The fraud of ‘Time’ within Relativity. As discussed in ‘The Einstein myth and the Ives Papers’, by Dean Turner, J.J. Callaghan, 1979.
If Relativity is true, there is no objective reality. Time does not exist pace Einstotle's cult.
“I have demonstrated that an interferograph in which the optical circuit surrounds a certain area, and which rotates in the plane of the circuit, registers its movement as a whole in relation to the ether of empty space (i.e. absolute space).
The observed interference effect is clearly the optical whirring effect due to the movement of the system in relation to the ether and directly manifests the existence of the ether, supporting necessarily the light waves of Huygens and Fresnel.”
(Sagnac, Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Science. p. 248-9, translated by the author).
Sagnac’s experiment disproves Relativity. Sagnac performed experiments, Einstein did not. Michelson-Gale confirms a displacement of the aether. Michelson and Gale performed experiments, Einstotle did not. There are thousands of experiments, and mechanical observations, which destroy Relativity.
“The experiments of Sagnac, and of Michelson and Gale, established conclusively that light, insofar as it travels around a closed circuit, does not have a constant velocity except with reference to absolute space. In this way, Einstein’s relativist principle of the constancy of the velocity of light has been placed under serious embarrassment…”
(Turner, p. 43)
As Turner states, there is an absolute refernce frame, and the speed of light is variant. Show me again the experiments Einstotle performed to support his philosophies.
Herbert Ives an American physicist and engineer, in the 1930s disproved, through hands-on experimentation, the key postulates of Relativity. Ives disproved the invariant speed of light, and proved the existence of the aether. Needless to say, ‘The Science’, so heavily invested in Einstotle’s magical world of make-believe, was uninterested. Turner and Callaghan’s volume preserves Ives’ papers, experiments and conclusions. They are incontrovertibly valid.
Ives was not alone in disproving Relativity in the 1930s. During the 1920s and 30s, the great and unknown American physicist Dayton Miller, over 20 years, eviscerated Einstein’s theories with some 200.000 inteferometer experiments, which validated the Michelson-Morley results of 1887. These men, along with Sagnac, Gale, Anderson, Dirac, Airy, Lodge amongst many others this substack has discussed, are rarely if ever taught. If they are mentioned, ‘The Science’ will mendaciously state that their efforts support Relativity! This is a lie. They disprove Einstotle’s philosophical maths.
The author would like to reiterate the complete lack of transparency within Einstotle’s work. The myth of the small grey-haired Jewish philosopher, working hard for the ‘little guy’, enriching and enlightening without prejudice, is lurid propaganda. Einstein’s objective was to explain away why physical experiments find no movement of this planet. Einstotle’s ‘Relativity’ is a mathematical fraud, based on plagiarism with an apriori intent to ignore factual data. What else did Einstein dissimulate ?
“Here, I pause to note that one may scan Einstein’s writings in vain to find mention of the Sagnac or Michelson-Gale experiments. The same can be said of general physics textbooks…”
(Turner, p. 44)
All hail the great man and our ‘science’. Too great to tell you where Einstein developed his theories from or why. Too grand to attribute and reference others. The massive ego of Einstein who wanted all the credit for saving Copernicanism.
Here is the thing Relativists. Time exists. Time is not a distance. The aether exists. Absolute space exists. Euclidean space exists. Electromagnetic radiative energy exists. By default then, Relativity does not exist.
Clocks and time
The first experiment to prove the slowing down of clocks due to gravity, was performed by Herbert Ives together with G. Stilwell in the 1930s. Ives was an American physicist and television scientist who in effect built the design and transmission process for long distance television transmission. We should not hold this against him, given that television has been the worst form of propaganda, brain washing and time wasting imaginable.
Regarding time and gravity, Ives and Stilwell used fast, radiating canal rays (tandem hydrogen ions), as ‘clocks’, identifying a faintly reduced clock speed due to motion. The cesium clock experiments of the 1950s confirmed Ives and Stilwell’s observations, with US military jets flying eastward recording a very small time reduction in comparison with the stationary home atomic clock at the US Naval Observatory. Gravity is less powerful and dense at higher altitudes.
