Maybe we must just try to make the good actions around us without to try to understand this world?

Put all our energy in the goodness ?

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Hi Fred

You are right.

I ask myself why oue churches became empty if "Deus caritas est"?

What happen to us .

Modern Scientism replaced God

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Indeed Hanna. The idols of 'scientism'. Idols designed to appeal to authority, 'the science', bacteria to bishops, relativism (or nothing is really true), or our own selfishness, greed, laziness. Reminds one of the cult of Baal. I have many in the CC, even bishops, why no sermons or dialogue on hell, miracles, the saints, bleeding eucharists, fatima etc. The answer you get is 'it is not relevant'. The answer means they don't believe.

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Hi Fred III,

I'm physician in France .I refused a covid jab .My licence has been suspended .

I hope that the goverment will repeal this law ....like many other european countries .

Unthinkable is real.

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God bless and support you. Terrible that you are suspended for practicing proper medicine. We are in the UK - we left thanks to Brexit, so not as severe here but many suspensions as well. It is illegal and immoral to suspend anyone who supports the Nuremberg code and freedom and in your case, practicing real medicine (not just giving out drugs, especially those which are new and untested).

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I believe that WE are members the Church .

We should enlighten those who are afraid.

There is a very good article from Doug Farrow proposed by AAron Kheriaty from Humain Flourishing

about the responsability of the Churches during the last 3 years.Very beautiful.

Never give up

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We are the Church. My local Catholic Church is largely a disgrace. I honestly don't know if they are really Catholic. Some good work on poor relief. But fully supported the Rona fascism. Now onto the climate fascism. I never wore a face diaper to church and was never jabbed. I challenged them to debate Rona, Climate as well. No interest. But of course money rules. The Church made huge money to support the Rona. Reminds me of 1930s Germany...Hitler said the Church would vote with its salaries, pensions and state money. So it did. Does so today. Will read the article you mention. Archbishop Vigano is also necessary reading. He understands what a disaster Bergoglio the anti-pope is.

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I think that we are not longer humains.

I pray every day to not to lose my soul.

We are hypnotized by evil and on the and we become like those who despise us .

The biggest danger of posthumanity

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Yes agree, evil is present. Don't lose your soul and don't become like the mass who follow the 'science'. The various perversions around us indicate a great evil. The use of 'science' to justify anything or convince people to believe in something that can be fake, evil or against common sense is religious in intensity. The Churches are also part of the problem, very few are against the agendas and most are worried about money and being relevant or 'with the 'science''.

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Hi Fred III

I'm agree with you .

Which solution do you propose ?

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Hi Hanna, there is evil afoot. Question the narratives. Stay healthy naturally. Pray. Love and protect your family and those friends who are not asleep. Fight and protest. Don't comply. Combine reason with faith. Never surrender :)

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