May 18Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

i really enjoyed the copernicus and helio etc need mechanical prove section --------- it parralled in the video saying there needs to be IMPRAICAL observation from the observer ----- i completely agree with both the above -------- this type of observation is the bases of Carl Jungs wrttings on the observer observing the observer ------------ there is to much great stuff in your artical to mention ---------- but i must admitt i cannot what to read you thrashing apart the big bang maddess ---------- Terrance MC Kinney explains it as pure crazyness--- i just read the above about blind acceptance, deforms ,, degrades -------- i agree completely

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Thanks Bradley - yes it is all very religious isn't it? Copernican principle (truly an anti-humanist proposition, supported by 'humanists'), the Big Bang nonsense (next post summarising the problems with that ideology) and heliocentricity. Movement around the Sun does not prove the Copernican principle that the Earth is of no importance. The barycentre of the Universe is located in our Solar System - the Big Bangers admit this. Science must be about mechanical proofs and they are missing from much, if not most of what is proposed as 'laws' or facts.

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