This is often a test of a person's world-views, their philosophy, which they religiously hold, and how that informs their belief in, and their reaction to, authority, 'experts' and 'The Science'.
It's a good read and he has the right attitude, but his book has many bad or sloppy arguments which can be easily debunked. Your average 'true believer' only needs to debunk one thing and they will feel justified dismissing the whole topic so I wouldn't recommend his book as a tool to 'wake people up' on Apollo.
His book (and interviews) on the contrived hippie/ youth movement, the music biz and Laurel canyon is much better. In fact it's a must read.
Extraordinarily well-done article. It's absorbed half my day (which is usually a great indicator of depth and quality).
I was unaware of the murder of Thomas Baron shortly after the murder of Gus Grissom and colleagues, and had also never heard the recording of that final horrific moment. (Or that they'd first tried to drown him).
These multi billion dollar money-laundering operations will never be shut down, because the people behind them are ruthless, and will murder anyone that comes too close to exposing them; from Heads of State, to their own staff, to bright inquisitive young men on YT like 23 year old Matthew North who was found in his car with a bullet through his temple, and the internet scrubbed of his 5 years of work.
It's not difficult to understand lies like Covid, when you have even bigger lies like this one as their predecessors.
Thanks Sez. Yes a long post unfortunately, hard to break it apart given that all the pieces fit together in some way. Baron was likely murdered in his house (along with his family), put in a car, and planted on the railway line. Apparently the train that hit him (central Florida) was supposedly linked to the government. Hard to imagine that his very detailed description of issues with the command module were fixed in 2 years. But that is their story.
As you said:
"These multi billion dollar money-laundering operations will never be shut down, because the people behind them are ruthless"
Indeed. Trump talks about 'bad people'. He now has a chance to expose them. Let's hope he does.
To sum up: common sense = logic. Most people don’t use it, tho they possess it.
Appealing to Authority Fallacies are based on tribal affiliation and emotion.
It’s just too stressful for many to consider that, logically, those who rise to the highest levels are very good at gaining status and maintaining status regardless of - and often at great cost to - the truth.
Yes, Bill Clinton's carpenter had it right. Common sense, not degrees, not authority. Even the carpenter's 'lying eyes' saw through the moon charade. But not Bill.
During the Corona plandemic. I was doing some work on the house and we had a carpenter here (it was during the lockdowns etc). None of us were diapered and he knew I was not stabbed (given that I freely told everyone who had ears). So I asked the carpenter about the Corona theatre.
He laughed and said, that whatever the TV and government were saying was nothing but lies. They were 'making a huge thing, out of nothing, for their own purposes'. He referenced his seething anger at being cut off from his mother and the human costs of the lockdowns, including the effects on his young daughter's mental health - 'over nothing' he said.
Sounds like Clinton's carpenter - high IQs based on working in reality. There is a great degree of difference in common sense and utility between people who work and create with their hands, and the laptop class.
Good list. I have started a series of articles on the hard problems behind a manned moon landing, doing deep dives into each. My background is engineering.
The first covers how vacuum damages photographic film:
Thanks for the links. This is great information. Totally agree on both. Radiation would destroy the film notwithstanding all the other issues with the photos and film. The Hasselblads were never tested for 250F and high radiation (in fact no radiation readings are available, lost of course). And yes heat shields and computer, no guidance system, no pre-testing of the 'ablative shields', at least nothing in the public domain (where, how, the results etc?) ....bouncing through 12 layers of atmosphere at 24000 mph....hmmm. Yes something is not right. I would put my money on the C35 military plane dropping the actornauts from about 10.000 feet.... :)
Oh, ye of little faith 😳 Billions of Hollywood and DOD dollars have gone into the "Impossible isn't American" narrative and you've gone and burst the bubble with very unpleasant facts. Next you'll be telling us that the same guy behind the anthrax "terrorist attacks" ran the company that subsequently mandated US military "anthrax vaccines", was behind Tamiflu, financed Reagan to get Aspartam FDA approval after it was found to be highly toxic under Carter, made millions through USAID in Irak and then some... 😈
Indeed. Imagine conjuring up the 'moon landings' to partake of say U$200 billion in funding. Reminds one of the Corona...all those contracts, PPE, stabbinations, supplies, studies...all these piglets across the G20 and large corporations snorting and gobbling from the collective trough of U$ 1 Trillion or more on offer during the plandemic...perish the thought of profits, evil and sin on a leviathan scale :)
Haven't finished the article yet, but just noticed an error in your argument against sustained G force. G force is a measure of acceleration, not speed (if I recall my high school physics correctly). So, while 17,000+ mph is an incredible speed, once it is reached and maintained, there is zero G force on occupants of the craft. How quickly the speed was reach may still be a valid point, but traveling that fast for 20 hours is of no consequence.
