"The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health" RFK Jr and Kathleen Gildred.
If this won't open up eyes and minds to the planned Korona Fascism, nothing will. An education in Corporate $cientism and Fascism and the Government-Drug Industry mafia cartel.
Everyone should read this book or RFK’s longer, original version, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’. Eye opening is hardly an apt description. What Kennedy and Gildred show is the long history of pharma-government fraud, collusion, profit-mongering and the murder and maiming of literally millions of innocents across the globe, over a very long period of time. The Korona scamdemic-plandemic was not an accident. There is a long history of similar events and attempts to impose medical totalitarianism all based on ‘Science’ and $cientism.
This book reveals the sordid, debased, evil, criminality of Fauci and Gates and indeed the entire ‘health industry’ which has little interest in your health. No profits are made from healthy people. Out with diet, exercise, vitamins, healthy living. In with the endless assortment of drugs. Only drugs macht frei. We heard this during the Korona fascism. Only the quackcines would make you ‘safe’. In fact, the drugs have killed 5 x more people than the bio-engineered flu did. Historically this is not unique, given that previous drugs stretching back some 200 years, have killed in the same proportion against the illness they supposedly prevented.
This article will focus just on the Korona scamdemic. Fauci’s and Gates’ long reign of historical bioterror will be dealt with separately. From HIV and AIDS (some 300 K dead Blacks and Gays from the drug AZT); to fake SARS I, Swine Flus, Ebola, Zika, Dengue, Botulisms, and many more frauds, the government-pharma complex has created ‘epidemics’ to sell drugs. In so doing Fauci for 50 years and Gates for 20 years, along with their government-military and pharma allies, have killed and injured many millions of innocents.
The Korona plandemic of 2020 was not an isolated or historically anomalous event. It was the latest and most fascistically complete imposition of medical tyranny stretching back 200 years with the 1918 bacterial epidemic, caused by quackcines, its closest historical parallel.
Fauci the criminal Fraud
Fauci is not a doctor. Recently ‘retired’ he was a 50-year career politician and an evil, devious, dishonest, corrupt bureaucrat. No one can identify his ‘doctor credentials’, nor can anyone point to his medical practice, his patients, his medicinal work. He was a drug salesman, who has just purchased a $19 million estate on the Potomac – with his ‘savings’ from his government salary.
Fauci ran American ‘health’ policy (aka drug policy) for 50 years from his perch at the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases). NIAID is a pharma company, not a health agency, controlling some $7 billion in funding which is sent worldwide to the ‘virology’ industry (‘virology science’ is on a par with ‘climate science’). NIAID’s reach and power is massive. It controls patents and revenue streams and has deep alliances stretching back to the 1970s with Pharma, research centres, universities and various labs worldwide.
NIAID is not interested in healthy initiatives. It is a drug pushing monstrosity. There is a direct line from the quack Saint Jenner the Apostle of the stabs, and the ‘corporatism’ he and his friends set up in the early 19th century, which formed the first government-drug industry alliance and criminal cartel; and Saint Fauci, Apostle of Korona, and the mafia of NIAID, the CDC, government, pharma and huge drug investors such as Kill Gates.
“HHS (Health and Human Services) is the named owner of at least 4,400 patents. NIH, an agency of HHS, has received, “up to $2 billion in royalty revenue since 1991, when FDA approved the first of these drugs. Since Dr. Fauci arrived at NIH, the agency has spent approximately $856.90 billion. Between 2010 and 2016, every single drug that won approval from the FDA—210 different pharmaceuticals— originated, at least in part, from research funded by the NIH.”
The above is a spectacular insight. Fauci has distributed over 50 years, not just his own NIAID budget, but given his control over the NIH (National Institute of Health), some $850 billion or almost $20 billion per annum. The influence, power, and control such money will buy is almost limitless.
Pharma Corporatism
The Centres for Disease Control which is part of the endless panoply of health agencies, or the ‘military-health-industrial complex’, is not an independent ‘health agency’ interested in anyone’s health. It is primarily a drug manufacturer and distributer, closely allied and tied to pharma as well as the US military - one of Pharma’s best, most supportive and most active of markets.
