I vaguely recall all this speculation from being a child interested in astronomy. We can’t see anything on Venus, so the planet is clearly a tropical jungle populated by dinosaurs, lol. The Venera probes revealed the shocking truth. However, all was not lost for the climate zealots were able to demonstrate a “runaway greenhouse effect” that has infected our lives ever since. Thanks for the article and the research.
Speaking of Dinos on Venus added such a newspaper reference to the article near the top from 1961....this was after the mariner probes confirmed that Venus was a red hot hell...'the science' does persist.
Yes indeed. The Climate loonies use Venus as their template. Sadly for them, Co2 on Venus is about 95% of the atmosphere vs 0.04% here on Earth, so difficult to see why Venus, a new planet, would be 'our fate'....this probably indicates (amongst many other reasons), that Venus entered the constellation in the recent past. Velikovsky and others surmised it had been a comet at one point. Darwinian-Newtonian heads explode if that is mentioned.....the comet theory makes a lot more sense, if the immaturity of Venus' atmosphere is to be explained. But 'the science' has moved on of course, so many other planets with the potential for life etc etc.
I vaguely recall all this speculation from being a child interested in astronomy. We can’t see anything on Venus, so the planet is clearly a tropical jungle populated by dinosaurs, lol. The Venera probes revealed the shocking truth. However, all was not lost for the climate zealots were able to demonstrate a “runaway greenhouse effect” that has infected our lives ever since. Thanks for the article and the research.
Speaking of Dinos on Venus added such a newspaper reference to the article near the top from 1961....this was after the mariner probes confirmed that Venus was a red hot hell...'the science' does persist.
Yes indeed. The Climate loonies use Venus as their template. Sadly for them, Co2 on Venus is about 95% of the atmosphere vs 0.04% here on Earth, so difficult to see why Venus, a new planet, would be 'our fate'....this probably indicates (amongst many other reasons), that Venus entered the constellation in the recent past. Velikovsky and others surmised it had been a comet at one point. Darwinian-Newtonian heads explode if that is mentioned.....the comet theory makes a lot more sense, if the immaturity of Venus' atmosphere is to be explained. But 'the science' has moved on of course, so many other planets with the potential for life etc etc.