Read the book: 'Dissolving Illusions (Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History)'. The quackery of Saint Edward Jenner and a criminal industry.
Suzanne Humphries MD, with Roman Bystrianyk.
(Both authors experienced vaccine damage first-hand, Mr. Bystrianyk with his son debilitated by a neurological post stab disorder, and Ms Humphries as a practicing doctor. Needless to say neither is invited to dinner parties at the great and good and Ms Humphries was nearly de-registered.)
(The 19th century Quack, Saint Edward Jenner of the smallpox quackcine was one, far more pernicious and mendacious than Gladstone).
For those willing to think outside of the current reigning paradigms which control $cience, medicine, and ‘health’, Dissolving Illusions, is a must-read book along with ‘Turtles all the way down’. The powers who control ‘health’, namely Pharmaceutical firms and their partners-for-profit the Government, along with the many agencies within the ‘health care’ industry, will pillory and savage both works, not on their details or facts, but simply because both books declaim against the paradigm of ‘safe and effective’, providing irrefutable proof that the vaccines are unsafe, ineffective and are made for profit not health. The main defence from the ‘establishment’ is calumny, vitriol, censure, de-listing and very often, physical violence and even murder.
Conspiracy Factists
(So where are the quackcines ‘benefits’? We all know the death rate from rona was 0.3%, is it really necessary to stab everyone 5 or 6 times and see a death and injury rate of 1-2%, which apparently is vastly greater than the IFR of 0.3% ?…..)
Given the recent evidence of the Corona $cientism and totalitarianism, drug injections of any variety can contain substances which may indeed alter one’s genes, DNA and RNA, a common claim since December 2020 by ‘conspiracy theorists’ who myself included, were about 6 months ahead of the painful truth. In 1976 an American researcher Howard Temin was awarded a Nobel Prize for identifying that viruses can carry external genetic material into the body and change DNA through an enzyme called transcriptase. DNA modification or knowledge of the process is thus not that new.
The WEF and other globalist agencies are quite brazen in declaring the trans-humanist, or cyborg future of a greatly reduced, subservient and controlled post-human population. The only way to achieve this dystopian agenda, is through forced injections into humans, in which the DNA in cells is altered, using the same process or something similar to that discovered by Temin. Using the ‘quackcine’ is ‘safe and effective’ mantra and its 200-year-old marketing propaganda, is for Pharma and its controlled lackeys in government and ‘health care’, the ‘safest and most effective’ route to fulfil such a business objective of DNA transmutation, if that goal does indeed exist.
At the very least the ‘mutation’ of Corona mRNA injections into 200 or more various drugs and cocktails will unleash a river of future profits for both Pharma and Government. It is business, not health, which drives the cabal of Pharma and government. Bribes, corruption, graft, pay offs, contracts to friends and family….just a cost of doing business.
(magic quack-medicine….cures everything, including ugly)
Inconvenient Truths on Quackcines
In summary what is Doctor Humphries and Mr. Bystrianyk’s book about? In essence they eviscerate the myth of vaccine safety and effectiveness. They did very little to reduce disease mortality. But they are a huge profit making industry with many dependents within government and upstream and downstream industries, including media. The following are some key facts which are pertinent when discussing the ‘science’ of vaccines.
1-There is no evidence, anywhere, in the past 200 years, in any country, that any vaccine has reduced mortality. Not a single study exists. You can ask your doctor or a nurse. They won’t have a single study on any of the stabbinations they are giving children, which ‘prove’, or which can demonstrate using a control group methodology and proper data analysis including long term data on the injection and its after-effects that the myriad of injections result in an improvement in health and fitness. Ask them to show you one.
2-In the 19th century, the urban population in England exploded from 15% of the total in 1750, to 80% by 1880. This trend was mirrored in every ‘developed’ nation. Health and sanitation infrastructure did not exist in any meaningful form until the 1860s, making rampant disease, epidemics and illness quite common. Slums were the norm, with no running water, sewers, or toilets.
3-The 19th century urban landscape was one of offal, sewage, polluted water, dung heaps in the streets, husbandry slaughtered within residential areas, squalid tenements, terrible living conditions, over-populated areas and air pollution. In such an environ, akin to a third world slum today, disease would be rife.
4-Labour conditions were always described as excessively poor and dangerous. White slavery is a better term for it. Children as young as 6 worked in factories 14 hours a day, away from their parents, neglected, often exposed to toxic chemicals and air. Few children went to school beyond the age of 12 or 13. The average worker laboured 6 days a week for most of the year. Working conditions were intolerably oppressive. Little heating, cooling, or protection was offered. Diets were poor and deficient in vitamins, vegetables, and fruit. Water intake was dangerous, so many resorted to drinking gin, beer and other alcohol before and after work, which impacted bodily health and mental acuity. Workplace injuries and deaths were common. Disease was rank in many factories and surrounding areas. The lifestyle of the average person in the 19th urban slums was perfectly suited for disease, illness and rampant epidemics.
5-Typhoid, typhus (different than typhoid derived from faeces and bacteria), cholera, dysentery, pneumonia, pertussis, scarlet fever, smallpox, diarrhoea (all of these are bacterium-based), measles and yellow fever (both are viral), were the chief diseases and killers. These were generated by polluted water, no sewage systems, and horse manure in the streets. Poor diets, little exercise, a lack of water intake, inadequate housing and shelter, along with the general filthiness of life, made diseases a common factor of existence.
6-Cleaning up cities, implementing sewers, water management, clean water, zoning residential areas to be free of animal slaughtering, eliminating horse manure from the streets (especially after the hated car became common), resulted in immediate declines in all forms of disease and mortality.
