Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

How to Make the Perfect Spike Protein Surprise à la Fraudulent Flambé

Welcome, culinary viro-LIE-gists, to a masterclass in whipping up the most talked-about dish in the scientific community – the Spike Protein Surprise à la Fraudulent Flambé. This delicacy is not just a treat for the eyes but also a conversation starter at any lab meeting. Follow these steps to create a concoction that will surely make headlines and corral the public away from the truth.


1. Prepare the base: Begin by gently detaching your murine fibroblast cells with Trypsin, ensuring they stay intact and content. Once detached, immerse them in a nutrient-rich medium spiked with penicillin-streptomycin to keep unwanted bacteria at Bay Watch.

Add a generous helping of fetal bovine serum to enrich the medium, giving the cells a luxurious environment for the ‘spike protein’ to birth from. Everything is a toxin depending on the dose. But just the right amount of Trypsin works miracles in a crowning achievement!

2. Induce Cytopathic Effects: Let the cells soak up the ingredients until they exhibit those characteristic CPEs, signalling they’re ready for the next culinary step.

3. Prepare the Supernatant: Carefully clarify your cell culture supernatant. To balance the flavors, mix in 0.9% NaCl.

For the pièce de résistance, add a half volume of 30% polyethylene glycol. This will

precipitate your ‘viral’ and hence ‘spike protein’ particles beautifully, creating a rich, thick texture.

4. Concentrate and Radiolabel: Centrifuge the mixture to concentrate the particles. Once done, add a pinch of Uridine and amino acids, then gently stir in some detergent to release the particles from their cellular confines.

5. Separate the Proteins: Now, it’s time for SDS-PAGE. Pour your mixture into the gel, and season with additional treatment-mixture chemicals. Charge it under high voltage for 4 hours, ensuring perfect protein separation.

6. Label and ‘Detect:’ Garnish with theoretical antibodies, crafted with care, to label your proteins. Be sure to claim the particles observed were the ones you sought – no proper controls needed here!

7. Prepare for Presentation: Plate ample servings of your purified glycoprotein on carbon-coated Formvar-covered 400-mesh copper grids. Finish with a delicate stain of 2% phosphotungstic acid at pH 7.2.

8. Serve with a Smile: Finally, present your dish with a smile. Garnish with arrows and labels to declare whatever suits your fancy.

Voila! Presenting our signature dish: “Spike Protein Surprise à la Fraudulent Flambé" – a culinary masterpiece ready for the prettiest EM pic!

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This is a great post. Can have your own cooking show and prepare the 'Spike Protein' dish live :) The proteins they attempt to 'spike' are also found in normal, healthy cells and tissues :) I don't think they have any idea what they doing.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

LOL!! Sir, I concur!

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

Fraudulent Promotions Inc. is proud to present its latest album release, “Mythical Microbes.” This ripping compilation brings together the best in Skunk Rock* featuring:

1. “Blietzkrieg Bad Batch” – Scaremoans

2. “Monarchy for the UKHSA” – Jab Pistols

3. “Vaccines Culling” – The Cash

4. “God Save the Scheme” – Jab Pistols

5. “I wanna be Jabbed” – The Idiots

6. “Meryl Mess is a Pseudoscientist” – Scaremoans

7. “Suspect Device” – Stiff Little Ventilators

8. “Complete Control” – The Cash

9. “Gimme Gimme Mock Treatments” – The Ivermectin’s

10. “Vial Riot” – The Cash

11. “Ever Fallen in Love (with a theory you shouldn’t have)” – The ViroLieGists

12. “Pretty Vaccine Injured” – Jab Pistols

13. “New Ruse” – The Damned Germ Theorists

14. “Teenage Sicks” – The Undertakers

15. “Rise Above Reason” – Black Fauci’s

16. “Mandates Uber Alles” – Dead Family’s

Tickets are sold-out for the global “Mythical Microbes” tour. Due to dismantling of the contagion myth in some hot spot areas, some dates have been cancelled:

Evidence of a Virus Arena – London

Valid Control Stadium – Paris

Independent Variable Hall – Berlin

Madison Non-Circular Reasoning – New York

Skunk Rock * is the street name for an offshoot of Punk. The name was coined due to the foul odor of the viral myths perpetuated through the genre’s lyrics, staged performances, and the relentless promotion of falsehoods by the MSM (Mutt Stream Media).