“The CDC, for example, owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) buying and distributing vaccines. NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates. High level officials, including Dr. Fauci, receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help develop and then usher through the approval process. The FDA receives 45 percent of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, through what are euphemistically called “user fees.” Fauci's $417,608 annual salary makes him the highest paid of all four million federal employees, including the President.”
The above is an example of the rampant criminality and self-interests of the CDC and NIAID. They are paid by pharma to ‘regulate’ pharma products. In effect Fauci et al simply guide pharma products through the process, often skipping testing and safety stages and ignoring safety signals and issues.
Fauci and his former employer NIAID ‘captured’ the commanding heights of ‘health’ as RF Kennedy Jr writes:
“From his perch at NIAID, Dr. Fauci has used his $6 billion annual budget to achieve dominance and control over a long list of agencies and governing bodies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Pentagon, the White House, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN) organizations, and into the deep pockets of the Clinton and Gates Foundations, and Britain’s The Wellcome Trust. Pentagon funding brings the annual total of grants that Dr. Fauci dispenses to an astonishing $7.7 billion.”
The US’ military-drug-health cartel, which was controlled through the office of Fauci at the NIAID, is not unique. It is replicated in every single G20 country. Different acronyms and a slightly different emphasis exist depending on the state. But essentially it is the same setup and same model. The same scam. The same profit and power mongering. The same pill pushing. The same ‘military-health-industrial complex’.
The Military and CIA
Kennedy pens these eye opening facts about the CIA and the military-pharma complex:
-The Pentagon, BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research Authority), DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), along with the CIA began pouring money into illegal bio-weapon labs (‘gain of function’) during the early 2000s.
-US ‘biodefense’ spending went from $137 million in 1997, to $14.5 Billion in 2001, to $80 Billion by 2014.
-Operation Warp Speed and the acceleration of Korona mRNA ‘vaccines’ with its $18 billion budget, (Kennedy puts it at $10 billion), was an open partnership between the military and pharma industry.
-Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary for the HHS’ ‘Preparedness and Response’, who spent 20 years writing templates on how to overthrow democracy and impose a medical totalitarianism, and who was a long time insider with both Fauci and Pharma, was conveniently placed as the authority to sign off on Operation Warp Speed, ensuring that the mRNA products evaded all traditional protocols and testing.
-In 2017 the SPARS training session at John Hopkins was held, a table top rehearsal for an imaginary ‘coronavirus’ pandemic which would run from 2025 to 2028 (are they telling us something?). The WEF, WHO, China, the US military, intelligence services, pharmaceuticals, health ministers and other politicians from various governments were involved. Gates staged this exercise as he would the 2018 Clade X event and Event 201 in 2019, saying that the preparation was analoguous to going to war.
-The techniques practiced at SPARS 2017, Clade X in 2018, the 2019 Crimson ‘Contagion’ (headed by Kadlec), and Event 201 in 2019, were exactly the ones used during the Korona fascism: injecting next-gen vaccines into every human, controlling dissent and movement, dissolving constitutional and civil rights and autonomy, propaganda, surveillance, track and trace, isolation and lockdowns. There were no discussions about understanding causation, prevention, best practices mitigation, or practical health-remediation within legal and constitutional constraints.
There was an extraordinary amount of planning and preparation for Korona 2020, making it rather impossible to state that the response to Korona was a ‘cockup’. Every G20 government was reading and implementing from, very detailed scripts.
The Gates of Pharma Hell
Into the above US drug-mafia cartel, enters Kill Gates, the former software application and operating system salesmen, now ‘transformed’ into one of the world’s biggest drug pushers. Gates is a vital part of the pharma-fascism evinced during Korona and has a 20-year history pushing quackcines and working with Fauci, across the globe, to enhance revenues and profits, at the expense of lives and health. Gates is one of the key billionaires who have taken over much of ‘health’ through investments, alliances, revenue and patent sharing and financial engineering.
