You wrote: " Metaphysics is not physics. It is part of faith." Quite right. How marvelous it would be to hear the "scientists" admit that they do not have a the faintest clue.
If you read their own theories, they invoke a wide variety of miracles and story-telling. Space-time is one example. Since when is time part of a distance? And since when can something as objective a measurement such as time, be merged into a concept called 'space' which is never defined. It is similar to saying that I will merge my watch (time) into the spatial map of 3 dimensions I now sit in....common sense left science in the 17th century.
Since the cradle of science was physics the powers of evil saw relativism as a lovely way to arrive at nihilism and undo all the good work of the great religions. Humans live by myths, legends and the laws they produce; and often live well because of them, the difficulties arise over the vexed question of truth. How much better it would be if we could all agree that ultimate truth is not obtainable and base our behavior of faith related to time honored good practice instead. How much more useful to read theology and biblical exegesis than the endless meaningless mathematical blather you have been wading through here. How much better for people to go to church or mosque or temple or synagogue once a week and hear stories about good simple behavior than have their brains befuddled with "space time" in science fiction TV shows on "smart" phone and somehow be led to thinking that is some sort of "truth".
Well said. The Church of Science has replaced faiths based in reality. When we live close to nature and reality by default we become more open to faith and the spirit.
"How much more useful to read theology and biblical exegesis than the endless meaningless mathematical blather you have been wading through here." We are only fed the gospels from the Church of Science and its various chapels. Relativity, evolution and so much more when analysed possess more saints, miracles and virgin births than anything I have seen in the CC. Materialist dogma in lieu of living in the world of the 5 senses. Devolution is more factual than 'evolution'.
Agreed. I've been reading The Body Electric, Becker, 1985. I have come to the section on chromosomes. I can't make any sense of it. I looked up chromosomes in various encyclopedias and they did not help. Maybe you could do one of your posts on this whole DNA, genes, chromosomes, aspect of science. I think it is more of the usual dogma and would be interested to see what you make of it. Since covid, helped by your posts, my already low faith in science as truth has dropped to zero. As a younger man I accepted science's attack on the metaphysical dogma of Christianity and so foolishly, unwittingly, endorsed it. I see now that the CCs ( and other religion's) general policy of keeping the metaphysics simple; basing understanding on faith; reinforcing ultimate truths with dogma, over time, was the best way to reduce truth fights and keep the emphasis where it should be on the best everyday behavior of most of the people most of the time. The church of science, on the other hand, forgot the ethical in an obsessive proliferation of the metaphysical ending in a situation where everybody chases more and more supposed knowledge about less and less and abandons ethical, community, family based living for hedonism, materialism, nihilism and the pursuit of money.
Good post. Yes chromosomes and DNA. The textbooks make it overly complicated mostly because they don't understand it. In studying evolution for many years, this was an area of great interest. I have some articles on the same, will dust them off and post here. It is fair to say that the mechanisms involved within our genomic functioning are not understood, hence the religion of Evolution's flustered invocation of miracles. How would genetic molecules within DNA self form? What came first? As with RNA everything within the genome is interdependent. It is all or nothing. DNA by itself disproves the religion of Chuckie Darwin. In his defense his era knew nothing of microbiology. We have no such defense to hide behind. As you said, follow the money.
time must be measured and only humans can do that ------- my understanding of time is basicly the same --- time is a unit of measurement based in whatever mental (((construct/concept/idea))) a person is thinking which could be anything etc, etc. ----- i did come acros s a man on alfa?vedic podcast who had a different perspective but i'll have to look it up i forgot it ----------- another cult like idea many people have is that of space time travel and light years i find both to be comical at best ----
You are right that time is a distinct measurement and given that we don't know much about light or light speed (though we pretend), the 'speed of light' can mean almost anything. Spacetime as a concept, means that time does not really exist as we know it, which is false. It also means that if we want to travel back in time which we cannot, we would need to wind back all the processes and particles in the universe. This of course cannot be done at a universe-level.
