As they didn't use a "new virus" for the COVID fake pandemic, but only the PCR test and a lot of propaganda, they will not need it in the future.

They will call "a new virus" the deadly effects of the jabs. And the game is done.

With propaganda, taxation, de-moralisation of the people, and importing millions of people from the third world they will have anything they need: civil war. And then the people will ask for safety, whatever it costs.

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Your analysis is perfect... and so scary!

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Thanks Niki good comment. Totally agree. The worship of the state and 'health and safety' is so absurd that I believe you are correct that the sheeple will bleat for a solution by the State, to resolve State caused crises and disasters....no matter what the cost in loss of freedoms or dead and injured.

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In the last years I heard many times people complaining about the corruption of their governments (both in developed and not developed countries), and, one second after, praising them for "defending" the population with lockdowns and gene jabs. I am sorry to say that a lot of people are not mentally sane, they cannot see that you are crazy if you put your life in the hands of crooks, liars and assassins. It's a kind of collective madness.

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Yes the sheeple complain and yet follow. This is why the totalitarians use scary 'viruses' or 'the climate' to corral the sheep and fear monger them into a panic. The new Satans are climate and health viruses. Probably the worst invention in history is TV. I wonder what would have happened if the Nazis had gotten hold of such a technology. History might well be different. The control of images and information by the narrative elite is just frightening. But we fight on. Truth I hope, will eventually win out.

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