This sounds suspiciously like much of the modern progressive thought process, if indeed you can call it thought.

I believe this was all crystallized by that brilliant sage, Whoopi Goldberg, years ago on the O’Reilly Factor on FOX. Bill O’Reilly and Goldberg were discussing some recent occurrence (IIRC, the Trayvon Martin incident) and O’Reilly was trying to walk Goldberg through the case step by step in something of a Socratic fashion, whereupon Goldberg held up her hand and said: “Look, Bill, I don’t know the facts. I only know how I feel.”

I believe this quote encapsulates the entire modern, feminized, progressive approach to what is passed off as logical thought.

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Yes, 'intuition' now replaces facts, or in Kant's 'logic', apriori 'reasoning' can substitute for mechanical proof. It is interesting to speculate where modern 'science' would be if different philosophies had informed physics and cosmology. Imagine if Copernicus, or Kepler, Kant or Mach had arrived at much different conclusions based on the same evidence. Einstein would never have been needed.

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