Forgotten History and Pharmaceutical Criminality: 1918 'Spanish Flu' epidemic; 1976 ‘Swine’ Flu. A ‘long history’ of Government-Pharma-Fraud and $cientism.
Viewed historically Corona was premised on the government-pharma mafia's past attempts, failures and successes, to build a medical-Nazism.
(Hospital with poisoned adults of all ages, ascribed to a ‘Spanish Flu’)
“There is a vaccination ring in England, receiving millions of the public money. It is in their interest to favour the practice at all hazards and to falsify statistics in order to conceal its failure and its evils. There are also armies of public vaccinators in every large city all over Europe, who are supported from the public treasury, and every practitioner who does not oppose the practice, derives a considerable income from its continuance.” —Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, “Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils” (circa 1877)
“The vaccination myth is the most widespread superstition modern medicine has managed to impose, but being by the same token the most profitable, it will prove to be also one of the most enduring, though there was never the slightest of scientific evidence upholding it.”
—Hans Ruesch, "The Naked Empress: The Great Medical Fraud" (1982)
Follow the money, to find the $cience of ‘virology’ and curing diseases with drugs.
1918 Spanish Flu
Not Spanish and not a flu. In the Spanish-American War (1899-1901) about 2600 US soldiers died of typhoid and related illnesses with diarrhoea, fever, dehydration and pneumatic symptoms as common expressions of the illness. This war of aggression was fought in the tropics of Cuba where the heat and other unhealthful conditions were conducive to the development of typhoid as well as many other diseases. There was no refrigeration, so the food spoiled, except that which was loaded with poison preservatives including formaldehyde, nitrates, salt, saltpeter and other toxins.
Decomposed protein and other poisons are the main cause of ptomaine poisoning and other diseases of intestinal putrefaction, such as typhoid fever, typhus, yellow fever, malaria, and cholera. These diseases are not caused by ‘germs’ or magical flying viruses. During the Spanish-American war there were no sewers, hygiene, or systems of sanitation. The ‘flu’ or typhoid (which emanates from filth, waste and poor hygiene) was manufactured by the environment.
But herein lies the origins of the moniker ‘Spanish flu’ and the US Army’s obsession with a typhoid-vaccine. In reality there was no connection in World War I, between ‘Allied’ armies and Spain, or between soldiers and a typhoid or flu outbreak.
Poisons and 1918
The ‘Spanish flu’ was an epidemic of poisons and they occurred in three phases and from separate sources.
1-World War I released into the general environment tonnes of toxins, chemical gases, poisons, and anti-oxidising material (which destroys your cells). This particulate pollution would have been swept across Europe through normal wind and weather patterns. The environment was poisoned, and this always affects your body (cytokline conditions).
2-The US army has always forcibly injected and experimented on its members. Starting in 1917 they began a failed experimental typhoid-‘vaccine’ injection. Young, healthy men were injured, decommissioned or even killed. This typhoid experiment created a bacterium which could be passed and spread through contract or in contaminated water, food and faeces. They named the disease ‘para-typhoid’ and tried more injections, which added to the injury and death totals. Some 45.000 or more servicemen were killed by the shots, ascribed by the Army, fake news and ‘science’ as ‘flu’ deaths.
[It should be noted that US Army Influenza and Pneumonia death rates spiked between 1918-1920. World War I was the first war in which US service men were required to vaccinate.]
3-Every country engaged in a mass-injection of mandatory serums into the population at large to combat the ‘flu’. In many countries, including the US and Europe there more than one forced injection against this ‘flu’ a disease which was never isolated, identified or proven to be ‘spreading’. These poisons combined with the cytokline effects of 1 above, led to injury and death.
Masks were also mandated, and they do nothing except restrict oxygen, force the wearer to eat bacteria and Co2 and inhale carcinogens. Worn for prolonged periods masks can lead to death. Does this sound familiar after the Corona scamdemic?