Common sense indicates that gravity would impact time measurement, and displace light waves. Ives confirmed this.
As written on this substack many times, the reduction of time due to gravity or high velocity is one of the few true contributions made by Einstotle, proven of course by others, since Einstein never condescended to run experiments. Gravitational or acceleration effects on time is a part of the General Theory of Relativity summarised in Einstein’s ‘equivalency principle’, where acceleration and high velocity may lead to the same effect on an object, as gravity. In other words gravity can be equated with acceleration (this is actually false given that that gravity is comprised of forces, and acceleration is based on mass and speed, they are not equivalent).
Einstotle’s ‘time’ is arbitrary
Time within Relativity, does not mean anything, at least nothing that a person with common sense would recognise as a valid definition. Time is a human construct. It must be standard, universal and computed. It can never be singular to each ‘frame of reference’, nor merged with space. After all Relativity denies that space is composed of any meaningful materiality. How then is nothing ‘curved’?
“Einstein’s special theory is based, as he himself said….definition of simultaneity….which he acknowledge to be a purely arbitrary; or unobservable and unverifiable stipulation. With all due respect to Einstein, he committed one of the most deplorable, galling contradictions of all time.”
“Harald Nordenson, Swedish industrialist and philosopher of science, makes clear in his valuable book Relativity, Time and Reality that Einstein’s contradiction is at bottom of ‘the indiscriminate use of the world time in two different meanings, which makes his theory untenable from a logical point of view’.”
(Turner, p. 3)
American philosopher Arthur Lovejoy in 1930, wrote about the fraud of simultaneity and the absolute confusion of Einstotle’s use of ‘time’.
“A proposition asserting the simultaneity of two events is, obviously an assertion concerning the magnitude of the time-interval between them – namely that the interval is equal to zero….
It seems evident, finally, that Einstein himself does not adhere to the relativistic conclusion….he continues to speak of periods of time during which the two systems are in motion with respect to each other (spaceships S and S’ for eg)….this proposition can have no meaning if there is no common duration with a common measure…Distance or spatial separation along a common axis, is a symmetrical relation; and a change in this relation between the two cannot occur in the case of one of them unless it at the same time occurs in the case of the other.”
(Turner, p. 5 quoting from Lovejoy’s article)
The above comments are common sense. Universal time exists and you cannot have 2 references which have their own ‘relative’ time. In Relativity’s fantasy world the two reference frames, exemplified by spaceships S and S’ contain their own frame of time, events and measurement. What normal person accepts this? In the early 19th century Einstein would have been marched off to Bedlam.
Einstotle and Semantics
In a previous post we discussed Gödel’s 'Incompleteness Theory' and the importance of logic, namely, semantic and syntactic logic. It was proven that both are violently distorted within Relativity. The underlying ‘logic’ is invalid and tautological, including circular mathematical calculations.
“Few men have made a greater mockery of semantics than Albert Einstein. He ignored the age-old definition of the world ‘space’ (the medium in which bodies can come into existence and through which they can move).
But he continued to use the same word with a radically different unique meaning (the path of a body in motion, the geometric structure of an energy field etc), thus confusing most people to despair.
The irony of the matter consists in the fact that it was Einstein himself who was utterly confused, but who lacked the slightest consciousness of it, and who was able to hide his confusion from the general public by a smoke-screen of what is considered to be esoteric mathematics.”
(Turner, p. 31)
Relativity changes based on the question or context. There are different ‘interpretations’ of Relativity, different maths that can be employed and different definitions used as necessary. This ensures that the cult’s answer is the ‘right one’. This is not scientific.
Fantasy worlds
If we accept any part of Relativity and its desecration of the concept of ‘time’, the inevitable conclusion Neo, is that we live in a dream world. Every person, observer or object would be contained in their own ‘reference model’; no common standards, or measurements are possible. This means that there is no objective reality or truth.
