Well, it’s true: the sun rises and the sun sets. None of the theory of the earth madly rotating, and orbiting the sun.

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So, Medical Priests are the same as Physicist Priests. They both practice Witchcraft.

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Yes indeed. Drugs, drugs, drugs. Surgeries. Operations. Chemo. Profits. No homeopathy, no naturopathy because natural ingredients are anti-science... How many trillions now spent on 'cancer research', yet nary a single one of them can identify liver destruction as the main locus of why cancer forms (from toxins)....cancer research is just money laundering.

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What do you envision as the structure of the Earth and other solar planets, and the motions of the bodies of the solar systems? How does this relate to the structure of the observable universe?

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The Tychonic model explains the phenomena as well or better than the Copernican. There are so many issues with the Big Bang and modern cosmology that the entire standard-model is bereft not only of proof, but of common sense. To justify Copernicanism they (the science, the priests, the cult) need to resort to fantasies and maths which at their core are simply tautological. Put it this way, if the Earth moved as we all believe or are told, we must be able to mechanically measure it, without much difficulty, using light measurements on this planet (interference, water etc).

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Are you speculating that we are in a geocentric solar system configuration?

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Geo-Helio-centricity or a mix of the 2 models (Tychonic). Copernicanism does not stand up to proof or scrutiny. This is what the evidence, even from WMAP, JWT etc are offering as well. 'The Axis of Evil' pace 'the science'. https://unstabbinated.substack.com/p/wilkinson-microwave-anisotropy-probe?utm_source=publication-search

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Thanks for the clarification and link. Appreciated.

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What do you think the implications are?

Have comparable experiments been run on Space Probes at varying distances from the Sun?

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