Rockefellers, Fort Riley, Fort Dix and Quackines
“The 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ started in American military Camp Funston, Fort Riley, USA, amongst troops making ready for WWI—taking on board vaccinations, recruit training and all. It eventually killed about 40,000,000 people worldwide. That flu strain only appeared briefly once again, according to the US Atlanta CDC. This was in 1976 and again it struck at the US army camp Fort Dix, USA, amongst recently vaccinated troops (and no one else EVER); Fort Dix is known to have been a vaccine trial centre. Was the world’s greatest ‘influenza’ scourge another well-hidden vaccine disaster?” —John P. Heptonstall, Director of Morley Acupuncture Clinic and Complementary Therapy Centre, West Yorkshire
One study described soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” [See A Report on Anti-meningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in the Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers as Recorded by Frederick L Gates, MD in 1918 From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas and The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York. Received July 20, 1918].
According to Frederick Lamont Gates (who is not the same person as Fred T Gates though both worked for Rockefeller), the US Army also injected random dosages of an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine into soldiers. Afterwards, some of the soldiers had symptoms which “simulated” meningitis, but Dr. Gates advanced the fantastical claim that it wasn’t actual meningitis but a ‘flu’. If you search online, Dr Gates’ explanation is the only ‘scientifically’ accepted one. In the age of Corona, this should not come as a surprise. It was clear that bacterium were the generators of the illnesses.
The stabbinated soldiers developed flu-like symptoms. Bacterial meningitis, then and now, is known to mimic flu-like symptoms. Given the similarity of early symptoms of bacterial meningitis and bacterial pneumonia to symptoms of flu is perhaps why the vaccine experiments at Fort Riley escaped scrutiny as a potential cause of the ‘Spanish Flu’. According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919.
The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised. During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide. When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
Rockefeller, Fred and Kill Gates
During World War I, Frederick T. Gates was employed by the Rockefellers as their director of pharmaceuticals and he was intimately involved in the ‘Spanish Flu’ destruction. It was Gates who convinced the Rockefellers about the enormous potential of drugs and vaccines. Frederick is quite likely the great-grandfather of Bill ‘Kill’ Gates the quackcine salesman (GAVI, many pharma investments), who ‘self identifies’ as a ‘philanthropist’. Fact checkers get very angry when this obvious familial connection is declared, but they are paid to object to reality. This is one reason why Kill Gates ‘mutated’ seamlessly from operating systems and application software to chemical pharmaceuticals. He was well-connected with the Rockefellers and a long-time friend with ‘Doctor’ Fauci of the NIIH and leader of the Corona scamdemic response (RFK ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’).
Kill Gate’s great-grandfather was a major role player in the poisons-parade which killed depending on your source, some 20 million to 100 million people. Kill Gates could not quite match his ancestor in the death and injury rolls during the Corona scamdemic, not through want of trying. He has helpfully promised a 2nd Corona-style scamdemic to try and exceed his illustrious ancestor’s contribution to death and misery.
The Rockefeller-Pharmaceutical complex was also a pernicious promoter of the devastating polio vaccine campaign of the 1950’s when the Salk, Sabin, and Cutter vaccines caused thousands of cases of polio, death, and other disasters. Polio is spread by poisons (DDT, arsenic, lead) and contaminated water and spread of faeces with said contaminants. Polio has little to do with a ‘virus’. The Rockefellers were ‘rocked’ by endless lawsuits which flooded US courts and the quackcine promoters and drug cartels had to pay out millions in damages. The five pharmaceutical houses making the Salk vaccine were called the ‘Rockefeller chain’ a cabal which would of course go on to make the ‘swine flu’ vaccines.
The Fake Swine Flu and the 1976 Stabbination Scam
In 1977 contra-drug industry activist and doctor Eleanor McBean wrote a book ‘The Swine Flu Exposed’, which alerted the public to the drug industry’s colossal and brazen project to subject Americans to what would be accomplished during the Corona Fascism, namely; the planned forcible injection of every single person with multiple doses of a vaccine against a non-existent threat. Instead of SARS II Corona, it was a ‘swine flu’. The antecedents to the Corona fascism are obvious.