Yes, I thought that also. It is the acceleration that counts and not the absolute speed. But if I remember correctly it seems like the acceleration forces would still have been considerable to reach that terminal velocity in a relatively short period of time.
The Kubrick admission video is fake, that guy is an actor. You actually link to a video in this post that proves this. The video is under your "here at minute 17:30" link. Here's the relevant part:
This is great information. I found this out in 2015 and began to question everything. The film “A funny thing happened on the way to the moon” opened my eyes to this lie and eventually lead me to understand that the globe spinning earth rhetoric is all lies too! It’s all theater and we choose to believe the world or the word, as in GOD’s Word! They are always going to be in complete contradiction to each other, hence why Satan has dominion over the earth. God uses him for HIS Purpose to test men’s hearts. Not for God to decide who is for Him but to show us how wicked we are and in need of a Savior to Redeem us of our wickedness. It’s the eternal heart issue! 😇🙏😇
Thanks glad you found it useful. Yes that is an excellent film by Sibrel. You can start anywhere in the apollo program and focus on any single area. There are more questions than answers. The Russians were also in on the fraud. One clue is that none of the apollo spacecraft could be tracked during their journey’s. This is simply unimaginable if such discoveries were for the ‘benefit of all men’. No, they were for the benefit of those making money, and for those who wanted to prove tech superiority over the Russians. I still don’t understand why NASA issues snorkels to the ‘astronauts’. Might be for their zero-gravity pool here on Earth…..
Yes these snorkels were for the pools. All “space” is aether and water. Psalm 148:4 tells us we have waters above. Genesis is thoroughly replete with the design of our earth. We must take GOD at His Word . Romans 3:4–Let God be true and every man a Liar. Sadly even pastors won’t teach cosmology as it is written.
I have much to learn on this topic but I’ve been studying Biblical cosmology for 4 years , beginning when I discovered we live on a flat and level plain, zero rotation and the sun and moon clearly move above our stationary earth! The lack of evidence for curvature and about 10 other factors that disprove “science” helped me to this truth.
When we unlearn the lies and see the PURE TRUTH, as it is written, you begin to understand the motivations of this satanic agenda and you can be certain of the veracity of the BIBLE.
This is not a test of a person's world view but a test of their knowledge of at least some science. There is a lot of common sense science out there that painstakingly debunks everyone of these claims, often with common sense. For instance, in an argument with someone on how they packed the parachute, they couldn't do it, I went and found papers on months of research learning how to pack the parachute. It was made of thin kevlar, with kevlar cables. Engineers had a full scale model of the module with the compartment the parachute was to be in. They spent months folding it in different ways. They finally figured out vacuum packing. And so made the parachute to fit. They also tested it's release multiple times.
Here's the point: they were paid and tasked to do it and had the data on paper from actual real time testing. So the question has to then be were they tasked with a project that was never going to be used? The data is real. The test reports are real. And they succeeded. So, was all that money and time just for the hoax when it would be far easier to fire a rocket into low orbit, drop the capsule with more than enough room for a parachute not needing any real controls? That is a ridiculous proposition.
And there is far more actual data then that. Individual teams worked on various aspects of the entire mission, tasked with the various components of the mission. Were they all paid to produce actual real field and real world working components from the materials used to the code just for it all to be not used? And not one of them realised this was all bogus, it could never work?
BTW, the spacesuits were purpose built with certain layered materials for the high temperatures and had a cooling system. The astronauts wore the suits inside and outside the module.
In reality, faked moon landing comes from pessimism, cynicism, not science. It's single focus is that humans in no way could achieve such a feat. That we are worthless and incapable. It does not come from science.
Your input is a worldview and philosophy. Scientism, or the belief that what you are told is 'science' and whatever 'science' says is correct.
