$cientism and Louis Pasteur as a case study. Part I: From a real Scientist into Scientism.
Much about Pasteur is positive until he strays into 'germs', 'viruses', and ‘vaccinations’ and is captured by state and industrial interests. Scientism, or the worship of 'science' as the divine.
In my library sits a slim volume on medical history dedicated to ‘Saint’ Louis Pasteur, part of the ‘founders of modern medicine’ series of expositions on ‘great men’ and their ‘discoveries’. Before the Korona plan-demic and scam-demic I accepted the book’s information at face value. Since then, it has deserved another far more critical look. The book’s observations and conclusions can be viewed online in ‘official’ websites who disseminate ‘truth and information’ including the Encyclopaedia Britannica amongst other gatekeepers.
The narrative
This volume on Pasteur and his ‘greatness’ declaims the wonders of the man and his mind, and of course, the endless bounty of health and goodness he has bestowed on all of humanity, enabled by the Church of Science and its ‘Enlightenment’. Of especial emphasis is of course Pasteur’s role in microbiology, germ theory and vaccinations and their extended use across husbandry and humans. He is definitely part of the ‘appeal to authority’ from the ‘modern’ and very corrupt Pharmaceutical-Government-‘Science’ complex who advocate the same.
If the ‘establishment’ listed the top 10 scientists of all time, Saint Louis the Germinator and Vaccinator would be near the top. This ranking and eulogia is not entirely mistaken, for much of what Pasteur did accomplish is amazing and cannot be ‘revisioned’ as anything but exemplary. This is true until he gets involved in the quackcination racket and forms his poorly explained ‘germ theory’, or his mythical virus transmission of disease, both of which are still looking for proof.
At these critical junctures the science stops, and the malevolent behaviour begins. During these episodes from 1860 to his death, Pasteur quickly devolves into a Jennerian figure who likely engaged in fraud and corruption to ‘prove’ that germs cause disease and that chemical injections stopped the spread of ‘infectious’ disease.
A brief outline of Pasteur is given below, which highlights why we can’t simply reimagine him to be a-scientific, or without great merit - until his forays into germ theory and chemical injections. We also cannot dismiss many of his contemporary critics who were largely correct in their objections to both philosophies. Unlike the half-wit corrupted-fraud Jenner, Pasteur was indeed a remarkable scientist and innovator.
Early years
· Born in 1822, the son of a tanner in the rural village or hamlet of Arbois France, his grandfather was a serf who bought his freedom at age 30
· Pasteur was a practicing Catholic his whole life and this definitely impacted his worldview of science and medicine
· October 1843 Pasteur enters the Ecole Normale, in 1847 to finalise his degree he begins to address problems in the domain of organic chemistry
· Pasteur could blow glass and construct his own instruments which he begins to do whilst studying citing a paucity of equipment and lack of funding
· Professor of Chemistry in 1848 in Strasbourg
· Becomes Dean of Science and Professor of Chemistry in 1854 in Lille aged 32
· Classes at Lille became famous, Pasteur taught students to grow crops, ferment vinegar and alcohol, weave cloth, forge metals and how to apply chemistry to manufacturing processes
· Proves during 1856-7, that living yeast cells cause fermentation by consuming sugar and changing it into (the now dreaded) carbon dioxide and alcohol, and further discovers that 2 yeast cells operate in fermentation – round cells which produce alcohol, and rod cells which produce bitter lactic acid and must be removed to keep the solution edible or drinkable
Moves to Paris
· 1857 becomes Director of Scientific Studies at the Ecole Normale in Paris
· Spontaneous generation of life, accepted since the time of Aristotle is refuted by Pasteur, who using his yeast cell experiments and detailed microscopy and observations, to show that cells can only arise from similar living matter (1857-1860)