7-The largest single medical experiment in history, was run in Leicester England from 1885 to 1945 when the entire city forbade all vaccinations. The death of young children after being vaccinated for smallpox, had over 70 years, provoked the population en-masse to become ‘anti-vaxxers’, protesting against national laws mandating that all children be stabbed (1853, 1867). Once the smallpox vaccine was banished in Leicester, the death rate from smallpox plummeted towards zero. Health, sanitation, clean water, slum renewal, zoning and other laws and regulations to improve health and quality of life, resulted in a massive decline in all diseases. Quackcines had nothing to do with mortality reduction.
8-The Leicester experiment was repeated in different ways worldwide. There is no connection whatsoever between chemical injections and reduced mortality from the main 19th century diseases. None. Health and sanitation can take the credit for the massive decline and even eradication in large measure of once common killers such as cowpox, smallpox, polio and typhoid. At best, one can say that maybe the vaccine concoctions had a minor efficacy and role in mortality reduction. At best.
The Quack Prima-inter-Pares, Saint Jenner
Statues exist in England dedicated to Saint Edward Jenner, who, as the plaques will tell you, saved ‘millions’ from certain death with this patented ‘vaccine’ for smallpox, with vaccine derived from the Latin for cow or vaccus. Saint Jenner used cow pus to ‘cure’ smallpox, forming his first magical potion in 1796. Jenner’s ‘science’ was to take samples from the lesions on the hands of a milk maid which he attributed without any proof to be ‘cowpox’ (since she was a milker of cows it stands to reason her lesions were from her work, not a pox), and injected them into an innocent 8-year-old boy named James Phipps. When Phipps did not contract smallpox (how, or why he would is never discussed by Saint Jenner), he concluded that his magical potion worked and that it was a preventive cure for the disease and would last anywhere from 1 year to 10 years.
The alert reader will notice many peculiarities in this ‘science’ also cited here. Immunology did not exist in Saint Jenner’s time, so there was no idea about prior immunity, why would a person immune to smallpox need to be stabbed? Nor was there any knowledge about why and how smallpox developed and spread. Nor was there any proof that cowpox prevented anything including smallpox. Nor was the sample size of one questioned as valid. Sample sizes must be of a certain range to have statistically significant results, a fact unknown to Saint Jenner. No control group experimentation and analysis were thought necessary by Saint Jenner and no detailed analysis of the concoction itself was issued.
An experiment of one and done as they say. It was ‘the science’. In fact, today, no smallpox injection uses cowpox, it is a mix of a human and animal hybrid agent, manufactured and cultivated between humans and animals. Why anyone believes that this is effective against smallpox is never explained. In essence all vaccines are tainted with foreign material, many include mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde and other chemicals one can find in rat poison and other products you would not ingest. Why these are considered healthy is never detailed.
Saint Jenner was not a real doctor but just another late 18th century, early 19th century quack, now called a ‘GP’. He bought his medical ‘license’ for 15 quid from St. Andrews University. He knew nothing about viruses. He was a businessman and with rich friends created a patented method to produce ‘vaccines’ which when ingested, so they marketed, would save a child from smallpox which was a common disease and killer in England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. All parents would view Saint Jenner as the patron Saint of child’s health. Hence the statues and bows before the ‘great scientist’ of virology, a domain Saint Jenner had no clue about.
The Business Model, Profits not Health
Saint Jenner and his friends did invent a very good business model. Surgeons and doctors were of course very well paid to administer the quackcines. Money talks, profits squawk. In reality, the smallpox mortality rate did not decline but often accelerated post the stabs, something that was quite apparent during the Rona scamdemic as well. The worst smallpox epidemic in Europe and England occurred during 1871 and 72, after some 70 years of endless stabbing. Cowpox reached its apogee of death in 1882 in England, with 65.000 counted dead, versus a few thousand in 1800. In essence there was no correlation whatsoever, between the stabbinations and reduced mortality. The opposite was true. The more that the government and its medical ‘health’ agencies, stabbed, the higher the death rate from the disease. The deaths were of course from the stabs themselves, not the disease they were supposed to cure, but in the 19th century as today, the quackcines can never be blamed for death or injury.
Propaganda and the Sophistry of Demons
Socrates railed against the Sophists, who were pagan teachers and philosophers often paid to dissemble in the name of education and obfuscate in the name of metaphysics. In the modern era the entire drug industry is Sophistry with risks, harms, even death from vaccination, ignored and derided. Modern day Socratics are like the original, vilified by the state, censored and many have been physically attacked and more than a few killed. The pharma-government cabal is an industry of demons and sophists.
Quackcines and $cientism
With pharma, the quackcine industry is an essential pillar of profits based on $cientism. Corona mRNA injections made some U$40 billion in profits for these criminals, in just over 3 years. For 200 years, the pharmaceutical industry has created concoctions, shrouded by word salads, false claims and studies, assumptions, all suffused with magic, to construct the ‘$cience’ of vaccination. They have appealed not to real science or reason, using control group proof, transparent testing, nor demonstrable, testable benefits; but to your ‘moral duty’, your need to be ‘safe’, your need to ‘protect’ your children. The quackcine mafia have in essence founded a belief system, which is deeply religious and emotionally held by much of the misguided and not-too-bright-population at large.
When you view this sordid history of quackcines and their essential criminal scam, the Rona scamdemic and Fascism becomes easier to comprehend. As co-author Bistryniak states, “Assurances from medical authorities that, out of love and responsibility, parents should vaccinate their children were all most people needed to hear. I gained clarity that there was an underlying societal belief in vaccines that was not based on history or evidence. That belief is maintained by a public that remains fundamentally subservient and obedient to governmental and medical hierarchies that may not deserve their trust.”
Quackcines are a perfect illustration of the Religion of $cientism.