A hoax is a hoax, it does not entail that humans are worthless.
The Rona plandemic was a hoax. It does not mean that diseases don't exist.
As you said shooting a rocket a few hundred miles up is easier and that is what they did.
You claim the data exists - it doesn't. All the original data was 'lost'.
Where are the radiation readings? They don't exist.
You can go through every single step of this program from 1962. It is pretty clear that neither the tech nor the comms existed to journey 500K miles and back through our atmosphere at 24.000 mph with >6 G force.
Of course I shall not convince you of anything. And neither shall you convince me. Which is why I focussed on the psychology. I will say though that I do find the recent Indian orbiter pictures of the actual lander in high detail interesting. Of course, than the response is deep fake deep fake.
Back to psychology. That the landings actually happened is rooted in the conception that man can do most anything and that this was a great achievement. Optimism. Moon hoax is rooted in pessimism. That man can barely do anything and that it’s much easier and infinitely preferable to simply hoax anything.
If you wish, you can simply reside in your position that no, it’s this and not that. I am merely pointing out an angle. It is indeed an uncomfortable one, for the hoax aspect describes mankind as a low IQ asshole who just tricks everyone. The challenge is this: try and describe, if, say the moon landing was real and actual, try to describe that potential reality in any way negative, pessimistic or cynical.
And therein you will find that it can’t be done. There is no way to paint the landing, if actual and real, in a negative light. About the best one can do is to say “well it wasn’t necessary.”
According to a guy who designed spy satellites in the cold war, and Hasselblad themselves, analog film does not work in a vacuum. All satellites (including spy satellites) from the cold war era which used analog cameras had them in a pressurised housing filled with nitrogen gas.
The vacuum of space causes the emulsion on analog film to outgas and delaminate (similar to how water at room temperature 'boils' in a vacuum).
The Hasselblad cameras they used 'on the moon' were not pressurised. Oops!
Correct. They were customised, off the shelf. No one can show where they were tested for 250F temps or massive radiation....and the 'original' radiation readings are of course 'lost', one would expect detailed geiger count readings and that such important data would be safely retained and used in testing, experimentation of equipment for example.
The vacuum issue is interesting because it's a deal breaker.
If analog film is destroyed in a vacuum then there is no more debate. The official photos could not have been taken on the moon. There is no need to debate shadows or hot spots or temp or radiation.
The vacuum issue came up a couple of years ago when guy who designed spy satellites in the cold war was giving a public lecture. He casually mentioned that the camera system he designed had to be housed in a pressurised box because the film would be destroyed in a vacuum.
I think even the young generation of NASA engineers are starting to question the Apollo mythos. It feels like we are being prepared for an admission of the truth... or more likely a secondary lie which is a bit more believable. We had that weird scene in Interstellar and now the even weirder movie Fly Me To The Moon which seems to be trying to incorporate the fraud into the official story to create a hybrid narrative which satisfies everyone (Apollo was real but the footage was faked).
I wouldn't be surprised if focus groups have been run to test the public reaction to these movies and their plot lines to gauge the public reaction to an actual admission (or partial admission) in the coming years.
Spot on. NASA is well financed. It cannot be about budget or cost. There must be real physical issues with the entire concept of travelling in space. Your thesis on the hybrid explanation is probably where they are going.
When people get mad with me about my denial of moon landings I always ask them what changes if I believe suddenly? Does my mortgage get waved off? I don't have to pay taxes anymore? Or maybe I just get my salary without actual work? Moonlandings/ mars expeditions and other crap are fairytales to let the people wonder off and forget about the daily struggles.
Indeed. 'Why' is a good question. It is a colossal investment for what purpose? Cui bono besides all the pigs in the trough? What is the ROI - costs vs benefits? Why is NASA a group of climate clowns predicting apocalypse from plant food, but can't tell us how the comms worked on Apollo 11? What is on dead cold Mars? How would you survive?
We have satellites in high orbit, supposedly probes have circumnavigated the moon many times. Point a satellite and a high powered scope at the moon from either a sat and probe and just show the jeeps they left! Apparently they folded up and were easy to carry but were left on the moon. Or were they left somewhere on Earth?
Yes spot on. Bond the moon 'denier' :) The jeeps have always been a mystery. I could never figure out why they would push that - opens up all sorts of questions and was largely unnecessary to push their script.
