HIV-AIDS and creating new markets: the criminality of pharmaceuticals and ‘The Science’.
The HIV 'virus' does not exist. How then can AIDS exist? Or, what is AIDS except a U$ 1 Trillion market?
“If there is proof that HIV is the cause of AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document.” [K. Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, 1998, pp 171-4]
Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize for Chemistry and co-inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technology (PCR)
The Corona scam-plan-demic used templates from the Spanish Flu and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) as part of its implementation. The AIDS scamdemic is mostly an untold story. The population at large just assumes that a ‘virus’, emanating from monkeys, which miraculously showed itself in the early 1980s, has caused a ‘sexually transmitted’ contagion. A cogent explanation of the AIDS fraud can be found in ‘Virus Mania’ chapter 3. This chapter lays out quite clearly why the AIDS fraud was fabricated; how it was carried out and why the Corona fraud possessed such a close resemblance.
In the ‘modern world’, most people don’t read; the vast majority know little to nothing of history, even very recent history; and the mass defer, bow and collapse before authority, whimpering their abject humiliated compliance to whatever the authority figure or agency of truth demands. Critical thinking within society has never been lower. The fact that AIDS provided a ready-made runbook for the Corona fraud is largely an unknown truth. But in the age of the sheeple, this is not a surprise.
$cience and the HIV 'virus' - another scam to create a U$ 500 billion industry?
Market size
In the past 40 years since its creation, the ‘AIDS’ drug and remedy market has provided some U$ 500 billion in total revenues for the pharmaceutical industry. A similar amount has been invested by governments in ‘AIDS Research’. The ‘AIDS’ industry over the past 40 years is therefore a U$ 1 Trillion market.
‘AIDS’ currently provides about U$30 billion in per annum revenues for pharmaceutical firms. Globally, at least U$ 30 billion a year is poured into AIDS ‘Research’ by governments. In 2024, just in the US alone, $28 billion will be invested by government into AIDS ‘Research’ and ‘solutions’. The total market size for ‘AIDS’ is therefore some U$60 billion per annum.
Within 10 years, the pharmaceutical industry will be earning over $ 50 billion per annum in drug revenues alone related to ‘HIV-AIDS’. No doubt ‘AIDS Research’ which has produced no value, no products, and no solutions, will likewise be worth U$ 50 billion by 2034. Follow that money to find ‘The $cience’.
AIDS is a market, not a disease
AIDS is therefore a very lucrative market. There is no incentive whatsoever to find a ‘cure’ for ‘AIDS’. Given its amorphous character, there can never be a cure for ‘AIDS’. AIDS is everything and it is nothing. Like cancer, AIDS is the cash cow that pharmaceutical firms and their benefactors will milk forever. In fact, during the past 40 years AIDS ‘research funding’ and financing, has often been greater than that other great fraud – cancer ‘Research’. From nothing, US ‘health’ agencies in the 1980s, have created an enormous market for themselves and their business partners the pharmaceutical firms, around the phantom they call ‘AIDS’.
AIDS as a market, provides the pharmaceutical criminality posing as an industry, with such largesse that you can buy the entire coterie of congresses, parliaments, regulatory agencies and media across the G20 as a cost of business. ‘Emoluments’, graft and bribes, will ensure compliance and obeisance when the cabal decides on the timing and implementation of the next great scamdemic from non-existing flying viruses. This was proven to be true with the Corona plandemic.
AIDS is still one of the largest businesses in Africa. Africans can ‘test’ ‘positive’ for AIDS at a very high rate, with many suffering from illnesses and symptoms now attributed to ‘AIDS’ including, malaria, tuberculosis, malnutrition, weight loss, diarrhoea, fevers and lethargy. To ‘save’ Africans, retro-viral drugs are issued at enormous profit. Tests, consultancies and other drugs to cure the after-effects of the AIDS ‘cure’ also comprise large market opportunities. Make them sick with drugs, supply more drugs as ‘remedies’.
What is AIDS?
