Excellent and most informstive article Ferdinand. I have heard Plasma is a 4th state of matter, and Aether was considered a 5th element or Quintesescience (Air, Water, Fire, and Earth being thr 1st four). How do you compare and contrast Aether with plasma? Here's an interesting clip to help put into context https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hJCTOMyY0NI

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If the aether exists, how do we make a motorboat to putter about in it?

That's the question I wonder about.

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Some aether theories discuss gradations of the aether. At the surface we have the lower atmosophere which is mixed with the aether particles and energy. At the troposphere this would be less dense. Motorboat in water would have to contend with the aether wind discovered by Michelson plus other forces depending on where the boat is (Coriolis) and gravity of course. The aether wind or impact is what needs to be further investigated. 'Science' has no interest in that investigation.

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Sounds like you have the topic for your next research grant application.

Hah. I kill me.

I was rather thinking of an aether-boat capable of extra-atmospheric putterances. To scoot between the worlds, jetting along in ships powered by bottles of pressurized aether sounds like a good time had by all.

Thank you for your articles challenging Einstein. To be perfectly honest, I'm not able to understand all of them, but I scan for what I can and wonder at the rest of it. These experiments showing evidence of aether, have you personally replicated any of them?

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