Kill Gates is not a philanthropist. He is a drug salesman, obsessed with spreading infertility through synthetic poisons. His net worth is $150 billion and this was increased by some $40 billion during the Korona plandemic, a pilot project for future scamdemics and one in which Gates was the largest individual beneficiary. Gates is the single biggest investor in the WHO providing over $ 1 billion of its roughly $6 billion budget. He is the largest single investor globally in the vaccine industry, with equity shares in almost every pharmaceutical company. Kill Gates’ own drug firm GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation), is one of the globe’s most prolific developers and distributors of quackcines, especially to the ‘Third World’.
As RFJ Jnr states, what most sheeple don’t know is that Gate and Fauci have a 20 year or longer history and partnership. This partnership is global and is focused on pharma sales and profits. For Gates, infertility and sterility is a particular focus to reduce the population. For Fauci it was the processing of pharma drugs which paid himself and his agency back with revenues, profits and emoluments.
False Prophets
Neither Fauci (Fraudci) or Kill Gates is what the fake news alleges. Neither is saintly or benign. Neither has ever possessed, a higher moral purpose. Both pursued the evil of Mammon, power, gluttony, and both sought out the poisoning of humans on a scale that would make the Nazi eugenicists and Mengele’s blush with envy. Fauci is retired, a criminal, who made his ill-gotten millions on millions of dead and injured. Gates is even more active post Korona, dedicating billions to sterilise and injure humans, and to control global health through the WHO and the drug industry.
Korona plandemic
Kennedy lists the key aspects of the Korona plandemic. An exercise based on some 100 years of previous fake epidemics at the city level (Pittsburgh, Kansas City for eg), the national level (1950s ‘polio’, 1976 ‘swine flu’) and international level (1918 bacterial outbreak), various false flags from 1980 (HIV), to 2009 (swine flu) and Ebola and Dengue (2014, 2015) amongst many others. The March 2020 ‘revolution’ and Korona lockdown is part of an ongoing ‘transformation’ or destruction of Western civilisation occurring at many levels. As with all previous fake pandemics, a key motive was drug selling and profiteering, through it goes well beyond that. Korona was a pilot project in medical-tyranny, implemented globally to achieve the objectives of the WEF-elite ruling class.
What does the book say in summary about the Korona plandemic? (quotes from the book are in the next section below)
· Over 20 years of planning went into the Korona plandemic, including gain of function research in biolabs (Wuhan and elsewhere) (see above and the SPARS 2017, and Event 201 2019 planning sessions)
· Best practices to minimise the effects of a ‘pandemic’ were ignored with all the emphasis on prevention and cure based on drugs
· Fauci, NIAID, NIH, CDC, Gates and Pharma set up the system to make billions in profits (some $40 billion in quackcine sales in 2020 and 2021 were realised, doubling the size of the ‘vaccine market’)
· Fauci and Gates corrupted the regulatory and approvals processes to push their drugs
· Only 6% of the purported total of Korona dead, actually died from the illness
· Remdesivir, pushed by Gates and Fauci, was the main agent behind US and Brazilian death rates in 2020, 2021
· Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were effective in treating Corona but were declared illegal in order to sell Remdesivir and the quackcines
· The stabs killed at least 5 x more people than the illness (which is true in every country when you look at those who died with the Fake PCR test versus dying from, and only from, Korona)
· Masking is anti-health measure used to signal compliance and fear, often leading to injury and even death
· Gates and Pharma set up ‘fact check’ censors to criminalise and deplatform opposition
· Pharma was legally indemnified against lawsuits and legal actions at the request of Gates and the drug firms, with Fauci pushing FDA approval of mRNA experimental jabs, falsifying and truncating tests and procedures, even though any ‘safety’ study showed that more people died post the mRNA injection than ‘survived’ a viral attack of the alleged SARS II; and of course no long term studies were thought necessary
ModeRNA and the cabal
An example of this colossal $cientism fraud is Moderna. Robert Kadlec (HHS assistant Secretary) was vital in his support of Gate’s and Fauci’s Moderna product obsession, ensuring that Moderna, a nothing firm before Corona, had its products passed through the various bureacracies in record time and arranging for BARDA to finance up to $483 million of Moderna’s development. Gates and the Fauci-led NIAID both reaped hundreds of millions in proceeds from Moderna’s $12 billion in profits in 2021 due to its mRNA quackcine. Moderna’s revenues went from $60 million in 2019, to over $19 Billion in 2022. Moderna would barely exist as a firm in a functioning and honest marketplace, undistorted by the government-pharma-military cabal.