AIDS is supposedly a sexually transmitted disease, yet there is no single, coherent definition of AIDS. According to the WHO the HIV ‘virus’ attacks white blood cells causing ‘AIDS’ and renders the victim weak and prone to degradation and injury from disease including tuberculosis and cancer. This virus is passed on during sexual contact, or through blood transfusion. There is no cure, though using condoms and refraining from anal sex with the ‘HIV’ infected are recommended, as are expensive drugs and therapies if one becomes infected with ‘HIV’.
As of 2024 some 40 million people globally are declared ‘HIV positive’, or at risk from contracting ‘AIDS’. The symptoms of AIDS are similar to many other conditions and diseases. It is a big tent. According to World Health Organisation’s 1986 definition of AIDS, symptoms can include weight loss, malnutrition, diarrhoea, itching, lethargy, and complaints known to any abuser of drugs and alcohol. In low income and impoverished countries these ‘symptoms’ would cover most of the population. This is not ‘scientific’.
In wealthier countries an individual is declared to have AIDS, if there is a ‘positive’ antibody ‘test’ for the ‘HIV virus’ (more on this fraud below) and if the person is suffering from any one of 27 or so symptoms including fatigue, weight loss, leprosy, herpes zoster or shingles, rashes, tumours, ‘tuberculosis’, cancer, heart disease, the flu, or fevers. Again, this cuts a very wide swathe through society.
At the end of this post, I have listed 65 ‘factors’ which have, can, and probably will generate a fake-positive HIV test. There is probably a lot more than 65. Anal sex for example can induce a reaction to a test that will give the person a fake-positive. So too can the flu or ‘Epstein Barr’ disease. None of this is ‘scientific’. In essence ‘AIDS’ is just a catch-all category used to convince people they will die and that their only recourse is expensive drugs and therapy.
What is HIV?
Human Immune Deficiency Virus, or HIV, is according to the breathless ‘science media’, a ‘retrovirus’ emanating from Africa, passed from simians to humans through blood transfers or perhaps even sexual contact. This virus attacks our immune system and can cause death. A ‘retrovirus’ indicates an RNA genomic structure which is transferred from animals to humans (zoonotic), and can be transferred through sexual intimacy between human hosts. ‘The Science’ has acres of print and propaganda ‘proving’ the existence and the miraculous creation of ‘retroviruses’ with HIV as one of the exemplars and stars. HIV supposedly causes ‘AIDS’, that catch-all category of every imaginable symptom.
$cientism: The Perth Group and the HIV fraud
The only ‘proofs’ provided for HIV’s existence are cultured labs which are not natural in-situ examples of a retrovirus, but entirely man-made and synthetic. These cultures identify proteins called p24 and p18 which are apparently HIV related (Virus Mania, p. 104). These proteins are not ‘markers’ for anything, given that they are found in tissues in unaffected and healthy humans.
As with smallpox or Corona ‘SARS II’, you can issue an FOI request to any health authority and demand to see a purified, isolated naturally created in-situ example of HIV and you will receive nothing. The only ‘proofs’ of the HIV retrovirus come from pharmaceutical paid reports, the most famous being the 2006 fraud by the Wellcome Trust which produced a 3D image of the virus in the journal ‘Structure’.
This study never provided an isolated purified proof of the HIV virus. Without purification and isolation, the object can never be identified, confirmed or even diagrammed. Its size, particulate composition and structure was never affirmed by Wellcome study for, nor by others who analysed its output. Yet this fraudulent ‘research’ and its attendant diagrams and computer-generated imagery has been used as ‘proof’ that the HIV virus exists.
The HIV ‘virus’ has in fact never been isolated and purified.
In the late 1970s, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), and its affiliate, the National Institute for Acquired Immune Disease or NIAID were going out of business. After the 1976 debacle of the fraudulent influenza or ‘swine flu’ swindle, both agencies were under scrutiny. In 1976 thousands were murdered in the US with ‘vaccines’ for a non-existent ‘swine flu’ outbreak, based on a single fraudulent case in Kansas.
