Just excellent. A terrific and concise summary. Thanks for the bibliography. I hope you will collect this series and posts into a book and publish it. For 40 years I have wanted answers to these key questions and wanted - above all - an overview of the field with the terms of the debate clearly described. This you have done here most excellently. I never had the time to do this research myself so thanks to you for doing it. It seems to me that this shakes the very foundations of the whole rotten edifice that is modern "science" and reveals that it is no more or less true than a thousand types of thought that went before. And once we are freed by your posts from the illusion of scientific infallibility we are free to accept all forms and types of knowledge as equally valid and more or less useful. I think what I have always disliked most about "science" is the insufferable arrogance - together with its disdain for history, morality, religion, philosophy - to name but a few.

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Thanks David. A book is a good idea though one may be imprisoned for such thought crimes :) Science is riven with philosophy, egos, greed, plagiarism and outright mendacity. Einstein borrowed copiously from others but never referenced their work. To criticise Einstein is of course anti-semitic, and racist. Mechanical proof is now replaced by metaphysics and complex maths no one understands. If, of the 11 'proofs' for heliocentricity, say 4 or 5 are invalid, the entire complex of secular-material Scientism comes crashing down. Evolution, long ages, Copernicanism, atheism, all of it is destroyed. It appears to be widely admitted that Relativity is absolute bunk and it is just a matter of time before it is kicked into the high grass. That might start a return to reality and perhaps real science divorced from money and power.

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Have been reading about European religious wars of the 17th century in Durant today. Similar sort of thing. Maybe humans need belief systems and schismatic wars to provide orientation in a universe with no fixed center or perhaps a fixed center. Looking forward to your next post.

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Thanks David. State power taking over the ecclessiastical. Great wealth, land and power transfers. Germany, England, the French Revolution etc. and many other irruptions - money, power, consolidation, all with a markedly anti-religious (Catholic) fanaticism.

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