The Mon(k)ey Pox Scam and the continuation of Project Fear.
$cientism and the onward march of Medical Nazism.
To any who are upright and sentient, the Corona plan/scam-demic was a test pilot. In Information Technology we initiate such pilots to test the applicability of technology to resolve a business issue. The Corona Medical Nazism piloted the public’s (aka the sheeple’s), reaction to lockdowns, mandatory face diapers, and forced stabbinations. All to ward off a fake flying virus which purportedly emanated from a bat in Wuhan.
The CIA-DoD-Pharma coup and the various actors and masters involved, must have been very pleased with the unexpected and enthusiastic level of compliance, hysteria and outright fascistic beliefs held by the sheeple. Given such success why wouldn’t they try it again? It appears that the globalist-WEF panjandrums are pushing both ‘bird flu’ and ‘monkeypox’, neither of which exists in a ‘viral’ form, as the continuation of Project Fear. The useless WHO, owned by Gates and Pharma, is of course advertising mpox as a global contagion.
Keep in mind that according to the UK Health Security Agency (CDC equivalent in the UK), the ‘monkeypox virus’ is so similar to the ‘smallpox virus’ that a single quackcine can remediate both. Supposedly the mpox is indistinguishable from ‘smallpox’. How can two ‘viruses’ make ‘diseases’ whose symptoms are remarkably similar? When I asked under FOI to provide proof of the pox virus they of course declined to provide any. How can you make a quackcine if you don’t have an isolated pathogen?
Here is a quick look at the non-science around ‘monkeypox’.
MonkeyPox Virus
( - Nice computer generated image. Now show it live in a human or monkey afflicted by said pox.)
The ‘monkey pox virus’ or ‘mpox’ does not exist. No proof of an isolated purified genomic structure in a shell can be shown that causes ‘monkeypox’. How would a monkey pass on a viral infection to a human, through dead DNA and RNA strands, which is then passed from man to man through anal sex? Where is the proof that this chain exists in reality and can be verified and seen?
Or is it more likely that monkeypox is the byproduct of poisons, injections and stabbinations including the Corona mRNA stabs? Is monkeypox just shingles caused by ‘vaccines’ or poisons? Is monkeypox rebranded smallpox, itself spread by filth, contamination and bacterial pestilence? Is the outbreak of ‘mpox’ in children in Africa due to new experimental-smallpox based ‘vaccines’?
Why is chimp adenovirus included in the ingredients of the AZ stab unless the objective is to make people ill with a pox and blame it on a new ‘virus’ ?
Another No-Pride derivative?
As with AIDS, monkeypox almost exclusively assaults gay men. In the US in 2022, HHS (‘Health’ and ‘Human’ Services) Secretary Becerra declared monkeypox a public health emergency. Monkeypox occurred almost solely in gay or bisexual men with intense and perverted sexual contact. They ended up with blisters around the anus, genitals, buttocks, or mouth. That ‘emergency’ ended in early 2023. The primary drug used during 2022-23 ‘emergency’ was the Bavarian Nordic Jynneos vaccine.
In early 2023, the HHS stopped tracking this ‘Clade 2 subtype’ and claimed that in the US there were 32,063 ‘cases’ and 58 deaths. Most who died were riddled with advanced ‘HIV’, another fake scamdemic caused by drugs and lifestyle, largely affecting the queer community.
mRNA platform
We all know that PCR testing has nothing to do with identifying viral proteins and DNA fragments (the platform replicates DNA using cycles, to analyse genetic deficienices). Using PCR false positives as ‘cases’ to generate fear and loathing is unscientific. Mpox is likely another attempt to accelerate the use of mRNA technology as a curative. There are plenty more drugs now coming on stream to treat ‘monkeypox’ or ‘mpox’. Surprising.
Gain of Function?
Monkeypox as a naturally created and transmissable disease does not exist. But a synthetic poison can certainly be made within the 300 odd labs the US possesses around the world, including 30 to 40 in the 51rst state formerly known as the Ukraine, and distributed through needles and other products.
A report by Kannan and others indicated that what happened in 2022 almost certainly occurred because of a gain-of-function mutation in one or more genes within the Monkeypox virus. The authors did not speculate whether it happened in a laboratory or nature. (if they did speculate they would not get published)
Why is the US government manufacturing synthetic poisons around the world, positioning them as aiborne ‘viruses’ and releasing them, or planning to release them, on the general population? Given that the allegedly Wuhan-lab created ‘SARS II’ was a bust as far as lethal bioweapons are concerned, is the US now reforming not only the chemical contents of future bio-weapons, but improving the distribution mechanism to include not just needles, but food, air and water contamination?
In a recent revelation, a scientist within the Gates Foundation claimed that synthetic chemicals which generate pox-like conditions are being sown into chemtrails. In the dystopian world of the Covid-coup, such a claim would not surprise most of us. Gates has often threatened to put his ‘mRNA vaccines’ into the food and water supply and he is funding ‘vaccine pills’ and ‘vaccine skin patches’. Why not seed the air with poisoned contaminants and then arrive with the salvific elixirs including digestible mRNA products?
Bottom Line
It is worth emphasising that the AIDS scamdemic created a massive U$350 billion market and $30 billion or more in per annum ‘research’ financing. Corona has generated much the same largesse and the ‘Covid vaccine’ will become a yearly offering along with the poisonous ‘flu’ stab. Monkeypox, mpox or Moneypox as it should be called, is simply another vector of attack to keep Project Fear alive, manufacture profits and perhaps in a US election year, allow the Totalitarians to lock down the US and carry off another massive vote and election fraud as they did in 2020. The globalist 2020 Corona coup is far from finished. All in the name of $cience.
Towards A Worldwide Monkeypox Pandemic? Big Money behind “Fake Science” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
FOI requests to the WHO and other Health Agencies demanding proof of the Monkey Pox virus (needless to say no proof was returned)
Dr Sam Bailey and the MonkeyPox Myth
The making of Monkey Pox - TCW
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