Paul Dirac, Positrons, Aether and disproving Relativity and Heisenberg.
Dirac was a founder of the quantum mechanics movement, quantum field theory, and a critic of Relativity. He is also rarely taught.
“After all, relativity is riddled with holes – black holes. It predicts that stars can collapse to infinitesimal points but fails to explain what happens then. Clearly the theory is incomplete…. Moreover, quantum theory turns the clock back to a pre-Einsteinian conception of space and time. It says, for example, that an eight-liter bucket can hold eight times as much as a one-liter bucket.
That is true in everyday life, but relativity cautions that the eight-liter bucket can ultimately hold only four times as much – that is, the true capacity of buckets goes up in proportion to their surface area rather than their volume.”
(George Musser, “Was Einstein Right?” Scientific American, Sept. 2004, p. 89)
As Musser comments above, Relativity is misaligned with mechanical reality. A bucket is simply a bucket.
My wife who loves to garden, has informed me that a 1 litre bucket will probably hold 1 litre of water. She also told me that absent a leak or issue, an 8 litre bucket would probably hold 8 litres, or 8 times as much as the 1 litre bucket. I was shocked. But, I stammered in reply, Einstotle says ‘nein’ to that, his maths don’t work that way and his says the 8 litre bucket must hold only 4 litres!
Einstein say, maths say, BBC say, the teacher say, I implored.
She seemed unimpressed with my appeal to ‘The Science’ and went back to filling her 2 litre bucket with 2 litres of water. I was devastated as she ignored my ‘science’ and murmured ‘denier’.
Reality does exist. In the real world anti-matter or the lack of it, is one of the great puzzles for ‘The Science’. Pace the Big Bang and Relativity, the universe should be suffused in anti-matter. It isn’t. Most of what we see is simply matter. But given the supposed cosmic egg ‘explosion’ (billions, trillions, brazilians of years ago etc), this can’t be right. We must have anti-matter just based on the laws of probability alone.
Paul Dirac had predicted the discovery of the positron, or anti-matter, in 1928. Dirac’s famous equation predicted that the entire universe was composed of electron-positron pairs, or as they are now termed ‘electropons’. Positrons would fill a gap in the scientific understanding of how matter and anti-matter are created.

The most unique aspect of Dirac’s analysis was that his equation required two sets of electropon pairs, positive pairs and negative pairs (Dirac, 1928). Dirac however, believed in an active, absolute aether, echoing the same belief found in Newtonian physics, Maxwell’s electro-magnetism and the equations of Lorentz. For ‘The Science’ the aether was anathema. Relativity does not work with an aether. Better then to ignore Dirac and Anderson.
Quantum theory
In 1933 Dirac was awarded a Nobel with Erwin Schrodinger for discoveries of atomic theory productivity. Dirac was famed as a founder of the quantum mechanics movement, quantum field theory, and a critic of STR (special theory of relativity, which is so wrong and inane, it is indeed very ‘special’). Ethereally self-created matter is a convenient philosophical position, not a scientific position, Dirac declared in 1933:
“To get an interpretation of some modern experimental results one must suppose that particles can be created and annihilated. Thus, if a particle is observed to come out from another particle, one can no longer be sure that the latter is composite. The former may have been created.
The distinction between elementary particles and composite particles now becomes a matter of convenience. This reason alone is sufficient to compel one to give up the attractive philosophical idea that all matter is made up of one kind, or perhaps two kinds, of bricks.” (Ferris, 1991, pp. 80- 81).
Even in Dirac’s world of quantum mechanics ‘space’ is filled with pairs of ‘virtual’ particles and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, separating, and then coming together again and annihilating each other.
These particles are called virtual because, unlike actual particles, they cannot be observed directly with a particle detector, yet according to Einstein, Hawking et al, they are self-created by the energy of universal gravitation (when in doubt always invoke ‘gravity’!). This is anti-science. Matter cannot just magically appear, created now by ‘gravity’, pace St. Stephen of the Hawking.
…. that these self-created pairs of matter can be measured, and their existence has been confirmed by a small shift (the “Lamb shift”) they produce in the spectrum of light from excited hydrogen atoms (Hawking, pp. 107-108).
Hawking and ‘The Science’ try too hard. Dirac and many others who believed in the aether and the first principle of thermodynamics, proposed a more logical and less mystifying interpretation, namely, that the electron-positron pairs are not created through a gravitational-energy force in a non-existent 4th dimension, but are already present, jarred loose by radiation. This is after all what Carl Anderson had proven in 1932 (next post will present an overview of the great Carl Anderson, who like Dayton Miller is simply ignored by ‘The Science’).
Radiation itself obviously possesses mass and energy. It is a ‘force’ which permeates space and which makes space travel, even to the moon, impossible for living creatures (the moon landing fraud). This ‘Diracian’ interpretation would again destroy the Big Bang, Relativity and even parts of quantum mechanics. It is however the most obvious, sensible and reasonable explanation. Ockham’s razor and all that.