The government-pharmaceutical complex, adept at buying politicians and agencies, along with their paid minions in the ‘news industry’, whipped up a concocted furore and panic over ‘swine flu’. Millions of quackcines were issued to Americans against the simulated swine flu virus and thousands perished. The government-drug mafia made their millions in profits as people were murdered. No one went to jail of course.
The CDC and related ‘health’ agencies were viewed as part of the swine-flu problem. In the early 1980s funding cuts to the CDC and NIAID were being proposed. Into this milieu AIDS was suddenly and quite magically manufactured in 1981 as a ‘gay contagion’ with the HIV ‘virus’, a 200 nanometre size monster, identified as the culprit in 1984.
Monkeying around
The story is that HIV emanated out of central Africa, probably passed from simians to humans through sexual contact or blood transfusion and was then spread by a gay Canadian airline steward Gaetan Dugas, who had sex with infected Black men from West Africa, passing HIV to his sexual partners in North America. Once it landed in North America, HIV quickly spread through gay communities from east to west. Dugas was thus blamed for the contagion.
This story is almost certainly apocryphal. Dugas died from ‘AIDS’ in 1984 but had little to do with its spread. There is no mechanical or verifiable proof of how an HIV ‘virus’ migrated from simians to humans in Africa, and then from Africa to the globe. The virus hunters now maintain that ‘HIV’ originated more than a century ago and was prevalent in North America before it was ‘discovered’ in 1984. In this story Dugas was just a patsy and fall-guy. All hail ‘The Science’ and its verifiable exactitude. How did the simian ‘virus’ in the 1980s, or 100 years ago, get passed into humans? Can we see a mechanical proof of that happening in reality?
Why did they target Gays?
To save their agencies the CDC and NIAID, with Fauci leading from the front, went after the queer community. The reason is simple. Drugs, lifestyles, depleted and worn-out immune systems, would satisfy ‘tests’ for an ‘immune deficiency’. An endless array of ‘symptoms’ identifying AIDS (at least 27) were invoked which would not only include many gays, but quite a large minority of heterosexuals. A large ‘target market’ was thus created.
Anyone within the gay community which was and is famous for drugs, alcohol, unorthodox life styles, extreme sex, depleted physical and immune systems and suffering from many ‘symptoms’, could test ‘positive’ for AIDS. In fact about 50% of all ‘AIDS’ cases and victims were and are gays who took ‘poppers’ or other common drugs used by the queer community. Intravenous drug users make up another 30%. A further 7% are both users of IV drugs and poppers which contain amyl nitrate.
Thus almost 90% of those who suffer or suffered from AIDS were gay, drug abusers or both (Virus Mania, p. 130). Almost of all of them were men. Gay black men were and still are, the single largest demographic group affected by ‘AIDS’. Amyl nitrate for example, widely used within the queer community, can lead to various diseases and death. Such deaths are marked as ‘AIDS’.
HIV, criminals and frauds
Luc Montagnier a co-discoverer of ‘HIV’ in 1984, admitted on German TV in 1998 (March 14), that ‘there is no scientific proof that HIV causes AIDS’. This was 14 years after it was claimed that the AIDS ‘epidemic’ was confirmed to emanate from the ‘HIV virus’ (Virus Mania, p. 104). Montagnier’s original fraudulent ‘proof’ for ‘HIV’ has long been torn apart by the curious and informed. Montagnier could have been more honest and admitted there is no proof that the HIV ‘virus’ exists and that his ‘research’ was just coincidentally aligned with massive funding, and a Nobel prize guarantee which he was awarded for his ‘scientific work’ in discovering ‘HIV’. Incentives and all that.
Robert Gallo (above), a ‘co-discoverer’ of the terrifying ‘virus’ along with Montagnier, made millions from his patents around HIV. Gallo admitted that HIV DNA was never found in those ill with AIDS or suffering from its almost unlimited number of symptoms. It was Gallo who claimed that HIV was a ‘variant’ of a rare cancer. Yet he admits no HIV DNA has ever been found in any of those who suffered from this cancer or from AIDS. Fancy that.