Kennedy makes the following true and unimpeachably obvious assertions about the Korona scamdemic:
War games
Over a dozen “germ games” simulations have been staged over the past 20 years by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination.
Fauci partnered with the Pentagon to approve taxpayer-funded “gain-of-function” experiments to breed pandemic superbugs in poorly regulated labs in Wuhan. (bio-labs are illegal in the US, so the US DoD and Fauci et al have built some 300 worldwide, including 40 in the Uketopia)
Death Certificate fraud
Dr. Fauci acquiesced to CDC’s selective protocol changes for completing death certificates in a way that inflated the claimed deaths from COVID, and thus inflated its infection mortality rate. CDC later admitted that only 6 percent of COVID deaths occurred in entirely healthy individuals.
(Korona deaths were largely based on the fake PCR tests)
As America’s COVID czar, Dr. Fauci never complained about CDC’s decision to skip autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines. This practice allowed CDC to persistently claim that all deaths following vaccination were “unrelated to vaccination.”
Doctors, Hospitals paid to implement Korona
Medicare paid hospitals $39,000 per ventilator when treating COVID-19 and only $13,000 for garden variety respiratory infections—hospitals contributed to the deception. Once more, Dr. Fauci winked at the fraud.
(Hospitals and doctors were paid to elevate the hysteria and fraud in every single country, they were also paid to stabbinate. Rona ‘victim’ care in a hospital was also paid via emergency programs, including the US’ $100 Billion fund, or $100K per bed and their deaths were also compensated for by government. Hospitals and doctors had every incentive to exaggerate Korona suffering. In the UK, GPs made record earnings during Korona.)
Best practices ignored
“The Best Practices for defeating an infectious disease epidemic,” says Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch, “dictate that you quarantine and treat the sick, protect the most vulnerable, and aggressively develop repurposed therapeutic drugs, and use early treatment protocols to avoid hospitalizations.” Risch is one of the leading global authorities in clinical treatment protocols. He is the editor of two high-gravitas journals and the author of over 350 peer-reviewed publications. Other researchers have cited those studies over 44,000 times.
Dr. Peter McCullough observes that “We could have dramatically reduced COVID fatalities and hospitalizations using early treatment protocols and repurposed drugs including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and many, many others.” He has treated some 2,000 COVID patients with these therapies. He points out that hundreds of peer-reviewed studies now show that early treatment could have averted some 80 percent of deaths attributed to COVID.”
HCQ replaced by Remdesivir
…hydroxychloroquine and other therapeutics posed an existential threat to Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates’ $48 billion COVID vaccine project, and particularly to their vanity drug remdesivir, in which Gates has a large stake.
Gates went on to promote Gilead’s remdesivir as the best alternative, despite its lacklustre track record compared to HCQ. He didn’t mention having a large stake in Gilead, which stood to make billions if Dr. Fauci was able to run remdesivir through the regulatory traps.
At the beginning of June (2020), based on clinical trials that intentionally gave unreasonably high doses to hospitalized patients and failed to start the drug until too late, FDA took the unprecedented step of revoking HCQ’s emergency authorization. After widespread use of the drug for 65 years, without warning, FDA somehow felt the need to send out an alert on June 15, 2020 that HCQ is dangerous….
…overwhelming evidence that HCQ was obliterating COVID-19. Other foreign studies support strong claims for HCQ. A study by Nova demonstrated that nations using HCQ have death rates 80 percent lower than those that banned it.
