What about all those various strains of human evolution? Neanderthals and homo erectus and the like?

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Either frauds or human eg neandarthals. Most of these specimens are based on a few bones and artfully reconstructed. In the case of the Lucy fraud (Eve for the cult), bone fragments from 7 miles were invoked to create a non existing creature. Piltdown man is another example. There is biological mechanism to turn an ape into a human. Billions of letters of code separate us from apes.

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I have become intimately acquainted with the difference that exist between mechanical binary proofs ( objective reality) and that of abstract explanations disconected from

objrctive proofs ( subjective philosophy) --------i wrote this down in my personal journal and will have to look up these definitions and give your words serious contemplative thought which they are most worthy of my personal attention --------- i could not help my brain from running to the word ( JUST FOR FUNS SAKE ) arbitrary and or more specific ARBITRARINESS DEFINITION IS THE QULITY OF BEING DETERMINED BY CHANCE ,WHIM OR IMPULSE AND NOT BY NECESSITY. REASON OR PRINCIPLE IT IS ALSO USED TO REFER TO A CHOICE MADE WITHOUT ANY SPECIFIC CRITERION OR RESTRAINT ------ which is the bulls eye of that qwack Pastuer and covid 19 soggy brain reasoning

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Excellent - thanks. Great links. How I wish we all could escape from the "infallible" church of "science".

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The mass cultural acceptance of evolution is proof that propaganda and word salads can trump reality. It takes a lot of effort to unplug oneself from the matrix.

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My feeling now, after recently reading Durant's The Story of civilization is that illiteracy and lack of TV, protected the regular folk from the lies of propagandists; the project of the churches and faiths, after the fall of Rome, to buttress morality with a simple creed guarded against the worst excesses of "mass communication".

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Thanks Bradley. The propaganda around Darwin as a scientist is particularly nauseating. I am aware of 2 endeavours by Darwin, one was breeding orchids and recording trait differences, a second was categorising barnacles. He provided no evidence for his philosophy and in Origins he promises to provide such evidence later, but never does. Rhetoric is now science.

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