Heisenberg’s hysteria
Einstein and his Relativity cult were not the only ones offended and horrified by Dirac’s claims and Anderson’s positron experiment. Quantum mechanics was also under threat. Werner Heisenberg, the leader of the quantum movement, tried just about everything to destroy Dirac and his aether, except hiring an assassin. Heisenberg loathed Dirac, referring to his work as “learned trash which no one can take seriously” (Werner Heisenberg, Letter to Wolfgang Pauli, February 8, 1934). Open science, tolerance, bi-directional learning and all that. It was fair to say that Heisenberg and his little group did not want the aether to be real, or to be found.
For six years Heisenberg and his colleagues tried to find an error in Dirac’s equation, but to no avail. Failing miserably, they decided on deceit and mendacity. Although Dirac’s equation required the negative energy electropon pairs to be raised to positive energy pairs, Heisenberg circumvented this process by claiming that the positive energy pairs were merely ‘created’ and had no origin from negative energy.
Similarly, as Dirac’s equation required the positive energy pairs to go back intermittently to the negative energy state, Heisenberg reimagined this to mean that the positive pairs were ‘annihilated’. There is no magical annihilation of positive pairs within Dirac’s theory, or Anderson’s physical proofs. Heisenberg and his friends simply made it up.

Not only was Relativity skewered by Dirac, but quantum mechanics was assailed.
If the nature of anti-matter creation, as proposed by Dirac and proven by Anderson, was true, then large gaping holes were ripped open in both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Better to bury Dirac and Anderson and resort to deceit, soup and word salads.
The ‘Dirac affair’ is so typical of ‘The Science’. Ignore evidence which contravenes your cult and set fire to any theories or experiments which force you to confront the failings of your mathematics. To explain away Dirac’s concepts, Heisenberg and his excitable group cooked up a soup of nonsense such as ‘vacuum fluctuation’ or ‘Zero-Point fluctuation’. Nobody knows what these mean.
What Dirac and Anderson had proven was the creation of anti-matter from radiative energy within the aether. Matter is only formed from existing matter and energy. Relativity and Heisenberg had no explanation for this given that such a process is dependent on an active aether. Back to Jean Buridan, Descartes, Maxwell and Lorentz.
Bottom Line
Thus, we reveal the fraudulent origin of the ‘creation/annihilation’ interpretation of Dirac’s theory and Carl Anderson’s 1932 experiment which nows suffuses ‘The Science’ and which is taught as ‘fact’. This interpretation, as so much with ‘the science’, is wrong and can be categorised as marketing a philosophy.
In the ‘modern view’ we are told to believe that matter is created from nothing! Various ‘laws’ (thermodynamics, conservation of energy), are now laid waste. Material just pops-in, and pops-out of existence! Not a single experiment or proof supports this supposition.
Rejecting the data as presented by Dirac, Anderson and others has led to deceit, which is now ‘mainstream science’ and ‘consensus’. It has led ‘science’ down the wrong path, wasting time and money.
Modern ‘science’ has a problem. Like a confused mentally febrile personality it simply refuses to accept data, or reality, for what it is. Everything is filtered through a prism of confusion and irrationality. It is clear that ‘The Science’ always distorts and twists reality and facts. It partitions data premised on a philosophy, cult doctrines and ‘axioms, along with individual prejudices, egos, money, prestige, and awards…..
There is precious little ‘real science’ to any of the dogma that we are force-fed to memorise and believe in. When you take a probe and start analysing their claims you will quickly find that below the surface nothing but a void exists.
All hail.
next post: Carl Anderson and the discovery of the ‘positron’ which proved Dirac to be correct
Robert Crease and Charles Mann, “Uncertainty and Complimentarity,” World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, ed., T. Ferris, 1991.
Jonathan Katz, The Biggest Bangs, 1999
Paul A. M. Dirac, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 117, 610 1928
World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, ed., T. Ferris, 1991
Stephen Hawking, Black Holes and Baby Universes, 2011
M. Simhony, An Invitation to the Natural Physics of Matter, Space, Radiation, Singapore, New Jersey: World Scientific, 1994
Electron-Positron Physics at the Z, “Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation,” M. G. Green, Royal Holloway and Bedford College, UK, January 1998
Robert B. Laughlin, A Different Universe, 2005
Oh and, the most profound question for me is, why the hell do so many people “want to believe it”? What’s the juice?
From a mind of no account! I have read, listened to and been shown the Einstein stuff. I’m sorry to report, I feel exactly as though I have been listening to tales of UFOs. There is no traction! Things don’t add up! It doesn’t resonate! There is no vacuum or empty space! The Cosmos is brimming with stuff. Entities abound.