Piles of dead from Remdesivir
Within 28 days, subjects taking remdesivir had lethal side effects including multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock, and hypotension, and 54 percent of the remdesivir group died—the highest mortality rate among four tested experimental drugs.
Remdesivir cost Gilead $10 per dose to manufacture. But by granting Gilead an EUA, regulators could force private insurers, Medicare, and Medicaid to fork over around $3,120 per treatment—hundreds of times the cost of the drug. Gilead predicted remdesivir would bring in $3.5 billion in 2020 alone.
…remdesivir causes extreme toxicity to lungs and kidneys, and mimics several of the other lethal symptoms of COVID, including multi-organ failure.
Remdesivir may actually aggravate the severity of the illness. Many doctors believe our country’s record COVID-19 fatalities are at least in part due to widespread use of remdesivir in 2020.
Brazil, one of the first nations to widely use remdesivir, had the second highest death toll.
Ivermectin also rubbished
Furthermore, a 2021 study suggested that a key biological mechanism of IVM— competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein—was not specific to any coronavirus variant and therefore, unlike vaccines, ivermectin would probably be effective against all future variants.
A WHO-sponsored meta-review of 11 studies likewise suggests ivermectin can reduce COVID-19 mortality by as much as 83 percent.
Merck’s exclusive ivermectin patent rights expired in 1996, and dozens of generic drug companies now produce IVM, for about 40¢/dose, badly diminishing ivermectin’s profit profile for Merck.
….new Merck product for COVID-19—a high-cost antiviral drug, molnupiravir, for which Merck had the highest financial ambitions.
mRNA fast tracked
Since NIAID co-owned the mRNA patent, the agency stood to make billions from its coronavirus gambit by producing successive boosters for every new variant; the more, the better!
Dr. Fauci has invested $6 billion in taxpayer lucre in the Moderna vaccine alone. ….hand-picked deputies are in line to collect royalties of $150,000/year based on Moderna’s success, and that’s on top of the salaries already paid by the American public.
Dr. Fauci populated the key FDA and CDC committees with NIAID, NIH, and Gates Foundation grantees and loyalists to insure rubber-stamp approvals for his mRNA vaccines, without any long-term injury studies.
The final summary of the Pfizer’s six-month clinical trial data—the document that Pfizer submitted to FDA to win approval—revealed one key data point that should have killed that intervention forever: Far more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group during Pfizer’s clinical trials.
Pfizer won FDA’s approval despite the rather pathetic showing that its vaccine might prevent one COVID death in every 22,000 vaccine recipients.
During the six-month trial, two people in the placebo group numbering approximately 22,000 and only one in the similarly sized vaccine group died from COVID. Believe it or not, this data point is the source of Pfizer’s claim that the vaccine is 100 percent efficacious against death.
Twenty people died of “all-cause mortality” among the 22,000 recipients in Pfizer’s vaccine group, versus only fourteen in the numerically comparable placebo group. That means there were 42.8 percent more deaths in the vaccine than in the placebo groups.
Stab everyone, eliminate the control group
By vaccinating the entire population, Dr. Fauci seems to be striving to eliminate the control group, to hide vaccine injuries.
This assertion ignored the fact that COVID vaccines prevent neither transmission nor infection….
A September 2021 Israeli study demonstrating that natural immunity provides 27x better protection against COVID than the Pfizer vaccine is just one of 29 recently published peer-reviewed studies that vouch for the superiority of natural immunity.
Ignore the Stabbinated dead and injured
Dr. Fauci’s refusal to fix the HHS’s notoriously dysfunctional Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) constituted inexcusable negligence. HHS’s own studies indicate that VAERS may be understating vaccine injuries by OVER 99 percent.
…(Fauci and CDC’s) declaration that all the 16,000 reported deaths following vaccination by October 2021 were “unrelated to the vaccines.” The regulatory agencies thereby abolished vaccine deaths and injuries by fiat.
This entire meagre advantage of preventing a single COVID death in every 22,000 vaccinated individuals (1/22,000) is entirely cancelled out by a fivefold increase in excess fatal cardiac arrests and congestive heart failures in vaccinated individuals (5/22,000).