“I don’t know if I made this point clear, but I think that everybody here knows, we never found HIV DNA in tumour cells or KS (Kaposi Sarcoma associated with a very rare cancer)….And in fact we have never found HIV DNA in T cells although we’ve only looked at a few. So, in other words we’ve never seen the role of HIV as a transforming virus in any way.” (Gallo, June 13th, 1994, NIDA meeting, p. 126 Virus Mania)
Chew on that one. Gallo was tasked by Fauci in 1981 to find a ‘virus’ which caused ‘AIDS’. He fully admits no such virus exists or was proven to exist more than a decade after the deceptive AIDS ‘epidemic’ was set in motion. It was Gallo who announced on April 23, 1984, the ‘triumph of science’ to combat this ‘deadly disease’ through the discovery of the ‘HIV virus’ which was in his own words, ‘a variant of a known human cancer virus’ (ie. Kaposi Sarcoma, a cancer that forms in the lining of blood vessels). In the same press conference, it was also Gallo who promised on behalf of Fauci and pharma, the creation of the salvific vaccine by 1986 to save the world. Praise be. The AIDS ‘vaccine’ was never made of course.
Gallo was charged with scientific fraud in 1992, related to his mendacious ‘paper’ of 1984 in which he ‘co-discovered’ the HIV ‘virus’. Gallo, a knave and pawn of Fauci, copied Montagnier’s ‘virus’ from the ‘Pasteur Institute’ in Paris (how appropriate that Montagnier’s fraud resided in an institute named after the quack Pasteur). Gallo, after making some supposedly novel interpretations of the sample, took credit for the ‘discovery’ of the HIV virus in his 1984 paper ushered into print by Fauci and friends. Just another scientific scam and deceit. But to criticise such criminality is to be a ‘denialist’ that ‘HIV’ causes ‘AIDS’. Gallo’s paper was found to be a fraud.
“The report (fraud investigation) said Dr. Gallo intentionally misled scientific colleagues by saying he had grown an AIDS virus in his laboratory for study and that he had not grown or studied a similar French strain of the virus. In fact, Dr. Gallo himself had grown the French virus and used it in furthering his own research, the report said.” (New York Times)
If AIDS was real and caused by a single monomorphic genomic structure, why not start with a ‘victim’ and isolate genomic structures causing the illness? Further, if HIV is spread through sexual contact, then the related sores, pustules, or blood poisoning could be assessed and compared to the victims sexual partners. Why a lab? Where is this virus in reality, except nowhere?
Kary Mullis (p. 171) calls out the fraud:
“If Montagnier and Gallo hadn’t really found this evidence, why was their work published, and why had they been fighting so hard to get credit for the discovery? There had been an international incident wherein Robert Gallo of the NIH had claimed that a sample of HIV which had been sent to him by Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in Paris had not grown in Gallo’s lab. Other samples collected by Gallo and his collaborators, from potential AIDS patients, had grown. Gallo had patented the AIDS test based on these samples, and the Pasteur Institute had sued. Pasteur eventually won, but back in 1989 it was a standoff and they were sharing the profits.”
Gallo had every pecuniary and professional incentive imaginable to commit fraud, lie and deceive. His patents alone were worth millions, along with the emoluments from ‘sharing the profits’ as a ‘co-discoverer’ of the HIV virus. Follow that money.
Drugs and Anal Sex?
Drug overdose is a leading killer in many countries with over 100.000 dying each year just in the US. The opioid death epidemic, based on addiction to pharmaceutical products, has been well documented since the 1980s. These deaths are manufactured by government and pharmaceuticals. It is their products that are ending lives. The gay ‘lifestyle’ is well known for its excessive drug use including that of ‘poppers’ which can directly kill when an overdose is taken.
