking. As you said, no profit in curing the sick, money and power in keeping them ill. And I suspect you are right that a great many of the sheeple will line up for a round of stabbination in the not so distant future. One of the dumbest arguments from the stabbed is 'I jagged and am healthy so they must work...' That level of stupid is hard to put up with. Their bodies fought off the toxins, but their immune systems are degraded and if they keep stabbing they will contract an illness or worse.
Thanks :) I think a main point from this book and others is that the Pharma-Government fraud goes back to its very beginnings. I don't think many people understand that - they have a blind religious-faith in 'science' and 'government', which is not justified at all if we view history and facts.
Excellent - thanks. Quacksination reminds me of FMG or foot binding, blood letting or labotomy - all barbaric nonsense performed on the innocent and often healthy for the profit and status of evil monsters who are themselves l convinced they are not monsters protected as they are by learned by heart science from multiple choice tests. Chance would be a fine thing if any one of them had any clue what science actually was let alone had a critical view. It is not enough to treat the sick - not enough profit in just that - too rare you see. What is needed is universal quackery mandated upon all for the supposed good of all so as to create the perfect never ending status and money stream. But the really surprising part is the quiet acceptance by the victims. People standing in line for the poison while paramedics attend the dead in the line up ahead. It reminds me those honored by the group by being chosen for human sacrifice who revel in their celebrity. The vaccine disaster of 21/22 reveals much about the devil waltz of human greed and human fear. But I doubt that sufficient people will wake up long enough to notice and the whole will be forgotten until the next time. And so on and so on.
Thanks for the comment. Yes the Corona scademic was something else to witness. People in diapers begging to be jabbed with unknown toxins against an IFR of 0.3%. Complete brainwashing and lack of critical thinking. As you said, no profit in curing the sick, money and power in keeping them ill. And I suspect you are right that a great many of the sheeple will line up for a round of stabbination in the not so distant future. One of the dumbest arguments from the stabbed is 'I jagged and am healthy so they must work...' That level of stupid is hard to put up with. Their bodies fought off the toxins, but their immune systems are degraded and if they keep stabbing they will contract an illness or worse.
Thank you, you are opening the Pandora's vase in front of my eyes!
Thanks :) I think a main point from this book and others is that the Pharma-Government fraud goes back to its very beginnings. I don't think many people understand that - they have a blind religious-faith in 'science' and 'government', which is not justified at all if we view history and facts.