This is a very impressive, comprehensive and convincing article and compilation of very much material, thank you. I just noticed that close to the end of the article the speed of light is stated as 186,000 miles per hour needs - I just checked this because it did not seem right & the units should be miles per second.
They are limp however after Apollo 11. So that narrative has a problem. They moved because of external forces - likely a fan. There is no wind to make them move. Supposedly no atmosphere.
Mythbusters - sorry that is 100% narrative and fake. As the post says, people watch some highly paid debunking nonsense and then retreat back to pink pony world.
They have been busted and dusted.
Same as the hammer and feather fraud which is edited film.
Regarding the hammer and feather, by which I suppose you mean a hammer and feather falling at the same rate in a vacuum, that's also a very easy experiment to replicate. I've seen it done a few times in videos. But even just at a logical level, it makes sense. We can do a thought experiment: Suppose two people of the same mass are falling in a vacuum at the same speed, and now they reach out to each other and hold hands to form a single body, so to speak. Does that single body suddenly start accelerating faster because it has twice the mass? Why would it?
It's not a difficult experiment to put a flag in a vacuum chamber and shake it about. It makes total sense to me, in terms of physics, for a flag to keep moving in a vacuum due to momentum.
Do you have some evidence for a limp flag post Apollo 11? The flag I saw had a crossbar. Are you saying they got rid of that?
There are just too many inconsistencies, impossibilities, fortunate coincidences, errors, misdirections for the official story to be credible. I recommend the brilliant work by the late Dave McGowan as essential - and immensely enjoyable - reading. Wagging the Moon Doggie
Of course, the moon flights and landings were staged and filmed. The solar radiation alone will kill anyone, and the alleged ships had no protection against that.
Dave McGowan’s series on the moon landings is worth a read, very funny and insightful:
This is excellent, thanks for sharing. Very good insights.
It's a good read and he has the right attitude, but his book has many bad or sloppy arguments which can be easily debunked. Your average 'true believer' only needs to debunk one thing and they will feel justified dismissing the whole topic so I wouldn't recommend his book as a tool to 'wake people up' on Apollo.
His book (and interviews) on the contrived hippie/ youth movement, the music biz and Laurel canyon is much better. In fact it's a must read.
Extraordinarily well-done article. It's absorbed half my day (which is usually a great indicator of depth and quality).
I was unaware of the murder of Thomas Baron shortly after the murder of Gus Grissom and colleagues, and had also never heard the recording of that final horrific moment. (Or that they'd first tried to drown him).
These multi billion dollar money-laundering operations will never be shut down, because the people behind them are ruthless, and will murder anyone that comes too close to exposing them; from Heads of State, to their own staff, to bright inquisitive young men on YT like 23 year old Matthew North who was found in his car with a bullet through his temple, and the internet scrubbed of his 5 years of work.
It's not difficult to understand lies like Covid, when you have even bigger lies like this one as their predecessors.
Great work.
Thanks Sez. Yes a long post unfortunately, hard to break it apart given that all the pieces fit together in some way. Baron was likely murdered in his house (along with his family), put in a car, and planted on the railway line. Apparently the train that hit him (central Florida) was supposedly linked to the government. Hard to imagine that his very detailed description of issues with the command module were fixed in 2 years. But that is their story.
As you said:
"These multi billion dollar money-laundering operations will never be shut down, because the people behind them are ruthless"
Indeed. Trump talks about 'bad people'. He now has a chance to expose them. Let's hope he does.
To sum up: common sense = logic. Most people don’t use it, tho they possess it.
Appealing to Authority Fallacies are based on tribal affiliation and emotion.
It’s just too stressful for many to consider that, logically, those who rise to the highest levels are very good at gaining status and maintaining status regardless of - and often at great cost to - the truth.
Yes, Bill Clinton's carpenter had it right. Common sense, not degrees, not authority. Even the carpenter's 'lying eyes' saw through the moon charade. But not Bill.
During the Corona plandemic. I was doing some work on the house and we had a carpenter here (it was during the lockdowns etc). None of us were diapered and he knew I was not stabbed (given that I freely told everyone who had ears). So I asked the carpenter about the Corona theatre.