Thousands of gay drug-related deaths can easily be assigned to ‘AIDS’ if the fake tests issue a ‘positive’ and other ‘symptoms’ appear including everything from decreased functionality from drug overuse, to fatigue, weight loss, and sexually transmitted disease symptoms. It is obvious that many deaths ascribed to AIDS are simply deaths from a debauched lifestyle imbibing chemical poisons. One can also add the deaths from anal and gay sex.
Contrary to the disturbing and mentally ill propaganda around all things queer, anal sex can cause a myriad of issues and diseases. Anal sex can lead to a torn rectum which by itself can cause death through rectal bleeding. Anal sex is linked with syphilis and a variety of contagious sexually transmitted diseases which can also cause death. Rectal cancer is a known outcome from anal sex, as are extended issues which affect the rest of the body including genitalia, urethra, the throat and eyes. Anal sex can thus generate a wide variety of illnesses and even death.
Anal sex, lifestyles ignored
‘The Science’ of course now proclaims the benefices of anal sex and attributes the dead and injured from anal sex and related diseases to ‘AIDS’. When you combine the sexually profligate and aberrant lifestyle of many gays with drugs, you have all the ingredients needed for an ‘epidemic’ or high death rate in that community.
Putting such a community under a microscope and monitoring ‘death tickers’ from AIDS only serves to propagate the idea of an ‘epidemic’. If 50.000 gays in any given year are falsely declared to be ‘HIV’ positive, and within that group 10% die of ‘AIDS’ (i.e. from anything), you can proclaim a disaster, even if in reality the affected are less than 1% of the entire gay population in the US and the causal factors of their deaths unrelated to the non-existent HIV ‘virus’.
Given the ease of access to popper and opioids and the glorification of gay anal sex, deaths from the queer lifestyle will continue to proliferate and will continue to be ascribed to AIDS. We can also include deaths from AZT and HAART, vigorously denied by the cult of ‘safe and effective’. Yet it is incontrovertible that these drugs kill people. Once you have tested ‘positive’ and are on the drug program you are ‘confirmed’ to be suffering from HIV-AIDS and if you die from any factor whatsoever including from the drugs, from rectal cancer, or syphilis, the death is registered as ‘AIDS’. As with Corona and the stabbinations, the cures can never be blamed. That would be bad for business.
Real control groups?
It should be simple enough to have a control experiment to prove if AIDS deaths are actually deaths from other causes. Take and monitor a group of gays bereft of drug usage and who avoid anal and gay sex over many years. Compare that group to the opposite. Control for variables including age, gender, general health, diet, exercise, work environments, pre-existing conditions, exposures to chemicals etc.
If the subjects become ill or if they die, assess why. Undoubtedly, if we normalise and control all variables and factors, with all things being equal, the ‘clean’ control group would have far fewer cases of HIV or death from AIDS. It is not that hard to do, yet not a single such experiment or comparison has been done by ‘The Science’. Why is that?
Peter Duesberg
Peter Duesberg, an eminent US cancer researcher and member of the US National Academy of Science, declaimed against the religious tenet that HIV = AIDS = Death. In 1987, Duesberg began to question the entire premise that HIV existed or was related in any way to AIDS. Needless to say he was calumnied and slandered by ‘The Science’. Duesberg questioned the narrative pointing out that no one had proven that AIDS or its many manifestations and symptoms, was caused by a single ‘AIDS virus’. He went through the ‘science’ behind AIDS and called all of it a fraud, producing the seminal work, ‘Inventing the AIDS virus’ in 1998. He was butchered in the fake news and science media as a ‘denialist’.
Duesberg derided the cell cultures, manufactured in labs, as fraudulent, providing no proof of a natural ‘virus’ transmitted either zoonotically or between humans. He reasoned that no animal models or experiments existed to prove that HIV caused AIDS, or that HIV could be transmitted through contact. Duesberg pointed out that the rather inane ‘Koch postulates’ used to determine the cause and effect of a disease theorem (in which Koch’s own ridiculous identification of the tuberculosis virus arising from a horse fails to satisfy), were also unsatisfied.