Mortalities across the globe, in fact, have tracked Pfizer’s deadly clinical trial results, with the vaccinated dying in higher numbers than the non-vaccinated.
Vermont, America’s most vaccinated state: On October 10, 2021, with 86 percent of its citizens fully vaccinated, Vermont officials nevertheless reported the largest rate of infections ever—and revealed that more than three-quarters of Vermont’s September COVID-19 deaths occurred in the “fully vaccinated.”
One of CDC’s bold deceptions is to hide vaccine mortalities in US data by counting all people as “unvaccinated” unless their deaths occur more than two weeks AFTER the second vaccine. (Ironically, CDC doubles down on this fraud by counting many of these vaccine deaths as COVID deaths.)
Masking did nothing except injure
Moreover, some 25 additional studies attribute to masking a grim retinue of harms, including respiratory and immune system illnesses, as well as dermatological, dental, gastrointestinal, and psychological injuries. Fourteen of these studies are randomized, peer-reviewed placebo studies. There is no well-constructed study that persuasively suggests masks have convincing efficacy against COVID-19 that would justify accepting the harms associated with them.
Moreover, according to CDC data, 85 percent of people who contracted COVID-19 reported wearing a mask.
Pharma immunity (which stretches back to the 1970s)
The vaccines are so risky that the insurance industry has refused to underwrite them, and the manufacturers refuse to produce them without blanket immunity from liability. Bill Gates, who is the principal investor in many of these new COVID vaccines, stipulated that their risk is so great that he would not provide them to people unless every government shielded him from lawsuits.
‘Fact Check’ censorship
The Bill Gates-funded fact-checking organization, Politifact, worked with Pharma-funded fact-checkers like FactCheck, which receives, funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and whose current CEO is Richard Besser, former acting head of the CDC, which owns $1.8 billion in Johnson & Johnson stock to “debunk” stories and studies of vaccine injuries.The Scream
The Scream and the next Scariant
If the above does not make you scream, you are illiterate, brainwashed, irrefutably dim and lost. The entire Korona project was a vast ‘military’ grade exercise and pre-planned. It was quite likely run by the US DoD (who funds the biolabs overseas) along with the CIA and CDC, again the ‘military-health-industrial complex’.
The corruption, the financial incentives and funding to create data fraud and death fraud, the outlawing of cheap alternatives and solutions, the millions of dead and injured from the experimental mRNA platform, the coercion, lockdowns, masking and idiotic anti-human and anti-health policies, along with pharma-funded censorship and net-scrubbing of dissent; is simply the greatest totalitarian act since the rise of Nazism and Sovietism. Billions in profits to Gates, Fauci and their allies were an obvious casus bello for the March 2020 revolution, but it goes far deeper into the ‘Great Reset’ and the fundamental deconstruction of our world.
The Corporate Fascism or the alliance between the pharma industry and government as detailed above by Kennedy, is why Fauci will never be prosecuted. The drug industry owns vast swathes of government, its media propaganda outlets, and the ‘health’ industry. This mafia-drug cartel of aligned government and pharma interests will never prosecute itself. Instead, this drug-cartel will do what it historically has always done for 200 years. It will ‘double down’ on the next scariant, caused by Globaloney Boiling and the entire Korona exercise with the massive medical Nazism and fraud outlined in great detail by Robert F Kennedy Jr will repeat itself.
As they ramp up the fear porn for the next scariant, don’t expect any prosecutions of anyone connected with the Korona plandemic. Expect instead another scamdemic. $cientism.
When reading the book one part jumped out at me as uniquely frustrating was how during the Aids epidemic it looked like the MFM equivalent of the day was going to win. With a Kennedy taking charge none the less. But somehow what looked like what was going to be a better way to find generic drugs to treat illnesses got lost and Fauci's promises to this faction of people paying attention turned out to only be lip service, and Fauci got off the hook. Despite being shown to be suspect in congressional hearings. Victory was seemingly there.