He laughed and said, that whatever the TV and government were saying was nothing but lies. They were 'making a huge thing, out of nothing, for their own purposes'. He referenced his seething anger at being cut off from his mother and the human costs of the lockdowns, including the effects on his young daughter's mental health - 'over nothing' he said.
Sounds like Clinton's carpenter - high IQs based on working in reality. There is a great degree of difference in common sense and utility between people who work and create with their hands, and the laptop class.
Good list. I have started a series of articles on the hard problems behind a manned moon landing, doing deep dives into each. My background is engineering.
The first covers how vacuum damages photographic film:
The second covers the design and viability of the heat shields for re-entry:
Thanks for the links. This is great information. Totally agree on both. Radiation would destroy the film notwithstanding all the other issues with the photos and film. The Hasselblads were never tested for 250F and high radiation (in fact no radiation readings are available, lost of course). And yes heat shields and computer, no guidance system, no pre-testing of the 'ablative shields', at least nothing in the public domain (where, how, the results etc?) ....bouncing through 12 layers of atmosphere at 24000 mph....hmmm. Yes something is not right. I would put my money on the C35 military plane dropping the actornauts from about 10.000 feet.... :)
Oh, ye of little faith 😳 Billions of Hollywood and DOD dollars have gone into the "Impossible isn't American" narrative and you've gone and burst the bubble with very unpleasant facts. Next you'll be telling us that the same guy behind the anthrax "terrorist attacks" ran the company that subsequently mandated US military "anthrax vaccines", was behind Tamiflu, financed Reagan to get Aspartam FDA approval after it was found to be highly toxic under Carter, made millions through USAID in Irak and then some... 😈
Indeed. Imagine conjuring up the 'moon landings' to partake of say U$200 billion in funding. Reminds one of the Corona...all those contracts, PPE, stabbinations, supplies, studies...all these piglets across the G20 and large corporations snorting and gobbling from the collective trough of U$ 1 Trillion or more on offer during the plandemic...perish the thought of profits, evil and sin on a leviathan scale :)
Haven't finished the article yet, but just noticed an error in your argument against sustained G force. G force is a measure of acceleration, not speed (if I recall my high school physics correctly). So, while 17,000+ mph is an incredible speed, once it is reached and maintained, there is zero G force on occupants of the craft. How quickly the speed was reach may still be a valid point, but traveling that fast for 20 hours is of no consequence.
Yes, I thought that also. It is the acceleration that counts and not the absolute speed. But if I remember correctly it seems like the acceleration forces would still have been considerable to reach that terminal velocity in a relatively short period of time.
You are correct velocity of the source is important (Relativity denies this).
Sorry, 10 days, not 20 hours (re Apollo 9)
The Kubrick admission video is fake, that guy is an actor. You actually link to a video in this post that proves this. The video is under your "here at minute 17:30" link. Here's the relevant part:
Thanks for that, will update with the same.
This is great information. I found this out in 2015 and began to question everything. The film “A funny thing happened on the way to the moon” opened my eyes to this lie and eventually lead me to understand that the globe spinning earth rhetoric is all lies too! It’s all theater and we choose to believe the world or the word, as in GOD’s Word! They are always going to be in complete contradiction to each other, hence why Satan has dominion over the earth. God uses him for HIS Purpose to test men’s hearts. Not for God to decide who is for Him but to show us how wicked we are and in need of a Savior to Redeem us of our wickedness. It’s the eternal heart issue! 😇🙏😇
Thanks glad you found it useful. Yes that is an excellent film by Sibrel. You can start anywhere in the apollo program and focus on any single area. There are more questions than answers. The Russians were also in on the fraud. One clue is that none of the apollo spacecraft could be tracked during their journey’s. This is simply unimaginable if such discoveries were for the ‘benefit of all men’. No, they were for the benefit of those making money, and for those who wanted to prove tech superiority over the Russians. I still don’t understand why NASA issues snorkels to the ‘astronauts’. Might be for their zero-gravity pool here on Earth…..
Yes these snorkels were for the pools. All “space” is aether and water. Psalm 148:4 tells us we have waters above. Genesis is thoroughly replete with the design of our earth. We must take GOD at His Word . Romans 3:4–Let God be true and every man a Liar. Sadly even pastors won’t teach cosmology as it is written.
