A great book and resource: 'Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth'. Exposing the $cientism of a criminal complex
None of the stabs are safe nor effective. The entire industry is a lie.
Written during the Corona fascism, and issued in 2022, this work is a valuable compendium and resource on the entirety of the vaccine fraud and its morbid demented history, written anonymously by Israeli doctors. Anonymity was chosen by the authors to protect careers, families, published papers and to escape delicensing, censorship, verbal, and even physical attacks. Anonymity is necessary in these ‘thriving’ democracies we are told about, where if you contravene state theology and especially the gospel of Pharma and the vaccines, you might find yourself ‘suicided’ if you are someone of importance and are sufficiently persistent in your criticism. At the very least you will be ridiculed and ostracised in these ‘vibrant’, ‘open’, ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant’, ‘democracies’.  I would classify ‘modern democracies’ as regressive feudal constructs, and openly totalitarian.
This book confirms that the Pharmaceutical-Government military-industrial complex is a pillar of $cientism, or the merger of corporate and government interests. Corporatism is emblematic of Fascist governance, where government funds and promotes certain industries to conform to statists ideologies. Compliant corporations are thus ennobled and rewarded by the state and these firms in turn fund and invest in government activities often taking over the regulators. With Pharmaceuticals it is impossible to see where the industry ends and where health and government regulators begin. As with all corporate-Fascist governance structures, coercion and violence is used to elicit compliance.Â
The work is over 500 pages long, with 11 chapters covering the spectrum of health and science pertaining to the concept of ‘vaccination’.  I would say it can be used as reference material for yourself and your family, and to use when ‘debating’ the cult of drugs and pharma. There are ample footnotes and source citations.Â
The following is a short synopsis by chapter. By no means is it comprehensive, the book after all is 500 pages, but some themes redound when reading it.
Part 1: Vaccine safety
Chapter 1 on ‘Trials’
Key points:
-Clinical trials are ‘rigged’ to hide their and high rate of side effects (including death), and are not tested properly or at mass
-Randomised control tests are not conducted properly and usually don’t include a placebo group (so you can assess the real effects of the drug against people who are not injected)
-All common ‘vaccines’ follow this fraudulent pattern of adverse event suppression, something learnt from the quack Saint Jenner
-Trials are often deliberately faked and quite unethical (rotavirus vaccine trials are given as an example)
-Vaccines are given mostly to healthy babies and if anything, the safety standards and trials must be extremely high and beyond reproach or dispute which they are not
Chapter 2 on Adverse Events
Key points:
-Little to no analysis of the following is made: 1) effects that the ingredients (aluminium adjuvants for eg) have on the body, 2) biochemical interactions between the components, 3) biochemical interactions among multiple vaccines given concomitantly, 4) genetic profiles of those who are vaccinated and reaction to said biochemicals, 5) existing conditions which may increase injury rates.
-Entire categories of injury and harm are arbitrarily removed from studies and trials, ascribed not to the vaccine but some other factors and ignored
-There is no evidence that even basic scientific research on vaccine side effects is being conducted
Chapter 3: Adverse Events Reporting Systems
Key points:
-Systems such as VAERS in the US, or the Yellow Card in the UK are passive systems, usually ignored by medical professionals and are grossly under-reported
-Maybe 1/10 to 1/100 of actual vaccine adverse events are reported
-A false premise of these systems is that the vaccine’s safety has already been ‘proven’ during pre-licensure trials which is incorrect
-New software systems (eg Lazarus in the US in 2010) which would have greatly improved the reporting system’s interface, relevancy and detail have been rejected by various regulators (the more opaque and useless the adverse reporting system is, the better in their view)
Chapter 4: Epidemiology 101
Key points:
-Epidemiology analyses diseases at the population, not the individual level, (to see if a vaccine worked by lower mortality for example), there are many types of epidemiological studies and it can be difficult to find correlation and causal patterns given variables, bodily complexity etc.
-Given that there are no fixed rules or recipes for such studies, the industry can manipulate data or perform certain types of studies which will present findings in their favour, most of these statistical analyses, whether looking-backward, or looking-forward are too complicated and detailed for the average layperson to understand
Chapter 5: Biased Science, Epidemiology and vaccine safety
Key points:
-During the 1990s, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, or MMR injections had significant and high levels of adverse effects but epidemiology and ‘studies’ came to the rescue and disavowed any such observations
-Much research into vaccines and medicines are dependent on the largesse of government or large corporate interests, it is unlikely they will fund a drug that creates a mess or adverse effects
-More than 70% of research and researcher methods have been declared fraudulent or more politely ‘dubious’
-5 key ‘doctored’ studies which basically lie and commit data fraud but are fundamental to the religion of vaccination are: Madsen 2002 on MMR (MMR does not cause autism); Fombonne 2006 on MMR and Autism (no connection); DeStefano 2013 on Antigens and Autism (same conclusion as Madsen’s and Fombonne’s);  Grimaldi 2014 on Gardasil and Autoimmune injury (no connection they maintain); McKeever 2004 on vaccines and allergic disease (no connection they state)
-These 5 studies and thousands of others all have financial and employment conflicts of interests; all are littered with methodological and data issues; data fraud is rife; none would pass a real peer review; none can be replicated
Chapter 6: Studies that will never be done
Key points:
-The pharma-government complex have never done, and will never do, extensive analysis of unvaccinated versus vaccinated groups, over a long duration
-Any studies (private, outside of the pharma-government complex) that analysed unvaccinated vs vaccinated have always found the unvaccinated to be healthier