You wrote: " Metaphysics is not physics. It is part of faith." Quite right. How marvelous it would be to hear the "scientists" admit that they do not have a the faintest clue.
If you read their own theories, they invoke a wide variety of miracles and story-telling. Space-time is one example. Since when is time part of a distance? And since when can something as objective a measurement such as time, be merged into a concept called 'space' which is never defined. It is similar to saying that I will merge my watch (time) into the spatial map of 3 dimensions I now sit in....common sense left science in the 17th century.
Since the cradle of science was physics the powers of evil saw relativism as a lovely way to arrive at nihilism and undo all the good work of the great religions. Humans live by myths, legends and the laws they produce; and often live well because of them, the difficulties arise over the vexed question of truth. How much better it would be if we could all agree that ultimate truth is not obtainable and base our behavior of faith related to time honored good practice instead. How much more useful to read theology and biblical exegesis than the endless meaningless mathematical blather you have been wading through here. How much better for people to go to church or mosque or temple or synagogue once a week and hear stories about good simple behavior than have their brains befuddled with "space time" in science fiction TV shows on "smart" phone and somehow be led to thinking that is some sort of "truth".
Well said. The Church of Science has replaced faiths based in reality. When we live close to nature and reality by default we become more open to faith and the spirit.
"How much more useful to read theology and biblical exegesis than the endless meaningless mathematical blather you have been wading through here." We are only fed the gospels from the Church of Science and its various chapels. Relativity, evolution and so much more when analysed possess more saints, miracles and virgin births than anything I have seen in the CC. Materialist dogma in lieu of living in the world of the 5 senses. Devolution is more factual than 'evolution'.
Agreed. I've been reading The Body Electric, Becker, 1985. I have come to the section on chromosomes. I can't make any sense of it. I looked up chromosomes in various encyclopedias and they did not help. Maybe you could do one of your posts on this whole DNA, genes, chromosomes, aspect of science. I think it is more of the usual dogma and would be interested to see what you make of it. Since covid, helped by your posts, my already low faith in science as truth has dropped to zero. As a younger man I accepted science's attack on the metaphysical dogma of Christianity and so foolishly, unwittingly, endorsed it. I see now that the CCs ( and other religion's) general policy of keeping the metaphysics simple; basing understanding on faith; reinforcing ultimate truths with dogma, over time, was the best way to reduce truth fights and keep the emphasis where it should be on the best everyday behavior of most of the people most of the time. The church of science, on the other hand, forgot the ethical in an obsessive proliferation of the metaphysical ending in a situation where everybody chases more and more supposed knowledge about less and less and abandons ethical, community, family based living for hedonism, materialism, nihilism and the pursuit of money.
Good post. Yes chromosomes and DNA. The textbooks make it overly complicated mostly because they don't understand it. In studying evolution for many years, this was an area of great interest. I have some articles on the same, will dust them off and post here. It is fair to say that the mechanisms involved within our genomic functioning are not understood, hence the religion of Evolution's flustered invocation of miracles. How would genetic molecules within DNA self form? What came first? As with RNA everything within the genome is interdependent. It is all or nothing. DNA by itself disproves the religion of Chuckie Darwin. In his defense his era knew nothing of microbiology. We have no such defense to hide behind. As you said, follow the money.
Look forward to that
time must be measured and only humans can do that ------- my understanding of time is basicly the same --- time is a unit of measurement based in whatever mental (((construct/concept/idea))) a person is thinking which could be anything etc, etc. ----- i did come acros s a man on alfa?vedic podcast who had a different perspective but i'll have to look it up i forgot it ----------- another cult like idea many people have is that of space time travel and light years i find both to be comical at best ----
You are right that time is a distinct measurement and given that we don't know much about light or light speed (though we pretend), the 'speed of light' can mean almost anything. Spacetime as a concept, means that time does not really exist as we know it, which is false. It also means that if we want to travel back in time which we cannot, we would need to wind back all the processes and particles in the universe. This of course cannot be done at a universe-level.