I have much to learn on this topic but I’ve been studying Biblical cosmology for 4 years , beginning when I discovered we live on a flat and level plain, zero rotation and the sun and moon clearly move above our stationary earth! The lack of evidence for curvature and about 10 other factors that disprove “science” helped me to this truth.
When we unlearn the lies and see the PURE TRUTH, as it is written, you begin to understand the motivations of this satanic agenda and you can be certain of the veracity of the BIBLE.
This is not a test of a person's world view but a test of their knowledge of at least some science. There is a lot of common sense science out there that painstakingly debunks everyone of these claims, often with common sense. For instance, in an argument with someone on how they packed the parachute, they couldn't do it, I went and found papers on months of research learning how to pack the parachute. It was made of thin kevlar, with kevlar cables. Engineers had a full scale model of the module with the compartment the parachute was to be in. They spent months folding it in different ways. They finally figured out vacuum packing. And so made the parachute to fit. They also tested it's release multiple times.
Here's the point: they were paid and tasked to do it and had the data on paper from actual real time testing. So the question has to then be were they tasked with a project that was never going to be used? The data is real. The test reports are real. And they succeeded. So, was all that money and time just for the hoax when it would be far easier to fire a rocket into low orbit, drop the capsule with more than enough room for a parachute not needing any real controls? That is a ridiculous proposition.
And there is far more actual data then that. Individual teams worked on various aspects of the entire mission, tasked with the various components of the mission. Were they all paid to produce actual real field and real world working components from the materials used to the code just for it all to be not used? And not one of them realised this was all bogus, it could never work?
BTW, the spacesuits were purpose built with certain layered materials for the high temperatures and had a cooling system. The astronauts wore the suits inside and outside the module.
In reality, faked moon landing comes from pessimism, cynicism, not science. It's single focus is that humans in no way could achieve such a feat. That we are worthless and incapable. It does not come from science.
Your input is a worldview and philosophy. Scientism, or the belief that what you are told is 'science' and whatever 'science' says is correct.
A hoax is a hoax, it does not entail that humans are worthless.
The Rona plandemic was a hoax. It does not mean that diseases don't exist.
As you said shooting a rocket a few hundred miles up is easier and that is what they did.
You claim the data exists - it doesn't. All the original data was 'lost'.
Where are the radiation readings? They don't exist.
You can go through every single step of this program from 1962. It is pretty clear that neither the tech nor the comms existed to journey 500K miles and back through our atmosphere at 24.000 mph with >6 G force.
Money laundering is a more likely motivation.
Of course I shall not convince you of anything. And neither shall you convince me. Which is why I focussed on the psychology. I will say though that I do find the recent Indian orbiter pictures of the actual lander in high detail interesting. Of course, than the response is deep fake deep fake.
Back to psychology. That the landings actually happened is rooted in the conception that man can do most anything and that this was a great achievement. Optimism. Moon hoax is rooted in pessimism. That man can barely do anything and that it’s much easier and infinitely preferable to simply hoax anything.
If you wish, you can simply reside in your position that no, it’s this and not that. I am merely pointing out an angle. It is indeed an uncomfortable one, for the hoax aspect describes mankind as a low IQ asshole who just tricks everyone. The challenge is this: try and describe, if, say the moon landing was real and actual, try to describe that potential reality in any way negative, pessimistic or cynical.
And therein you will find that it can’t be done. There is no way to paint the landing, if actual and real, in a negative light. About the best one can do is to say “well it wasn’t necessary.”
Impressive—thank you! The late Dave McGowan also took a deep dive into this:
Great thanks Ann and thanks for the link. Will read through it. Much appreciated.
RE: the cameras.
According to a guy who designed spy satellites in the cold war, and Hasselblad themselves, analog film does not work in a vacuum. All satellites (including spy satellites) from the cold war era which used analog cameras had them in a pressurised housing filled with nitrogen gas.
The vacuum of space causes the emulsion on analog film to outgas and delaminate (similar to how water at room temperature 'boils' in a vacuum).
The Hasselblad cameras they used 'on the moon' were not pressurised. Oops!
Correct. They were customised, off the shelf. No one can show where they were tested for 250F temps or massive radiation....and the 'original' radiation readings are of course 'lost', one would expect detailed geiger count readings and that such important data would be safely retained and used in testing, experimentation of equipment for example.