-Clinical trials of vaccines do not report chronic syndromes which can take years to manifest including autism, cancer, ADHD, or diabetes
-Most American children receive up to 26-28 shots of vaccines for 14 different diseases, yet there are no long-term studies on health impact (given that in 1970 there were 2 shots given)
-Natural control groups such as the Amish exist but are completely ignored by the medical establishment
-By not conducting unvaccinated control group studies over the long-term, the ‘safe and effective’ mantra is safely and effectively a lie
Chapter 7: Unsubstantiated Vaccine guidelines
Key points:
-One US vaccine schedule will allow a baby to receive up to 9 vaccines at the same time, yet no studies exist as to the medium- or long-term impact of such a regime on a child’s health
-When authorities are asked about the regime, they will refer you to a Paul Offit 2002 study which ‘proves’ no ill effects from the regime, Offit is famously on the record saying he would take 100.000 shots at once (now challenged to do so by Steve Kirsch)
-Offit’s paper in 2002 refers to a 1994 review by the CDC National Immunisation Program and is hardly up to date given that 26-28 shots are given to babies by the age of 2
-The 2009 Shneyer study in Israel found babies who followed the vaccination regime and compressed injection schedule had 50% more adverse events than those infants who followed a slower and spaced-out vaccination schedule
-Some vaccine guidelines follow the 18th century’s ‘inoculation’ idea of injecting the actual disease in a mild form into the baby, yet many parents are unaware of this quackery
-No medical establishment anywhere will admit that vaccines have caused issues, for example a massive increase in autism (neurological disorder, encephaly), from 1 in 10.000 babies pre 1970, to 1 in 30 in 2023
Part II Founding Myths
Chapter 8: The Disappearance of Disease
Key points:
-Due to sanitation and health improvements most infectious diseases were eradicated long before the vaccines arrived
-An example is measles in which the disease was effectively gone by 1935, some 34 years before a vaccine was introduced
-The charts beginning on p. 275, with the start year of 1900, illustrate the rapid decline of infectious diseases trending toward zero, which occurred long before the vaccines were rolled out
-Since the regime of vaccinations, children’s overall health, mental and physical fitness has markedly declined in Western states
-Before the use of cars, horses would drop 25 pounds of manure a day, a breeding ground for tetanus and typhoid, and dead horses were a common sight due to overwork in cities, literally dying in the streets, with New York City clearing some 15.000 dead carcasses from its streets just in 1880 alone
-McKeown, Szreter and other researchers using publicly available data have proven that vaccines did little to nothing to reduce infectious diseases
Chapter 9: Herd Immunity
Key points:
-Herd immunity arrives when a large proportion of the population have been exposed to a disease but are immune to it
-Natural immunity means your immune system is protected against a disease, and this is why smallpox and other infectious diseases have cycles, you are immune but those who are born or very young are not
-Given the lack of real science on adverse events and effects, and given our natural immunity, there is no moral case to enforce mandatory injections
-None of the standard vaccines given to children have been proven to prevent a disease, or make it milder
-Medical establishments know full well that vaccines do not confer herd immunity (hence your yearly flu vaccine, or 5 or 6 rounds of Corona mRNA injections)
-Starting on p. 358 is an instructive table showing the vaccine, whether it confers herd immunity, a description of what the disease is, and its severity, and when reading this table it is clear that the injections are useless
Chapter 10: The mysteries of Polio
Key points:
-There is no polio virus, polio is spread by pesticides, arsenic, lead and chemical poisonings in food and water supplies
-Polio only appeared in the 19th century in industrialised countries
-Many ‘polio-like’ illnesses were ascribed to polio but were not actually polio and after a vaccination if polio or related issues appeared, they were, and still are, categorised as not being polio-related (the data game that they play)
Chapter 11: The vaccine hoax
Key points:
-Institutionalised fraud is the only possible explanation of the now U$80 billion p.a. market called ‘vaccines’
-Doctors, trained in pharma funded academies, seem largely unaware of the fraud
-Government and Pharma ‘science’ is not real science
The detail and evidence presented in this book are overwhelming. It is a ringing condemnation of the quackcine, government-drug military-industrial complex.  One only needs to follow the money to find the $cience. Corona doubled the quackcine market size to U$80 billion and more mRNA poisons are coming onstream, some no doubt will be made mandatory during the next plandemic.
In reading this book and many others I am always amazed by the intensity and the emotional deference to authority, the stabbinations, pharma and doctors, by the average peasant and the hoi-polloi at large.Â
·      What does the average person gain by being a religious shill for the government-pharma complex?Â
·      Why such religious devotion to a topic or an area they have never bothered to study?
·      Why do so many deluded true-believers venerate the theology of injecting unknown drugs into their wonderfully created immune system, without thought, without consideration, without knowledge?Â
·      Why are so many of them willing to imprison if not kill those who don’t follow the sordid program?Â
Many ‘insiders’ in this cult benefit and are corrupt or bribed, including your local political class, fake news and health regulators. But for those outside the flows of money, the faithful acolytes are simply brainwashed and not very intelligent. The stab-devoted really believe that you need a stabbination to survive ‘smallpox’, a disease even at its height in the slums of the 19th century, only had a death rate the same as the normal flu or Corona (0.3%). Or that the magic elixirs will prevent any death and injury from a wild assortment other ‘scariants’ and flying ‘viruses’. A lack of critical thinking is a fundamental societal theme when totalitarian theologies are implemented. We saw this on display during the Corona fascism and medical tyranny.
That is probably the bottom line with this book — it calls out the corruption, the fraud, the mass-delusion, the non-science and $cientism of the government-Pharma military industrial complex.