‘The Science’ and its fake news propaganda arm of course attacked ‘unbelievers’ like Duesberg as uninformed ignoramuses who did not respect the ‘consensus’ belief that HIV meant AIDS and that if you tested positive for HIV it was a death sentence – unless you took their drugs. In fact, pace Duesberg, no proof has ever been given of the following – which can also be stated of SARS II and the Corona ‘virus’:
1. -Origination of HIV (within simians in Africa, where does HIV ‘hide’ in the simians?)
2. -Zoonotic transference of HIV from simians to humans through any sort of contact
3. -Diffusion of this virus from infected humans in West Africa to North America and beyond to the world at large, through any variety of contact
4. -An isolated, purified HIV virus, which can be passed on through sexual contact
5. -DNA or RNA genetic or genomic structure and details of the HIV virus, within those who suffered from ‘HIV’ or ‘AIDS’
6. -Independent validity of antibody, or PCR testing related to HIV and RNA genes
7. -Long term studies and control group trial comparisons of AZT and HAART drug therapy proving them ‘safe and effective’ against ‘AIDS’
8. -An explanation as to why HIV and AIDS did not ‘jump’ from the gay community to the heterosexual given the supposed bisexuality of many gays and cross gender sexual contact
9. -Why HIV ‘positive’ cases who avoided drug therapy did not die of AIDS
The Fake Tests
As with the Corona plandemic, fake tests were and still are used, to detect ‘AIDS. The same diagnostic tooling used during the Corona fascism was first deployed during the AIDS scamdemic including: 1) Antibody tests for HIV; 2) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) viral load tests and 3) Helper cell counts (called ‘T’ cells and the subgroup CD4). Given how wonderfully these frauds worked for the AIDS ‘epidemic’ why not use them for the Corona scamdemic?
HIV antibody tests are based on an antigen-antibody theory, which assumes that the immune system ‘fights’ against the proteins from HIV called antigens. These foreign antigens trigger a response which creates antibodies. The obvious problem is that given the lack of evidence for the HIV virus, there is no possibility to establish the presence or absence of HIV 1 or 2 in human blood. The tests could in fact react to anything including other diseases. False positives are legion and ignored.
PCR tests are just as useless as antibody tests. Without proof of the HIV ‘virus’ there is nothing to measure. The PCR technology with its amplification complexity which few understand, does not pick up the entire genome but only fragments. It then tries to determine if there is a ‘load’ of certain DNA, RNA genes from the ‘virus’. If the HIV genomic structure is unknown, what genes are you trying to identify?
Given that HIV has never been isolated, its nucleic acids cannot be used in PCR load testing which is based on complex amplification cycles. As with Corona, the higher the amplification sample, the higher the possibility of a false positive. A 2006 JAMA study stated that viral load analysis is only able to predict HIV ‘positives’ in 4 to 6% of all cases. In other words, it is useless.
In 1987 the anti-retro-viral drug AZT was repurposed from ‘cancer’ to ‘AIDS’. In 1995 a multiple combination therapy drug called HAART (highly active anti-retroviral therapy) was created. ‘The Science’ made sure to issue ejaculative and laudatory declamations of these wondrous examples of ‘scientific genius’. Today these anti-viral concoctions supply some U$ 30 billion per annum in global revenues to big pharma and its business partner, governments and their agencies around the world. There is no cure for ‘AIDS’ but plenty of profits from the drugs to ‘slow it down’.
By the mid-1990s AZT dosage was set at 1500 mg a day. It was noticed that those taking the drug died within a short period of time. AZT accelerates the destruction of T4 cells, which can lead to death. It is not a remedy but a toxic poison, akin to chemo-‘therapy’. AZT dosage was therefore reduced to 500 mg, but the death rate was still high.