The vacuum issue is interesting because it's a deal breaker.
If analog film is destroyed in a vacuum then there is no more debate. The official photos could not have been taken on the moon. There is no need to debate shadows or hot spots or temp or radiation.
The vacuum issue came up a couple of years ago when guy who designed spy satellites in the cold war was giving a public lecture. He casually mentioned that the camera system he designed had to be housed in a pressurised box because the film would be destroyed in a vacuum.
I think even the young generation of NASA engineers are starting to question the Apollo mythos. It feels like we are being prepared for an admission of the truth... or more likely a secondary lie which is a bit more believable. We had that weird scene in Interstellar and now the even weirder movie Fly Me To The Moon which seems to be trying to incorporate the fraud into the official story to create a hybrid narrative which satisfies everyone (Apollo was real but the footage was faked).
I wouldn't be surprised if focus groups have been run to test the public reaction to these movies and their plot lines to gauge the public reaction to an actual admission (or partial admission) in the coming years.
Spot on. NASA is well financed. It cannot be about budget or cost. There must be real physical issues with the entire concept of travelling in space. Your thesis on the hybrid explanation is probably where they are going.
When people get mad with me about my denial of moon landings I always ask them what changes if I believe suddenly? Does my mortgage get waved off? I don't have to pay taxes anymore? Or maybe I just get my salary without actual work? Moonlandings/ mars expeditions and other crap are fairytales to let the people wonder off and forget about the daily struggles.
Indeed. 'Why' is a good question. It is a colossal investment for what purpose? Cui bono besides all the pigs in the trough? What is the ROI - costs vs benefits? Why is NASA a group of climate clowns predicting apocalypse from plant food, but can't tell us how the comms worked on Apollo 11? What is on dead cold Mars? How would you survive?
We have satellites in high orbit, supposedly probes have circumnavigated the moon many times. Point a satellite and a high powered scope at the moon from either a sat and probe and just show the jeeps they left! Apparently they folded up and were easy to carry but were left on the moon. Or were they left somewhere on Earth?
If I remember rightly, the rovers played a starring role in James Bond's Moonraker 😁
Yes spot on. Bond the moon 'denier' :) The jeeps have always been a mystery. I could never figure out why they would push that - opens up all sorts of questions and was largely unnecessary to push their script.
This is a very impressive, comprehensive and convincing article and compilation of very much material, thank you. I just noticed that close to the end of the article the speed of light is stated as 186,000 miles per hour needs - I just checked this because it did not seem right & the units should be miles per second.
Thanks Howard for the catch, correct. It is per second, my mistake. Thanks for pointing that out.
A flag will "flutter" in a vacuum. I've seen this demonstrated twice, on Myth Busters and on The Action Lab channel on YouTube.
They are limp however after Apollo 11. So that narrative has a problem. They moved because of external forces - likely a fan. There is no wind to make them move. Supposedly no atmosphere.
Mythbusters - sorry that is 100% narrative and fake. As the post says, people watch some highly paid debunking nonsense and then retreat back to pink pony world.
They have been busted and dusted.
Same as the hammer and feather fraud which is edited film.
Regarding the hammer and feather, by which I suppose you mean a hammer and feather falling at the same rate in a vacuum, that's also a very easy experiment to replicate. I've seen it done a few times in videos. But even just at a logical level, it makes sense. We can do a thought experiment: Suppose two people of the same mass are falling in a vacuum at the same speed, and now they reach out to each other and hold hands to form a single body, so to speak. Does that single body suddenly start accelerating faster because it has twice the mass? Why would it?
It's not a difficult experiment to put a flag in a vacuum chamber and shake it about. It makes total sense to me, in terms of physics, for a flag to keep moving in a vacuum due to momentum.
Do you have some evidence for a limp flag post Apollo 11? The flag I saw had a crossbar. Are you saying they got rid of that?
There are just too many inconsistencies, impossibilities, fortunate coincidences, errors, misdirections for the official story to be credible. I recommend the brilliant work by the late Dave McGowan as essential - and immensely enjoyable - reading. Wagging the Moon Doggie
Of course, the moon flights and landings were staged and filmed. The solar radiation alone will kill anyone, and the alleged ships had no protection against that.