Western Civ and its Civil War and Revolution. From the 19th century to today. Similar to what ended the Western Roman empire.
$cientism. Metaphysics and culture inform everything. There is a straight line from the 19th century to the current implosion of Western Civilisation, punctuated by the March 2020 Revolution.
A Revolution
The irruption of civil war within the ‘Western’ world was officially declared in March 2020. Unofficially it was in train since the Enlightenment. The March 2020 revolutionary cry was to impose the ‘Great Reset’ using a plandemic and fake global plague as the casus belli. The antecedents of this revolution date back to the Enlightenment and especially to the 19th century - the best and worst of centuries - which picked up its metaphyiscs from the 17th and 18th centuries. The 19th century was a wondrous time of technological innovation and sophistication: railways, the steam engine, combustion engine, electricity, electrical energy and lighting, appliances, sewers and sanitation, housing and urban reforms, the end of slums and through health and hygiene the eradication of many diseases.
The 19th century was also the worst of centuries politically and philosophically. Politically the 19th century built the base of ‘Statism’ and government control, including the nexus of corporatism, or the merger and self-interested alliances between the State and corporations. This relationship was and is bi-directional, an industry can capture government (Pharma, military for eg) or the State can manage and direct an industry for the benefit of both (health, energy, education). An example is the vaccination cartel, established during the quack’s Jenner’s reign as a ‘scientist’ and ‘inventor’ of ‘vaccination’. From Jenner to the Korona Pharma-Fascism is a straight line. Our modern corporatism is reflected in the ‘welfare state’ and the ‘military-industrial complex’, and it covers the ‘commanding heights’ of our society including energy, health, education, the media, research, banking and transportation.
19th Century Theology as ‘Science’
Philosophically the 19th century was an incontrovertible disaster. Darwinism, Materialism, Communism, ‘logical positivism’, ‘rationalism’, ‘romanticism’, rampant Atheism, the ‘science’ of medicine; all of these theories and philosophies conspired to either elevate mankind and his ‘reason’ (never defined) as God, or degrade mankind to a monkey, with everything in life a mechanical, naturalist dialectic of ‘progressive’ positive changes with man no different than a virus and probably not as important. The inherent confusion of 19th century dogma is obvious and this anarchy in metaphysics is a key aspect of the current implosion of civilisation. In effect we lost reality.
Philosophical Confusion
The teleological model of 19th century philosophy leads to nihilism and nothing. The 19th century’s philosophical regression points directly to confusion and destruction, including trans-genderism, climate insanity, a hatred of Whites (especially Males and Christians), and a breakdown of morality, virtue and standards across society’s entire spectrum. The 19th century’s philosophical rationale and its entire premise as evinced by Darwin’s and Wallace’s naturalist theology, Comte, Marx, Freud et al, was to annihilate the cultural foundation of Western Civilisation and impose the collective will of material dialecticism and elevate State-controlled ‘Science’ or Scientism to the fore as the new Church. The Atheist French Revolution of 1789 and the Church of Reason found numerous disciples, apostles and high priests throughout the Western world, who in different ways took up the same hysterical and demented cry to establish the Church of ‘Reason’, using the most irrational and unreasonably methods imaginable.
The State as Leviathan
The crux of 19th century belief system, building on Hobbe’s Leviathan concept, is that the State and only the State, along with its agencies of ‘Science’, should impose 'order’ and 'progress’ and develop positive vectors of social existence. Out with the old, in with the ‘science’ and Scientism. Technology was wrongly equated with ‘Science’ and man’s ‘rationalism’. Conflating a railway with technocratic management is an old canard used by the power hungry. Materialism, Socialism, Atheistic positivism, the hoary and misty ‘rationalism’, are philosophies of Statism and collectivism. Thus in less than 150 years, the ‘social reforms’ and ‘manners’ created by the great Christian Wilberforce and which was the basis of Victorian and Edwardian society, was successfully attacked and effaced by the mechanistic philosophies who hearkened back to the ‘Enlightenment’ propaganda as a source of their truths.