‘Cases’ who eschewed the drugs and got on with life and survived, were ignored by ‘The Science’. Many of those labelled as HIV infected, never took the prescribed drugs and lived. No one in ‘The Science’ cared to explain why. The answer was usually that they cleaned up their lifestyles, quit the drugs, the profligate sex and repaired their diets, sleep regimes and physical health.
The CDC admitted that maybe 10% of those ‘infected’ took the drugs over a sustained period. Many took the drugs and then feeling worse or very ill, stopped. The mortality rate after taking the drugs was much higher than in those who refused (Virus Mania, pp 143-45). The US agencies also used innocent children as guinea pigs for drug experimentation leading to death and injury, but no criminal convictions, jail time or even apologies were issued (think Fauci and the slaughter of beagles).
Safe and Effective (sound familiar?)
By the mid-1990s, just in the US alone, some 250,000 people a year were diagnosed with HIV and by extension AIDS. Quite a market. Many of these ‘cases’ were issued AZT and after 1995 some were given HAART. Positive tests were constantly redefined of course (as they would be with Corona). In the mid-1990s a ‘positive’ test consisted of blood samples or antibody tests with less than 200 CD4 cells per microliter of blood (Virus Mania, p. 144). What this means in reality was never explained, nor was any proof offered that having say 150 CD4 cells/microliter of blood meant you had HIV or AIDS. It sounds sciency, so must be true. All hail.
As with Corona no long-term studies were undertaken as to drug efficacy or impact on mortality and health (Virus Mania, pp. 150-153). In fact, no scientific and clinical trials were ever held for AZT or HAART. Fauci in 1988 on Good Morning America blatantly lied when asked why AZT had been authorised for use. Fauci, a sociopath, had no trouble being dishonest when he said that AZT was the only drug that had ‘been shown in scientifically controlled trials to be safe and effective’. Safe and effective. That sounds familiar. Of course no such controlled trials existed.
Impact on real people
Can you imagine the husband innocent of sexual debauchery, who due to many reasons might have symptoms related to ‘AIDS’, being diagnosed by a pharma-remunerated and incentivised ‘doctor’ to take the fake tests, which subsequently indicate a false positive and that he has HIV-AIDS? What would any wife think other than the husband had lain with prostitutes or other sexually prodigious creatures? How many marriages or relationships were ended due to this debacle of mendacity and criminality, actuated through fake tests? How many dead from the drugs, the ‘treatment’, or from the mental anguish of being labelled as an ‘AIDS’ sufferer?
Misery, destruction, loathing, injury and death have thus been visited upon millions of people trapped in this illicit web of lies and deceit. Even today in Africa, AIDS is still a huge business and is still actively destroying thousands of lives and families. Yet nary an ‘expert’ or ‘concerned citizen’ knows or cares. Most just assume that Fauci et al ‘saved’ everyone from a terrifying ‘virus’ passed on by sexual contact. The same mindless belief was expressed during the Corona scamdemic.
(HIV-AIDS is a market)
Bottom Line
The Scientism of AIDS and the infallibility of the Church of $cience, with its ‘miraculous cures’ to save all from an ‘epidemic’, was a template for Corona. AIDS is an artificially created and manufactured ‘disease’ which is just a general category encompassing a wide variety of illnesses and symptoms. Peter Duesberg was correct, AIDS is a market not a disease:
AIDS has generated $500 billion or more in revenues and associated profits for the pharmaceutical-government mafia complex much of it based on fake tests.
Another $500 billion has been poured into fake ‘Research’ which has produced precisely nothing of any value to fight the inchoate threat of ‘AIDS’.
Entire countries and their ‘institutions’ and media can be bought just from the largesse of AIDS alone. More than enough profits were produced by the AIDS scamdemic to finance the Corona plandemic and buy and guarantee actor acquiescence across the globe. The criminality is breathtaking:
As with smallpox, SARS II, or any purported virus, no proof has ever been offered that HIV exists, or if it did or does, why and how it causes ‘AIDS’.
No proof of an isolated, purified HIV ‘virus’ in simians or humans who suffer from ‘AIDS’, can be provided by any agency in any country, anywhere in the world.
