I agree with the main point you make (question everything). But this one line sticks out like a sore thumb: "the current NATO generated war against Russia in the Ukraine". You seem to state this as fact, because it counters the western narrative, even though it is in line with the Russian government narrative (which I assume you agree is also worthy of questioning).

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The NATO war is in my opinion a 30 year planned endeavour. Russia in 1991 was clear that the Ukraine was off limits. Eastern Ukraine is entirely Russified (worked there, traveled there) as is the South. Ukr gov'ts were at times very pro Russian, the CIA did their usual coups and removed them, and persecuted Russians, killing 15K or so. 2004, 2014 coups, and breaking, and not caring about the Minsk agreement of 2019. I don't think the Americans would let Russia turn Mexico into a Russian oblast. For Russia this NATO war is existential. And for many of us, it is just another endless war in a very long succession of wars since WW2. NATO is the problem, not Russia with its own valid self interests. Many people feel this way, though the fake news will preach the opposite.

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You forget to mention Russia grabbed Crimea in 2014, effectively pushing Ukraine into the arms of NATO. Also, it seems clear to me that Russia has had its eyes on Moldova as well, for a long time. Would invading Moldova also count as 'valid self interests'? Where would you draw the line, as Putin has stated he wants to restore all of the former Soviet Union.

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Crimea is Russian and always has been. 95% voted in 2 referenda to join Russia. EU 'referenda' or US elections are usually frauds and they recount until the state gets the 'right' answer. So a Euro or American has no moral basis to criticise a referendum in the Crimea or Donbass. Ukraine was never a country. It is a fiction - a Soviet administrative zone. I don't see why the Russkies would invade Moldova unless they need more dairy farming. But agree if they go beyond where the boundaries are now, that would be an act of aggression - like what NATO does almost every year and will soon do in Niger, against Iran etc.

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