The central feature of 19th century and Enlightenment propaganda is that there can be only ‘one’ answer, that of ‘reason’, or ‘science’, or what the State has decreed through its endless list of agencies to be the ‘truth’. The UN’s and BBC’s ‘verify’ programs, the ‘fact checkers, the various Ministries of Truth, have a long pedigree. All of these were present in the 19th century, as government agencies and regulators censored, issued false data and propaganda and attacked and demeaned any opposition to the will of government.
The internal destruction of Western Civ
Western civilization has been under attack from globalists, socialists, transnationalists, Marxists and their progenitors for 200 years or 6 to 7 generations. It takes only one generation to destroy an ideal and eradicate the vestiges of civilization. We are thus pretty far advanced in the dismemberment of internal institutions and culture that guarantee progress and civilization. The all-powerful-State model has led ineluctably to Statism and a loss of freedom (including free speech), in public and private life.
The all-powerful-State expresses itself in the panoply of ‘hate speech’ regulations, online censorship, de-banking of opponents, lockdowns over a non-existent ‘virus’ threat, mandated stabbinations (some 20 for children), stolen or corrupt elections and referenda, endless wars, endless agencies imposing endless regulatory and legal demands on every single aspect of private or corporate life. People sneer about medieval serfdom - what do you think the modern is, if not a serf or slave?
The State is God
The State-as-God-complex, epitomises Western civ’s internal decline and much like its precursor the Roman empire, will expire in self-immolation, an internal disease spreading like a cancer until the host gives up and submits to external challengers. The all-powerful-State is willingly enforcing our cultural and rational end through pandemic (Korona with more coming) totalitarianism, the Klimat Fascism, open borders, Islamicisation, mental illness and pangenderism. For the Great Reset to succeeed the the very foundations of once Christian Western heterodoxy and civilisation must be destroyed.
Evil exists
Evil was everywhere apparent in the 19th century philosophies, often parading as science, and it is rampant today with what can only be described as corporate Fascism and a deep hatred of the human. The mechanism for evil to flourish and reign is to overthrow Western civ through violence, namely totalitarianism. External violence is used to consolidate and align domestic and G20 interests through NATO’s eternal wars and its icon of hate Russia. The internal violence is conducted through scamdemics, climate bollocks, Burn Loot and Murder, No-Pride parades, ESG, Political Correctness, ‘hate speech’ regulations and that bedrock of 19th century hand-waving relativity, where nothing is certain and reality is optional.
Pull down the Cultural Pillars
The omnipotent-omnivorous-State destroys the following important ‘pillars’ of societal development and civilisational creation: individualism; morality; spirituality; capital formation and innovation; high culture; and rationality including the force of reason. Europe is the classic case example of the State’s inimical effect upon the body politic. The State-as-God ideal is based on 7 faulty premises all of which lead to global governance and immorality:
Humans are the real cancer or virus and must be terminated or transformed into something better (transhumans),
Western civilization and White Civilisation is loathsome and evil, only Whites are racist and only Whites were slave traders,
Gaia is near-death and a global pagan devotion to her health is the only moral construct to build and follow,
There are no genders, just choices,
Religion leads to conflict and ‘unreason’ and is unnecessary, a form of irrational abuse and ignorance and should be subsumed into the greater, global church of pagan worship and Scientism,
There are no standards of right and wrong, good and bad, all is relative, all is golden, any who argue against relativity are the enemy,
Only a technocratic global elite can safely mange the progress of society to ensure ‘fairness and equality’, and to manage the ‘velocity’ of international issues from pandemics and vaccines, to the climate, and gender fluidity.
These premises all flow to World Government, or the New World Order, controlled by the US Deep State through the WEF and UN.
Submission to the Scientism of the the WEF-WHO-UN-CIA complex including ‘pandemics’, genuflecting to Islam, the Climate cult and the gender fascists, follows a complex but general pattern of decline in Western society as it builds an anti-Christian, anti-rational world. Unfettered Muslim and African invasions, Korona and Klimate Change are the hallmarks of this pagan immorality. Clean burning carbon, gas and coal are declared toxic. Plant food is now identified as the Klimat destroyer. Welfare, vacation time, and redistribution are the vital keys to living. Rhetoric espousing the multi-cult technocratic model, and the replacement of high culture with low standards are exalted in an orgy of anti-Western and anti-Caucasian racism and slander, seen in the media and ‘entertainment’ most of it mindless. Intelligence and reason are replaced by a mystic belief in the all-powerful State and an acceptance of the crude Fascism exemplified by Islam or the Corona-Climate Fascisms.
