An untold story where the real quacks and criminals slander someone who successfully cured thousands from terminal cancer. $cientism and protecting the AMA and the medical establishment's drug trade.
Interesting comment, "I now have to conclude that bad translations are not a mistake. He is very very scathing of the so called intelligentsia."
Absolutely. The same is true in every discipline. The late Scholastics in the medieval era had developed most of modern economic theory attributed to Smith et al, centuries before. All buried (Spanish, French works mostly).
Great story - " But I have to say that the most remarkable I have ever come across is a cure, overnight, of terminal leukaemia in a teenager. And due to situation I resorted to prayer. Beginners luck maybe, but the hospital the next day where shocked"
I believe in prayers and miracles. I have seen and heard too many stories of miraculous healing. I met the curator at Holywell in Wales, whilst there. She showed me medical testaments on her various previous illnesses. Should have been dead pace the science. She was very much alive, healthy and running the site. To cure herself she prayed, went to holy wells, and believed. Placebo effect? Maybe but it can't explain how her many illnesses disappeared after being at holywell. She showed me letters from her doctors who professed that her survival was outside the knowledge of modern medicine.
Science cannot explain our existence or these miracles or even for that matter, how a single cell becomes a 70 trillion cell human. Mind blowing. Great background you have as a healer, have probably made a great difference in many people's lives. A life well worth living.
I don't know much about healing per se. What can be said is that the AMA-Rockefeller paradigm does not allow 'natural healing', only drugs, quackcines and pills. So we look around and see record rates of every imaginable disease....and we call it 'modern medicine'. Mafia medicine is more accurate.
Probably true. Many ways to cook a chicken. For 'The Science' however, which has spent $ 1 trillion on research and 'drugs' it seems to be impossibly difficult to understand and regress if not cure cancer :) I guess the real motivation is finding profits, not a cure.
very enjoyable reading i have been a follower of DR. Gerson for about 10 years or so
You are way ahead of us then :) The liver insight is so obvious but critical. Yet how many modern quacks discuss it with people in relation to cancer?
Interesting comment, "I now have to conclude that bad translations are not a mistake. He is very very scathing of the so called intelligentsia."
Absolutely. The same is true in every discipline. The late Scholastics in the medieval era had developed most of modern economic theory attributed to Smith et al, centuries before. All buried (Spanish, French works mostly).
Great story - " But I have to say that the most remarkable I have ever come across is a cure, overnight, of terminal leukaemia in a teenager. And due to situation I resorted to prayer. Beginners luck maybe, but the hospital the next day where shocked"
I believe in prayers and miracles. I have seen and heard too many stories of miraculous healing. I met the curator at Holywell in Wales, whilst there. She showed me medical testaments on her various previous illnesses. Should have been dead pace the science. She was very much alive, healthy and running the site. To cure herself she prayed, went to holy wells, and believed. Placebo effect? Maybe but it can't explain how her many illnesses disappeared after being at holywell. She showed me letters from her doctors who professed that her survival was outside the knowledge of modern medicine.
Science cannot explain our existence or these miracles or even for that matter, how a single cell becomes a 70 trillion cell human. Mind blowing. Great background you have as a healer, have probably made a great difference in many people's lives. A life well worth living.
I don't know much about healing per se. What can be said is that the AMA-Rockefeller paradigm does not allow 'natural healing', only drugs, quackcines and pills. So we look around and see record rates of every imaginable disease....and we call it 'modern medicine'. Mafia medicine is more accurate.
Probably true. Many ways to cook a chicken. For 'The Science' however, which has spent $ 1 trillion on research and 'drugs' it seems to be impossibly difficult to understand and regress if not cure cancer :) I guess the real motivation is finding profits, not a cure.