Dr McBean always had difficulties in finding publishers who were interested in her factual ‘anti-vaccine’ depositions. Given the violence being inflicted on American society by the government-pharmaceutical cabal, she felt compelled to rush the book into production, so it is rather haggard and haphazard, yet gems aplenty exist inside.
No proof of the Swine Flu
The 1976 swine flu ‘epidemic’ occurred as one would expect at Fort Dix, in New Jersey, the US Army’s experimental centre for poisoned injections. Some 500 fell ill from the poisons, blamed on a ‘swine flu’ (new variant). One died. In fact, during the Fall of 1976, the US Government and the CDC could only show this one single death from the Swine Flu (The National Enquirer, November 2 1976). As Dr. McBean writes, “The swine flu vaccine campaign was such an obvious fraud, with no epidemic, not even one authentic case of swine flu anywhere in the world, it makes us wonder about the sanity of the promoters.”
Even CBS knew the Swine Flu of 1976 was an exercise in frauds and profits.
The propaganda
In order to sell some 200 million shots of an untested, non-transparent poison substance against this non-epidemic, the US government and its mafia drug-cartel issued endless propaganda. They psychologically attacked Americans through all possible mediums that foregoing a stabbination against the non-existing pig flu they would die. What the government-pharma cartel never bothered to do was to explain and define this flu-strain; scientifically describe and prove the virility and transmissibility of the disease, and cogently outline its symptoms and measures of prevention. They also never troubled themselves to explain why the pharma companies were indemnified from all liability.
Few died from the ‘Swine flu’ but 45 million Americans were stabbinated with the experimental quackcines leading to a wide variety of illness, injury and even death. The forced ‘inoculation’ or vaccination was stopped after hundreds had been killed and paralysed from the injections. Then as now, for every death and injury there were an estimated 15 unreported cases. Many vaccine deaths were also recorded to be from other causes, to conceal the hazards of the vaccine. All of this fraud was replicated during the Corona scamdemic.
Back in the 1970s many doctors were ‘anti-vaxxers’. But as during the Corona fascism, those who spoke out against the Swine Flu fraud were censored and fired.
Dr. J. Anthony Morris, one of the government’s top experts on vaccines, stated: "… There’s no evidence that swine flu is a killer...It is not contagious...There is no evidence that swine flu will spread. It has not been isolated anywhere since it was (allegedly) found in Feb. at Fort Dix, N.J" and “...The swine flu vaccine is worthless. There’s no evidence that it will protect you against swine flu because there’s been no cases of swine flu to test it against."
Dr. Morris was de-registered and fired.
All of the fraud, manipulation, psyops, censorship, propaganda and corporate collusion between big government and the pharmaceutical drug mafia were on display in the 1917-20 and during 1976-77. The dead and injured from forced stabbinations and other policies were likewise ignored, covered up or linked to other causes. Viewed in a historical light, Corona was another instantiation of past attempts to enforce a medical dictatorship and fascism.
The closest parallel to the Corona Fascism is the ‘Spanish flu’ where many countries did coercively inject, lock down and diaper their populations. But the 1976 scamdemic over a non-existent swine-flu threat was also similar in the complete creation and fabrication of a health crisis, to manufacture panic and profits. Given this historical context, one should expect the criminal cartel of government and pharmaceuticals to try and establish their medical-Nazism sometime again in the near future.
Excellent stuff thanks. Have you written a book? Really refreshing to see that whole horrible history of it described so clearly. The historical quotes are terrific. There are many who have connected a few of the dots and even some who have connected most of them but you have connected them all. I do think the core realization needed to make the final leap is that science itself has been corrupted and is now a voracious out of control monster working for drug pushers, banks, insurance companies and their highly paid propagandists.