· Pasteur’s experiments support those of Spallazani and others, by using a S-shaped flask to keep out large particles but allowing air into a boiled solution at the bottom, he experimentally proves that spontaneous generation does not exist (no bacteria were formed in the liquid spontaneously)
· Pasteur theorises that the air is full of ‘germs’ or floating microscopic plants and animals (1860)
· His experiments using heated broth in a container left open to the air showed quick spoilation and mould formation
· In an open air display at the Sorbonne, Pasteur demonstrates that the S-flask containing boiled organic matter does not allow spontaneous generation of bacteria, whilst an open container holding the same does
· Comes out against Evolution as anti-science and impossible given the complexity of creation (this is ignored by the sycophants who in the main happily declare that the shrew became you, and nothing made everything, so they tolerate the Catholic Pasteur because he supports, nay created the cults of vaccination and viruses, no such tolerance is given if the hoi-polloi criticise Saint Darwin’s religion or the fiction of viruses and stabbinations)
Pasteurisation created
· Asked by Napoleon III to resolve the putrefaction and destruction of much of France’s viniculture, he discovers micro-organisms from leaves and vines which corrupt the fermentation process and spoil the wine, the remedy was to heat the wine at 50-60C for a short period to ‘pasteurise’ or kill the bacteria
· Pasteurisation was also applied to milk, cheese, and other food and beverages
· Pasteur develops the process and equipment for pasteurisation, taking out patents, but releasing them later to the public, so he made not a cent from this discovery
Anaerobic bacteria discovered
· Experimenting on rancid butter, Pasteur discovers bacteria that are killed by oxygen and names these anaerobic, all other bacteria and life which need oxygen are labelled aerobic
· He proves that anaerobic bacteria are an important part of the food chain and are responsible in the process of decay in carcasses, rotten food and gangrene in humans, stating that if the microscopic world disappeared, the planet would be uninhabitable
· From 1865-1870 using his theory of microorganism corruption, Pasteur saves the French silk industry by identifying how silkworms were dying
Germ theory
· 1870-71 the Franco-Prussian war breaks out and Pasteur attempts to help injured soldiers by studying wounds and diseases and questioning the mass amputations that seemed to the only remedy for an injury
· Pasteur tells doctors to sterilise bandages and dressings before use to keep ‘germs’ from entering wounds, advocating the germ theory of disease, which he first offered in 1861, but was consistently rejected by the ‘establishment’ since Pasteur was not a doctor, nor a surgeon
· Pasteur notices that women who give birth prefer midwives who are exacting in their cleanliness during the procedure, unlike doctors who do not understand ‘germs’ nor cleaning of hands, towels, beds, sheets, bandages and instrumentation
· Joseph Lister the famed English doctor, using Pasteur’s ideas on germs, cleanliness and sterilisation, performs successful surgeries from 1864-1874 giving credit to Pasteur, with the German scientist Koch as well crediting Pasteur with proving the existence of ‘germs’
· 1878 Pasteur undertakes the study of anthrax in sheep and notices that those affected but not killed develop immunity
· Based (on the fraudulent) ideas of Jenner, Pasteur and his associates begin to manufacture ‘vaccines’ for sheep anthrax and chicken ‘cholera’
· 1881 Pasteur declares that anthrax vaccination works in protecting sheep, goats, cows and oxes, putting the solution to a public test in which 25 ‘protected’ sheep survived an anthrax exposure and 18 out of 25 who were unvaccinated died (this was proven now to be a fraud and allowed Pasteur to monopolise a vaccine for anthrax)
· Pasteur is awarded the Grand Croix of the Legion of Honor in 1881, and begins building a vaccine to protect humans from rabies, spread not by germs, but from what he describes as a ‘virus’
Pasteur Institute is created in 1887 with French Government money, Pasteur dies in 1895 and is given a state funeral
That is a summation of Pasteur’s busy and varied career as given in the usual apologia.