Revolutionary Goal 1: Annihilate Christianity, Relgion, the Family
Free-Masons, Cultural Marxists, Globalists and Communists have long planned the dissolution of the Churches. The Russian Communists tore down some 10.000 Orthodox Churches, the Nazis subsumed the Evangelicals into the ‘Reich Church’ and had plans to completely dismember the Catholic Church after ‘winning the war’. The Free Masons have waged a fairly open war on the Church both from within and without, usually through the shadowing and takeover of government agencies and powers behind the throne.
The Free Masons, Communists and Statists today attack the Church in various ways through regulations, laws, LBGTQZ++ ordinances, education, the media and by controlling state funds to the Churches which can be withheld at whim, or in the case of Korona, increased to ensure compliance. As Hitler sneered about Christian Priests and Bishops, ‘they will vote with their pensions’. The Churches certainly did when they submitted themselves to the Korona dictatorship - in exchange for money.
End the Family
But today’s assault on Church and family is even worse. Both the Nazis and Communists supported families. Not so in today’s ‘modern’ world. Gender fascism by definition destroys the family. Abortion is a prime objective for almost every government (along with ‘euthanasia’ or murder) and vital to ‘save Gaia’ from the Klimat Krisis. Easy divorces, state stewardship of infants and babies (taking them away from parents who won’t vaxx them for example), the hatred towards heterosexuality, normalcy, and family life reflected in education, the media and ‘the science’, all conspire to end the hetero-normative family structure - always a key centre of opposition to the State.
Western civilization and the medieval ideals of our forbears along with Judeo-Christian ethics and hetero-normal family structures, were the core organizing principles of our civilization and indeed of any civilization worth calling itself one. No longer. The spiritual, intellectual and economic advancements given to mankind by the medieval and early modern eras, which were the greatest set of innovations in the history of human development, are now rubbished and binned as a ‘dark age’ (which most modern academics reject), or quaint relics of a past full of ignorant, superstitious and ‘unmodern’ humans, who actually read the Bible and believed in two genders and in a normal family as the height of their existence and the culmination of their earthly purpose.
Unlike the current revolution in Western Civ, Christianity has always focused on freedom; real equality; race-blindness; the eradication of slavery; empowerment of women and the family; and mercy for the poor and sick. Importantly Christianity and Western ethics revolve around rational individuality and the methods to succeed in life and as well as coming to a personal understanding with God and your own existence. The State-as-God complex replaces a spiritual essence, which all humans need to survive, with a belief in a technocratic, all-knowing elite, who 'own the science' and the only religion ($cientism). Personal salvation and the individual understanding of spirituality is thus replaced by government dictats. This inevitably leads to totalitarianism.
It is a spiritual war
The Revolution of March 2020 revealed an obvious truth: this is a revolution against reality and civilisation, which is suffused with anti-humanist evil, and focused on ending White civilisation within the G20 nations. Battling evil requires material and spiritual strength. If our Christian forbears did not possess the religious confidence and devotion to Christ and his Church in fighting the pagan evil of Muhammad’s cult, Europe would long ago have been Koranified and conquered by the Al Lah cult.
When a society has no spiritual faith or higher belief it disintegrates and atomises becoming easy prey for totalitarianism. Thus our Western civ is now a godless hypocritical, and cowardly collection of self-loathers, many isolated and alone, which allows the State to proceed with its plans to allow open borders and Muslimifcation, erect the pagan cults of Gaia, Net Zero, Korona, pan-genderism, or enable racist and fascist organisations such as BLM and Antifa to rip down our history and culture.
Goal 2: The End of Reason and the foundations of civilisation
This internal Western revolution has declared that ‘Reason’ itself must be eliminated. You can only believe that a death rate of 0.3% is a pandemic and a good reason to lockdown the planet, or that plant food causes climate, or that 'Net Zero’ actually means something intelligent, or that Islam is peace, or that genders don’t exist, or that no Whites were enslaved (or that only Whites were slave traders), or that hydro-carbon energy is bad; if you are stupid, or brainwashed to be an idiot.