“..a logically coherent philosophy of physics is impossible without universals, and a universal truth is inconceivable without a universal instant.” (Turner, p. 15)
“In other words, there simply can be no universal simultaneity in the cosmos; and, as Weingard and Putnam have shown logically, if we accept Einstein’s relativity then we must also accept the assumption that all time distinctions are merely subjective illusions in the eyes of this or that biased observer.”
“With the aid of Minkowski’s reasonings I shall show that if Einstein’s absolute relativisation of time were true, then the universe would be static; devoid of happenings, and consequently, there would be no objective meaning whatever to anyone’s notion of time….The whole of reality…must actually be tenseless, and the man in the street simply deals in illusions.”
(Turner, p. 11, 8-9)
If we extend Relativity’s ‘logic’ to its philosophical teleological end point, we have the merger of the past, the current, and the future, which means that there is no absolute reality. Time, pace Relativity, does not exist.
Einstein’s confusion
Einstein admitted that the aether exists. This means that his Special Theory of Relativity is invalid. It also negates his General Theory, premised as it is on an aether that cannot be measured and is considered to be mass-less. In 1950 he admitted he was wrong.
“According to general relativity, the concept of space detached from any physical content does not exist. There is no such thing as an empty space, i.e. a space without a field.”
(Einstein in Scientific American, April 1950, p.15)
Yet empty space is exactly what his theory purports and is used today in the form of a ‘vacuum’. It is wrong. Time within the aether of space cannot be rolled up and merged with the same. Time is not an axis, nor a distance. Time is a calculation. The British physicist P. M. Dirac in 1951 concluded a technical note with these words about the reality of the aether and time:
‘We have now the velocity [from his equation 2] at all points of space-time, playing a fundamental part in electrodynamics. It is natural to regard it as the velocity of some real physical thing. Thus, with the new theory of electrodynamics we are rather forced to have an aether.’
(Turner, p. 15, quoting from Dirac, 1951)
I can only measure the velocity of an object using a universal calculation replete with assumptions. I do not clock object 1 (the moon) in its ‘reference frame’ as being different from object 2 (the Sun), when discussing ‘time’, or ‘velocity’.
Bottom Line
Dean Turner and J. Callaghan wrote a very thick volume which contains Ives’ experiments and his documents. This is an important compendium. These two men also criticised Relativity based on logic, evidential data and common sense. This post outlined some of their views.
The continuum of time exists. Einstotle’s philosophical destruction of time and common sense is an affront to any sapient person. The aether, or medium of space is full of energy, waves, neutrinos and plancktons. Electrodynamics, an insight from Tesla, exists. Real measureable time, the aether and electrodynamics all disprove Relativity.
Herbert Ives’ experiments, which proved that a very ‘ponderable’ and measurable aether is real, entails that the entire corpus of Relativity must be jettisoned. This objective, absolute aether or space, used by Newton to generate his ‘laws’, is one reason amongst a 100, why Saint Stephen of Hawking confessed in his book, ‘A Briefer History of Time’ that Relativity was wrong.
“We already know that general relativity must be altered. By predicting points of infinite density – singularities – classical general relativity predicts its own down-fall….When a theory predicts singularities such as infinite density and curvature, it is a sign that the theory must somehow be modified.” (A Briefer History of Time, 2005, pp. 102, 84; Black Holes and Baby Universes, 1994, p. 92 & 102).
But have no worries. Relativity is proven. It is ‘The Science’. Everyone knows. ChatGPT say. Teacher say. Ironically, in the case of Ives, TV say.
In reality, Relativity is junk science at its finest. Reality say.
All hail.
Dean Turner, J.J. Callaghan, The Einstein myth and the Ives Papers, 1979.
Straight shooting. It is amazing that the theories of Fraudstein have been accepted by so many for so long. Circular theories/maths is kind of so basic