Objectivity and Fairness
We can summarise it objectively in the following manner. Scientifically, Pasteur deserves great credit for his discoveries on yeast cells, micro-organisms, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, fermentation, sterilisation, cleanliness in medical processes, proof of biogenically created life, his scientific objections to the fraud of Evolution, the great innovation of pasteurisation and his practical approach to experimentation, instrumentation, deduction and factual observations. He was indeed a great figure in these areas, often using ideas from others but going beyond contemporaries in experimentation and proof.
From 1845 to about 1875 he proffered ideas and inventions that were of immense benefit, and he did so foregoing patents which would have made him the equivalent of a billionaire. We should not forget that he was ridiculed, slandered and viciously attacked by the establishment for much of his career, parodied as a ‘tanner’s son’ not a real doctor or scientist. The same invective is used today against any who object to the official narratives of Scientism or ironically, who question the existence of flying viruses and perambulating germs.
Where Pasteur fails
When Pasteur sallies into ‘germs’, ‘viruses’ and diseases such as rabies, the marble colossus begins to dodder and teeter. He was a chemistry expert and these areas of disease prevention whilst lucrative and noble, were fully outside his domain and skill sets. As his associates stated, there is no evidence of a ‘rabies virus’ and all viruses are cell detritus so how would they ‘spread’? Pasteur never proved that a rabies virus existed, nor could he prove how viruses were transmitted. In fact the entire theory of a rabies virus is a fraud as were Pasteur’s ‘experiments’ proving the ‘efficacy’ of his chemical cocktail supplied to those bitten by a ‘rabid dog’.
It is this unscientific foray into viruses, germs and vaccination that almost brings down the statue of his accomplishments. In the ‘modern world’, objecting to ‘germ theory’ is of course denounced by the Polis Tyranny as ‘germ denialism’. Virus denialism cannot be far behind. A colossal deceit is now ‘science’.
The charge against Pasteur is that he helped erect a monstrosity of an industry, one that has never helped humans nor prevented diseases, but quite the opposite (see articles on Jenner the fraud in this substack). It is this era of his life – the last stage as it were – when Pasteur was honored by the London Royal Society and the French Academy of Sciences and yet unfortunately becomes entangled in state affairs and directives and even engages in fraud to push what can only be called Scientism or the divine rule of ‘science’ and experts.
Why this is important
It is the fraud and mendacity around germs, viruses and vaccination which rankles and degrades. Part II will discuss Ethel D. Hume’s excellent book, ‘Bechamp or Pasteur?’ (1923), in the context of Pasteur’s self-abasement to push the germ theory of disease and the obscenity of chemical injections into humans and animals. These objections are rarely to be found in the official narratives, nor online in the gated communities of ‘the science’.
As Hume states the criminality of the modern Pharmaceutical industry cannot be understood unless we comprehend the depravity and fraud embedded in the ‘discoveries’ of Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur around ‘germs’, ‘viruses’ and ‘vaccines’ and the industry of evil and Scientism they have birthed.
There is a 200 year history to what was manifested during the Medical Nazism of the Corona cult, itself based on antecedents dating back to the ‘Spanish Flu’, which was not Spanish and not a flu. If we don’t understand the long duration around the fraud of germs and vaccination, and the outrage against humans, freedom, real science and free speech, we will certainly experience another instantiation of the Corona coup of 2020 which will likely be more severe and lasting.
"The Private Science of Louis Pasteur," by Dr. Gerald L. Geison of Princeton University, is based on an examination of Pasteur's 102 laboratory notebooks. These notebooks show a different side to the man - information left out, data scrubbed, observations which contradicted expected conclusions ignored, some plagiarisation of ideas etc. The NY Times and the WaPo reported on this book and published 1990s editorials which stated in effect, that much of Pasteur’s work was fraudulent. This is likely true, but we need to recognise where Pasteur was right and innovative and where he was deceitful and dishonest. He was in some ways like Jenner - a PR man and salesman. Much of ‘science’ today is just the same. Scientism is not a modern idea.