Get ready to question everything you thought you knew about microbes and mosh to the music of deceit!

For deceptional use only. Fraudulent Promotions Inc. assumes no responsibility for the spread of misinformation, the propagation of bad science, or the litany of mental and physical harms caused by exposure to its product.

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This is hilarious. I wonder if The Fauci and Friends band could also play 'Vaxx Street is Back, alright' or 'The Vaxx ain't pretty it just looks that way'

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

After the jab/woorseter in Xmas season, play a, Wham hit! ""Last Xmas" ...you gave me your heart! But the very next day, it gave way!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

Great reporting once again by the esteemed Dr. Ferdinand Santos III, whose brilliance and dedication have earned him the title of the ""Brain Trust." His meticulous research has inspired me to pen an ode honoring the dubious methods employed by viroliegists to 'isolate' 'viruses.'

A ViroLiegist’s Ode to his ‘Scientific’ Method

In a lab of shadows, under dim light’s crest,

A scientist toils with a fraudulent test.

With a wink and a nod, he amplifies RNA ‘strains’,

Nucleotide sequences, free from provenance’s chains.

"Behold!" he cries, "A virus here lies!"

From non-specific data, the truth he denies.

With a magician’s flair, he takes a grand swab,

From an ‘infected’ soul, in a theatrical job.

He places the sample in cultures diverse,

A genetic soup, mixed perverse.

But nothing occurs in this merry charade,

So, he starves and poisons, in a grim masquerade.

The cells, once healthy, now wither and die,

He laughs with glee, and points to the sky.

"The cytopathic effects, a virus has wrought!"

But in truth, it’s antibiotics that cell death brought.

Circular reasoning, his faithful old friend,

Declares a virus at this farcical end.

No controls, no variables to compare,

Why seek the truth, when deception pays ‘fair’?

He skips the steps that real science holds dear,

In this farce of research, true findings disappear.

A dance with no balance, a play with no plot,

He crafts his own story, where facts matter not.

The whitecoats run algorithms, in a digital charade,

On a biological soup, a genetically messy parade.

Genomes stitched in a computing grand scheme,

Feather in the cap, for the circular reasoning team.

Through algorithmic smoke, no microbe’s found true,

A mythical mirage, from start to end view.

Onward he presses, with metals so heavy,

Stains cells in a process both crude and unsteady.

Electron microscopy, the grand final act,

He snaps fuzzy pictures, his ‘evidence’ racked.

With arrows he points, and loudly declares,

"A virus! A virus!" but reality glares.

So, here we conclude, this tale of deceit,

From fraudulent tests and fallacies replete.

Conjured and crafted by pseudoscience’s hand,

In shadows you dance, where falsehoods expand.

An ode to the folly, a tribute to lies,

In viroliegy’s realm, where truth only dies.

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Talented poet and spot on. Electron microscopy, then edited computer images with red circles indicating the virus. If you ask them, show me that in a purified isolated state without the 'culture' and without the editing, they can offer nothing.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

Very good. All this nonsense is just a modern version of magic, talismans, faith based evidence free belief, and, in the case of 1/1,000,000 dead is somehow acceptable, random human sacrifice to the Gods of group health..........as is historically usual ...........for profit.

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Yes, there are thousands of FOI requests on the Sars II asking for proof, for example the same virus in a bat (where is this bat virus?) and proof that it can somehow jump to a human (viruses don't exist, or they are bacteria detritus, they are not live creatures). If a person imbibes a dead genomic string why would they become ill? How does this string become active in your body causing a disease, given it is dead? Does this dead material somehow know how to corrupt your cell tissue and DNA? Can they show this process? It is so much hocus pocus that it makes Church miracles look mild and uninteresting by comparison.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

Give me miracles, any day, rather than all this 'scientific' mumbo jumbo. Since the covid lunacy I am coming round to thinking that 'science' has become the present day root of all evil.

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Yes 'The Science' proves that money and power corrupt and lead to evil. We are really surrounded by evil (Masonic, Satanic etc).

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Ferdinand Santos III

LOL! Amen!

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