Charlatan Einstein and his big tech buddies

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Yes it is possible Einstein did not really understand Maxwell's equations. He took them, beat them, terrified them, cut out the Aether and repositioned them. For some reason this was deemed 'scientific'. No experiments were used to prove the equations....

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Excellent post. One of your best. I had no idea about the different effect caused by a magnet moving relative to a conductor and a conductor moving relative to a magnet. No idea that velocity was death to relativists. No idea that Einstein could not bare that contradiction so mathematically altered reality without an experiment in sight. It is amazing how your posts allow me to connect dots I have not been able to for decades ( but suspected) since I was not prepared to put up with Wikipedia/ Britannica style circumlocutious obfuscation for more than a few paragraphs. For about the past 40 years I have been a science sceptic for the last thirty almost a science heretic and since convid 19 and reading your excellent posts a full blown, unashamed, proud, science denier. If the whole of science could somehow magically be removed from the human history just think how much better good old planet earth would be. I recall asking my physics teacher in 1974 what was the difference between weight and mass and was told to stop asking stupid questions. Ever since that day I have believed most of physics is bunkum - certainly the big stuff. He had no idea, of course. All those years of warp drive and black holes and faster than light drive and cats leaping out of boxes they are not actually in and so on. Utter rubbish. In the philosophy department we had to read Hegel's Philosophy of Right and let me assure you that even Plotkin's Vaccines is an easy read next to Hegel. This reading alerted my "nonsense" sense. I concluded that if I - a reasonably intelligent reader - could not understand what he was reading, it must be because it does not mean anything. Einstein falls into this category. Your views in my view are correct - we are indeed now all unwitting victims of a new religion of science whose chief acolytes are medical doctors and whose purpose is the keep the evil empire ruling the world at all costs - including murdering us all with forced injections - if deemed necessary for the "public" good.

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Thanks David. Glad they help. As you said so much formal education does not teach anything except the utter confusion that passes for science. And what really is annoying is that technology, say building a car, is somehow equated with 'science'. The two have nothing to do with each other. At Salisbury Cathedral I paced out the nave - it is perfectly symmetrical. It is 800 years old. The design and mathematics involved are from human reason, logic, experience. The architect was not waiting for 'The Science' to tell him what to do or believe. Physics, 'virology', 'climate', 'evolution', etc the word salads choke you to death.

"I recall asking my physics teacher in 1974 what was the difference between weight and mass and was told to stop asking stupid questions. Ever since that day I have believed most of physics is bunkum - certainly the big stuff. He had no idea, of course. All those years of warp drive and black holes and faster than light drive and cats leaping out of boxes they are not actually in and so on. Utter rubbish"

Classic. I remember my physics teacher also taught phys-ed :) It was hopeless. The maths teacher simply could not teach, most of his students were near failures. They simply don't understand the topics and repeat state created syllabuses and material. Black holes etc - I was reading endless 'scientific' articles on this - even Hawking the Black hole king admitted they don't really exist, but nary a dissenting voice to be found within accepted circles.

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A Brief History of Time was the most expensive and worst toilet paper I ever bought!

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People buy it, read it, quote from it, and present themselves as uber intelligent and sophisticated :) It really is just philosophy. A lot of science fiction pretending to be fact.

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Sad but true

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Agreed. What bunkum.

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Agreed. Maths was a farce at my school too. Most of it was memorize and repeat. No actual education at all. A senior fellow at Cambridge told me, off the record, some years back that most insiders he knew thought Hawking was fake news. We do not know what is five miles beneath our feet but we know how the universe works because of experimentless mathematical theories!?. I don't think so. On Salisbury Cathedral check out the stone boxes at Saqqara in Egypt. The ancients had superior knowledge to us in many areas and were less prejudiced and more open minded. Durant informs us in his monumental Story of Civilization, 1932, Our Oriental Heritage, that the clever old Chinese liked western surgery and adopted it but had little time for our so called modern ideas about infectious disease or drugs, preferring their time honored traditional remedies. Would you trust a western doctor now after what just happened and the behavior of most of them?

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Victorians knew that doctors were quacks. St Jenner was called such, as his poisons murdered thousands of children, or as he said in his letters, 'I am beset with difficulties'. I guess so, given his ideas led directly to the 1870-72 'smallpox' disaster (after 70 years of quacking). He and his Royal Society chums did of course pocket some £3 mn in today's money for the smallpox quackcine (tainted with mercury and other chemicals). Chinese-Hindu's have a greater respect for naturopathy than Westerners. The Corona Fascism revealed just how dumb most of the population is and how divorced from any comprehension of reality most of the pop is.

Interesting that your maths teacher admitted the obvious about Saint Hawking. Black Holes - if true it would nullify physical reality (singularities are impossible, Hawking even said so and wrote that Relativity was wrong). But it was invoked to explain 'multi verses' and the creation of this universe. Anything to avoid the obvious. :)

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Omg, I read this and liked it. The app did not register either. WTF, substack.

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Sorry had a problem with the original post, so reposted.

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I too asked about weight versus mass. I have known that something was wrong about black holes, wormholes, and even einstein. I never wanted to study his weird equations. How can my weight be related to light, to how fast light moved? There are so many basic observations that bring into question 'gravity' (mercury liquid keeps an anvil on its surface - relative density explains this - not bend in space time), as well as the dumb observer on a train word play.


I personally am on a quest for absolute fixed 'truths.' For me:

[1] The Creator is good, therefor any religious claims that some 'god' told them to kill others is bunk

[2] Man and woman are essential for each other, and yet there is a hierarchy and gender differences

[3] Be good to all created beings; other humans, mammals, reptiles, bugs, bacteria, water, trees, air

[4] When learning, only accept new information that is in line with the above (be good to all created beings, which include your neighbour AND yourself) [intentional confirmation bias]

Learning is to be good, and joyful, not tricky and self-centered (my group is best, and has special rights, others serve me ... even unto death). Learning is to be helpful - mathematics for its own 'glory' is trickery, math for quick aid to measure and build is useful and good. Let us stop worshiping math as an idol, let us bring back math to be a servant only.

[5]Let us look for trickery, where those spell castors ask us to believe without tests we can do ourselves. Where they say the 'proofs' are too far back in time, are too big for us to see, or too small, or require equipment vastly too expensive or exotic, where our own eyes prove their claim as false. Multi-genders, evolution, moving earth, virology, germs as contagious agents, interest and fractional reserve, chosen people and days and religions, murders disguised as righteousness, using any authority over our own tests which we need to do.


These all overlap and interweave. Einstein's frauds are in the same league as one group being better and more special than another, as well as choosing someone/some group to be our proxy instead of searching ourselves. Search for the root cause, not some gobblygook word salad with ample use of fear for heath issues.

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medium.com/@enuminous EUREKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chat me up, PLEASE?????

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What do you make of Wolfgang Smith?

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