No reasonable definition of AIDS exists, and its symptoms run across every possible illness or disease.
Gays and drug users were targeted due to their lifestyles and general poor health and their susceptibility to generate positives from fake tests.
The Fake tests given to ‘prove’ that people had HIV-AIDS have never confirmed that an HIV ‘virus’, DNA, RNA or genomic content from such a ‘virus’ exists.
No long term studies have been done on AZT, HAART, or interventions and protocols related to ‘AIDS’ treatment, including death and injury from the drugs and remedies.
Deaths from the drugs, poppers, amyl nitrate, drug overdoses, opioid addiction, anal sex, cancer, rectal bleeding, syphilis, and lifestyle choices leading to a wide variety of disease and debilitation, were and are categorised as ‘AIDS’.
AIDS is therefore a massive criminal operation which has murdered tens of thousands of people. Families, marriages and lives have been assassinated due to a false positive HIV ‘test’. Queers have often felt the sharp end of acerbic marginalisation and blame for the contagion. All for the benefit of criminals like Fauci, pharma directors, shareholders, governments and their ‘health’ agencies around the world.
Factors Known to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results
Anti-carbohydrate antibodies
Naturally-occurring antibodies
Passive immunization: receipt of gamma globulin or immune globulin (as prophylaxis against infection which contains antibodies)
Mycobacterium avium
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Renal (kidney) failure
Hemodialysis/renal failure
Alpha interferon therapy in hemodialysis patients
Flu vaccination
Herpes simplex I
Herpes simplex II
Upper respiratory tract infection (cold or flu)
Recent viral infection or exposure to viral vaccines
Pregnancy in multiparous women
High levels of circulating immune complexes
Hypergammaglobulinemia (high levels of antibodies)
False positives on other tests, including RPR (rapid plasma reagent) test for syphilis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Hepatitis B vaccinationTetanus vaccination
Organ transplantation
Renal transplantation
Anti-lymphocyte antibodies
Anti-collagen antibodies (found in gay men, haemophiliacs, Africans of both sexes and people with leprosy)
Serum-positive for rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody (both found in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoantibodies)
Autoimmune diseases
Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, connective tissue disease, dermatomyositis
Acute viral infections, DNA viral infections
Malignant neoplasms (cancers)
Alcoholic hepatitis /alcoholic liver disease
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
"Sticky" blood (in Africans)
Antibodies with a high affinity for polystyrene (used in the test kits)
Blood transfusions, multiple blood transfusions
Multiple myeloma
HLA antibodies (to Class I and II leukocyte antigens)
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Anti-parietal cell antibody
Anti-hepatitis A IgM (antibody)Anti-Hbc IgM
Administration of human immunoglobulin preparations pooled before 1985
Haematologic malignant disorders /lymphoma
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Q-fever with associated hepatitis
Heat-treated specimens
Lipemic serum (blood with high levels of fat or lipids)
Haemolyzed serum (blood where haemoglobin is separated from the red cells)
Globulins produced during polyclonal gammopathies (which are seen in AIDS risk groups)
Healthy individuals as a result of poorly understood cross-reactions
Normal human ribonucleoproteins
Other retroviruses
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Anti-nuclear antibodies
Anti-microsomal antibodies
T-cell leukocyte antigen antibodies
Proteins on the filter paper
Epstein-Barr virus
Visceral Ieishmaniasis
Receptive anal sex
$cientism: The Perth Group and the HIV fraud
$cience and the HIV 'virus' - another scam to create a U$ 500 billion industry?
K. Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, 1998, pp 171-4
Dr Sam Bailey et al. ‘Virus Mania’. 2021, 3rd edition
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very impresive article/post very professional you completely make your point only a fool would disagree ------i was very excited to learn that Gary Mullins wrote a book i am looking forward to reading it and i did not know he won the noble prize ---------- the joy of learning never ends thank you ------- Cheers Mate !!!!!