A key goal of the current Revolution must be to destroy reason and rationality. Criminalising dissent from the narrative is an obvious method to help achieve this. So too is endless propaganda and reality-distortion programs. For the ‘New World Order’, not only must centres of opposition be destroyed by the State and its agencies, (FBI, CIA, the Police, the Ministry of this and that), but most vitally the world of the 5 senses must be over-turned. Your common sense turned into a hate crime, or ascribed to a mental illness. Thus the irony. In this vein the average person will demand the end of cheap energy, modern systems, transport, freedom and offer up their own enslavement - a theme found in Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’.
The ‘Age of Reason’ which was never reasonable or based on logic, leading to the end of Reason itself which leads to slavery. Inevitable.
Goal 3: Endless Wars
Endless wars usually herald the death throes of empire.
NATO has fought in some 55 military campaigns since World War II. Its raison d’etre ended in 1991. It is just a machine of war, feeding the military-government complex with money landering, endless funds and solidifying home populations against the ‘existential threats’ of Russia, Iran and China. US and NATO bases ring both China and Russia. The US and CIA have performed 2 coups in the Ukraine (2004, 2014), abrogated the 2016 Minsk treaty (in October 2019), and spent 20 years militarising the Ukraine and directing its Russophobic policies since 2014, including the murdering of some 15.000 Russians in the Donbass in 2015.
Biolabs and money laundering were important elements for the criminal US elite in their covert takeover of the country. As the war in the Ukraine illustrates, NATO is an imperialist, war-mongering institution.
Given that the Ukraine never existed before 1991 as a country, and given the fact that the east and south are and have always been Russian and both voted by some 90% to join Russia, one must conclude that the endless NATO expansion eastwards to the Russian border, and the rather obvious takeover of the Ukraine by the US and NATO was designed to provoke a war with Russia. A war that has been planned since 1991. One would expect a confrontation with Iran and China to follow the unsatisfactory defeat of NATO in the Ukraine which is also inevitable.
As with ancient Rome, NATO and its director the US government, view never-ending wars as a necessity to keep the empire intact. NATO is the military wing of the New World Order.
Rome and Us
Rome conquered the Mediterranean basin and large parts of Europe, using a model of military dictatorship within a culture of endless pagan-idol worship. After some 1000 years it fell into endless civil wars, corruption, and violence, lasting 200 years or more. When the implosion began in the early 3rd century, Christianity comprised no more than 20% of the population. The rot within the Roman empire was present long before Constantine the Great saved it and bought it time and generations before Christianity became the state religion. Constantine moved the capital to the Bosporus and the decline of the Western empire accelerated with Constantinople replacing Rome as the locus and capital. Rome was eventually taken over by the Germans and the many factors accounting for its demise are mirrored in our world today.
The direct ancestor to modern Western Civilisation dates from 500 or so A.D with the Catholic Church picking up and protecting the legacies of Rome and Greece and merging them with Christianity. A great explosion of creativity, expansion and wealth occurred in the ‘West’ (the rump of Christendom left unconquered by the Mahometans), some 1000 years ago as the Musulman Jihad was arrested and a counter-attack to free the Mediterranean basin from the Musulman disaster was initiated. This dates our own Civilisation. Economic, agricultural, educational, religious, architectural and technological innovations and prosperity began to blossom. As with the Western Roman empire we are now 1000 years into our civilisation and it is ending.
An Ending
The divisions which ended the Western Roman empire were largely self-created and very secular including; despotism, high taxes, corruption, massive debt, endless warring, open borders, white slavery (today reflected in anti-white racism and attendant ‘diversity laws’), debauchery and immorality, sexual depravity, economic backwardness and lack of innovation, and importantly the demise of a culture which turned on itself and which lost its confidence, including a lack of pride and interest in being ‘Roman’. When the idea of ‘being Roman’ was no longer an attraction, it was nigh impossible to summon up the collective strength to defend a state and ideal that no one much cared about.
The same issues which ended the Western Roman empire are apparent in Western Civ today. Significantly and fundamentally, few care about the ‘West’, its culture and history, and few have any pride in their national or civilisational achievements. Precious few will defend the legacy of the ‘West’ and this means an inevitable implosion and replacement with something else.